The Billionaire’s Bride by L. Steele



I slide out of bed and my core hurts. I head toward the bathroom and other parts of me protest. I step under the shower and the heat soothes away the ache in my tired muscles. I get out of the shower, brush my teeth, then head for the closet. The clothes that Archer brought me earlier are still in the suitcase he delivered to me. I pull out fresh underwear. Thank God, Isla had been able to get it for me. It would have been mortifying if it had been Archer who had to pack the bag; not that either of the men would have let him do that. Both of them are too possessive to tolerate that. No wonder Baron had agreed to my calling Isla. They must have realized it was the only way they could get fresh clothes over to me. I finish dressing in a skirt and a blouse, then pull a thick pullover on top, finishing off with a pair of thick socks, before walking down the steps.

I enter the kitchen to find Baron tapping away on his phone at the dining table. Edward’s at the stove, making breakfast. The scent of whatever he is cooking wafts over to me. My stomach grumbles. The toaster pops and he pulls out the bread and places it on a plate.

Baron glances up when I enter. His features brighten. He rises to his feet, walks over and kisses me on my cheek. Huh? No demanding kiss on the lips? When was the last time he did something this innocent?

"Eve," he rumbles, "did you sleep well?"

I can’t stop the blush that rises to my cheeks.

He peers into my face and his lips quirk, "So you did sleep well."

I nod.

"Good." He leads me to the table, pulls out a chair for me, then eases it back in after I am seated.

"Ava." Edward walks over to place a fully-loaded plate in front of me. "Did you get some rest?" He bends, kisses me on the forehead, then pours some orange juice for me.

Baron heads over to the coffee maker and returns with a steaming mug of coffee. He places in front of me. I glance down at my breakfast, then between the two of them.

"Wow," I mutter, "that’s some service, you guys."

"Only the best for my girl." Baron squeezes my shoulder before sitting down.

Edward points at my plate, "Eat, you must be starved."

"The way the two of you constantly go on about my eating, you are going to have to roll me out of here."

"I don’t see an issue with that." Edward looks me up and down and heat sears my cheeks. I glance away, devoting myself to my breakfast.

Baron puts his phone aside, accepts the plate that Edward sets down in front of him. Then, Edward takes his place and the three of us eat in silence. When I’ve managed to put away most of the omelette and the toast and fruit salad, I pick up my coffee, wait until the guys have finished eating.

"So," I ask when Baron sets down his fork, "are we going to address the elephant in the room?"

"If you’re talking about Ed, here, I see him more as a rhino."

"A rhino?" I blink.

"He constantly butts in where he’s not needed and tramples over everything." Baron smirks.

"I rather see myself more as a cheetah." Edward yawns.

"And I’m what, a lion?" Baron’s grin widens.

"And I’m confused." I glance between them. "Aren’t you two supposed to hate each other?"

"Temporary truce." Baron raises his shoulder, "You have to admit, that entire going at each other's throats dynamic was getting a little passé."

"And that was a good diversion," I scowl, "but as I was saying earlier, aren’t we going to talk about—?"

"No." Baron shakes his head.

"Nope." Edward scowls.

I gape, "You don’t even know what I am going to—"

Baron holds up his hand. "We’re never talking about it." He exchanges a glance with Edward, who nods.

"Never," he agrees.

"So…" I set down my mug of coffee, "let me get this right." I glance between them. "We are not going to talk about what happened last night?"

"What happened last night?" Baron fixes me with that impenetrable gaze.

"Yeah, do enlighten us." Edward tilts his head.

I can’t believe this. They are going to make me recap the details. Jerks. Fine, if they think I am going to back down from it, they have another think coming. "I slept," I glance at Baron, "with you," I turn to Edward, "and with you." I glance between them and wave my arms, "at the same time."

"And it’s not happening again," Baron says in a hard voice.

"Never again," Edward emphasizes, "and that’s the last we are ever going to refer to it."

I throw up my hands. ”There you two go again, doing the thing…you do…"

"What?" Baron scowls.

"Excuse me?" Edward arches an eyebrow, all cold and mean-like.

Well, whatever. This time, their over-the-top sexiness is not going to distract me.

"When it suits you, the two of you unite against me, and when it doesn’t, you decide to fight over me."

"Which is stopping right now," Edward drawls.

"It is?"

Baron nods, "We’re done behaving in such an immature fashion."

I snort, "Famous last words."

"We mean it this time." Edward leans forward, "We had a talk this morning."

I push back my chair and jump up, "Another talk? And once more, I am not part of it?"

"You were tired." Edward scowls. "We let you sleep in."

"Oh, you let me sleep in." I scoff. "If you expect me to thank you, prepare to be disappointed," I snap. "Besides, who’s fault is it that I was tired?" At their blank looks, I continue. "I handled the both of you, at once, Jesus, do you know how difficult that was for me?"

"I don’t know, babe," Baron mutters, "from what I saw, you enjoyed yourself tremendously."

"Asshole." I pale. "The both of you... Fuckers. Wankers. Tossers of the first order." My chest heaves, "I hate both of you. I wish I’d never met either of you."

"Done having your tantrum?" Baron says in a cold voice that, honestly, pushes me over the edge.

"Done?" I glance between them. "No, I am not done." I grab my plate with the remnants of my breakfast and smash it to the floor. Neither of them reacts. Oh, yeah? That’s how it’s going to be, is it? I seize Baron’s plate with his leftovers and throw it down, reach for Edward’s plate when he grabs my arm. "Let me go," I snarl, "let me the fuck go."

"Sit down, Eve," Baron snaps.


"Do it, or I’ll make you." I shoot him a sideways glance, take in his hard features, the tic of his jaw, the nerve that throbs at his temple. I hold his gaze and his blue eyes turn even colder. Chips of ice that can burn me, cut through me, slice me to the bone and I’d never be able to stop him. Never. I release my hold on Edward’s plate, sink down into the chair.

Baron pushes a glass of water toward me. "Drink," he orders.

I lift the glass and my fingers tighten around it. I so want to throw it in his face.

"Don’t," Edward says in a mild tone.

I glare at him, take a few sips, then keep it down.

His lips twist, "Now we talk."