The Billionaire’s Bride by L. Steele



"Talk?" I purse my lips, "I thought the two of you said that you would never again discuss what happened last night."

"We’re not doing it again Eve," Baron rumbles. "That was a one-off."

"Oh, why is that?" I stare at him. "Because you two decided so?"

"Among other things." He nods, and I blow out a breath, "See, this is the problem, the two of you deciding things that concern me, without keeping me in the picture."

"We let you decide how to manage the situation first, and see what happened then?"

I pale. "That…that’s not fair," I say in a low voice. "I tried my best to be fair. I tried to figure out how best to allocate my time between the two of you."

"And it made you miserable." Edward leans forward, "You were torn apart and unhappy. You put so much stress on yourself that you stopped finding enjoyment in life."”

"Not true." Actually, it is. That entire phase of trying to be with each of them separately, only to feel guilty when each became jealous of the time I spent with the other was nerve-wracking.

"Exactly," Baron nods, "which is why we are taking the onus off of you."

"I thought that’s what bringing me here was about."

"That was for your safety," Edward clarifies.

"And both of you sleeping with me at the same time?" I frown. "What was that?"

The two exchange glances, then Baron turns to me, "That was a one-off."

"A one-off?"

"It was…" he blows out a breath, "inevitable."

"Inevitable?" I scowl. "You could be a little more complimentary about the experience."

"Fucking you is as close as it gets to a spiritual experience," Edward growls. "Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"It’s like coming home," Baron snaps, "but you know that already."

"Oh," I mumble, and my cheeks burn again. Shit, I am not used to this… I mean, sleeping with the both of them was…like…mind-blowing. But talking about it? Hell… My pussy clenches, my backhole hurts, and every part of me seems to come alive. My heart begins to thud in my chest. Shit, just thinking about it…is sending my libido into overdrive. "And it is…an experience I am never going to forget."

"But it won't happen again," Baron growls. "You understand?"

"Either we sleep with you individually, or not at all," Edward grumbles.

"And for now, we choose not at all," Baron interjects.

"Wait," I blink, "what do you mean?"

"It means, for the moment, sex is off the table," Edward murmurs.

"Neither of us is gonna shag you," Baron clarifies.

"B…but, why?" I grip the edge of the table. "I mean…are you two sure you can go without shagging?"

They glare at each other, then both nod.

"Yes," Edward rolls his shoulders, "I can."

"I’ll make it work," Baron mutters.

"But…why?" I drag my fingers through my hair, "I don’t understand the rationale behind this decision."

"Sex only confuses the issue," Edward offers. "I should know, right?" he says in a self-deprecating voice. "Apparently, the Church was onto something, in this respect, at least."

"This way, that particular source of tension is dispelled. So, you can focus on the individuals." Baron drums his fingers on the table. "We can all focus on the relationship aspect instead. Gives us the opportunity to think with a clear head."

"Do I get a say in this?" I glance between them.

Baron sets his jaw.

Edward folds his arms across his chest.

"No, don’t answer that." I raise my hand, "You’ve already made up your minds, and of course, why does what I think about it matter?"

"You know, it’s the right thing to do," Baron says softly. "You do, Eve."

"It will help you in coming to a decision faster." Edward reaches for my hand and I pull away. He frowns and I firm lips. Just because they are right, doesn’t mean I am going to let them know that I agree, right?

"Fine." I rise to my feet. "Whatever."

"So, you’re okay with this?" Baron asks cautiously.

"Do I have a choice?"

"No," Edward replies. "No, you don’t."

"Well then," I raise a shoulder, "there’s nothing left to say anymore."

Turning, I storm out of the kitchen. I suppose I should help them clean up the mess I created, but too bad. Since they are making all of the decisions, they can handle this on their own.

I head back to my room, unpack the rest of my clothes, put them away, have a long bath, wash my hair and dry it, take a nap. When Baron peeks his head inside and asks me to have lunch with them, I refuse. For once, he doesn’t insist and I’m both relieved and pissed off. I mean, he’d never have allowed me to go hungry nor would Edward… And now, they are letting me stew here on my own? Gah!

As the day wears on, I can’t bear being locked up in here further.

I grab my hip-scarf from the closet—thank God, Isla had packed it for me—then I head down to the studio. I shut the door, pull up the playlist to a medium beat song, one that I can stretch to, and ease into a rhythm. By the time I am on my third song, my heart is pumping and sweat beads my brow. I throw myself into a choreographed routine that I’ve been working on, in the hope that I can professionally compete someday.

I shimmy my shoulders, grind my hips, raise my arms, allow the music to sink into my blood as I move my body to the beats. I close my eyes, twirl again and again, and once more. I throw back my hair, tip up my chin and see Edward at the doorway. I continue to dance, undulate my shoulders, lift my hips, drop them heavily, then lean into a lighter half-drop.

His gaze narrows. The beat on the track kicks in.

I lift my hips upward and slightly forward in a strong, accented move. Activate the outside of my thigh and my hip to give the movement oomph, drop slightly, then lift again.

His chest rises and falls. He takes a step forward, then another.

Sweat trickles down between my breasts. I shift my weight from leg to leg, straighten my supporting knee, and release the other, then slide my hip out to the side, then back.

He swallows, closing the distance between us. He places his big palms on my hips, then sinks to his knees. I continue to lift one hip and drop, then the next, and the first.

A groan rips from him. He stares at my curves, slides his palm down to cup my butt cheeks. A moan slips from my lips. I keep moving, lift and drop, thrust to the side and drop. He doesn’t release me. He leans in and presses his cheek against my stomach. The warmth of him sears me through the clothes I am wearing. I dig my fingers into his hair and tug. Urge him to look up.

He glances at me from under his long sooty eye lashes. "You slay me, Eve," he whispers. "You are my downfall and my saving grace."

"Oh, Ed." I sink down to my knees, cup his face, "I love you, Ed."

He leans in close enough for our eyelashes to tangle. The music winds down, then switches off completely. Our noses bump and we share breath. My heart begins to pound in my chest.

"Edward." I whisper, and he stares down at my lips.

"I want to kiss you, Eve."

"Do it." I swallow and my throat hurts. "Do it, Ed."

His lips part, then he raises his gaze to meet mine. "I can’t."

He rises to his feet. "I’m sorry, Eve, but you understand, right?"

"No" I jump to my feet. "I fucking don’t."

"You heard us earlier; no sex."

"Fuck that." I curl my fingers into fists. "Fuck the stupid, idiotic condition you guys have laid down."

"I can’t," he mutters. "We all agreed."

"No, the two of you agreed." I throw up my hands. "Oh, for fuck’s sake."

I brush past him, out the door, and run into Baron. He stares at me, then at Ed, a strange look in his eyes.

"What?" I snap. "What do you want?"

"Eve, please." I hear Edward approach, and fuck, I really don’t want to talk to either of them now. I brush past Baron, take the steps two at a time. I reach my room, slam the door and bolt it, then throw myself on the bed.

"Bloody hell." I bury my face in my pillow. This entire situation is untenable. I really have to get away from them. Just be on my own, get a respite from this crazy sexual tension that’s always there when I am with either of them. It’s just not possible that I am so attracted to both… That I can’t make up my mind if I prefer one over the other.

Someone knocks on the door.

"Go the fuck away," I growl.

"You missed lunch," Baron calls out.

"I am not hungry."

"I am leaving your plate by the door."

"Go away," I yell, then bury my face in my pillow again. Exhausted, I fall asleep, and when I awake next, the light is fading outside. My stomach grumbles. I slide off the bed, walk to the entrance and open my bedroom door. I glance outside, then on the floor. On a tray near the door is a covered plate. I snatch it up, shut the door, then sit on a table near the window and polish off the sandwich. It’s a little soggy, but still delicious.

Wonder who made it? Baron or Edward? Probably, Edward made it, and Baron brought it to me. Gah! The two of them have a certain understanding between them that comes from having known each other for years. There's animosity between them, no doubt, but they seem to be getting along better than ever. And hell, if I am not beginning to think fondly of both of them. This, despite the fact that both of them feel that they have the right to order me around.

Shit. I really need to find a way out of here. If I can get to the main road, I can hitchhike back, right? Why couldn’t the alphaholes have trusted me enough to give me a phone? Well, this is why… Because I’d have found a way out of here much faster. Damn it, why can’t they treat me like I can make up my own mind? Because I can’t? After all, I am still dithering over which one of them is my ‘one’? Bloody hell, all this thinking is definitely not helping me any. I jump up, begin to pace. I only have to stay awake until they go to bed. And then I can leave.

I can try to find the keys to Baron’s SUV…and then drive away. They might hear me leave, but that’s okay. They don’t have another mode of transportation. By the time they figure out a backup plan, I’ll be long gone.

They haven’t mentioned any security around the place. I haven’t seen anything either. Bet they thought keeping an eye on me was enough, right? Would it be safe, though? Is it safer to stay here? Not for my sanity, at any rate. I am done bending to their will. It’s time for me to strike out, assert my independence. I’ve come this far, haven’t I? I’ve forged my own way in the world, despite everyone telling me I couldn’t make it. I’m only twenty-one, and an entrepreneur already. I founded my studio, cultivated a successful clientele… I can do this.

An hour later, I am dressed in jeans and a shirt, with a jacket. I still have my handbag, so I pull out my wallet, check the money I have, and my credit cards. Yeah, I’ll be okay. I pace a little, glance out of the window, wait. A few hours later, I hear the sound of footsteps ascending the stairs. The footsteps approach, stop outside my door. Then there’s a knock.

"Ava," Edward calls, "are you coming to dinner?"

"I’m not hungry," I call back.

"Did you eat your lunch?"

"Yes," I snap, “now go away."

"You still sulking?"

"What do you think?"

"If you come down, we could provide you with free entertainment."

"If you mean the two of you bashing each other up," I snort, "you forget, I’ve seen that already."

There’s silence, then he says, "We only want what’s best for you, Eve."

"You’re not my parents," I yell, realizing as the words leave my mouth that I sound like a spoiled child. "Now, go away."

I sense rather than hear him sigh. "I’ll leave dinner outside the door for you." A few minutes later, I hear his return and the sound of a tray being placed on the floor. Then, his footsteps recede.

I wait another half-hour before I peek out the door, grab the food and demolish it. The pasta is yummy. Shit, Edward can cook. Or was that Baron? I know he can cook, but there's so much more I don’t know about him. I can stay, of course, and get to know him better. And then what? I’ll still be as confused as I am now. And honestly, I can’t bear that anymore. I can’t.

I pace a little more before finally laying down on the bed. When I awaken again, it’s completely dark outside. I slip on my shoes, slide my wallet into my back pocket, then crack the door open. It’s dark outside and the doors of the other two rooms are closed. I walk across the landing, down the stairs. One of the steps creaks. I freeze, wait… Nothing moves. I blow out a breath I hadn’t been aware I was holding, then walk down, past the living room, to the table near the front door, where I’d seen Baron toss the keys. The bowl is empty. Shit.

I glance around the living room, head for the coffee table. Nothing. I walk down to the room that doubles as Baron’s study, crack the door open, peer inside. It’s dark. Good. I walk across to the desk, and spot them. There, next to his laptop. I snatch the key fob, retrace my steps to the front door. I swing it open, slowly, expecting something. Maybe alarm bells to go off?

Nothing moves. An owl hoots somewhere and the wind rustles the leaves of the trees. The house is silent. I step out, close the door behind me, then reach the car. I press the key fob, and the door beeps open. Shit, the beep is too loud. I’m sure they definitely heard that, right? I glance at the still silent house, but there’s no movement. I open the door to the driver’s side, haul myself inside. Adjust the seat, then start the car. Sweat beads my palms and my hands slip on the steering wheel. Shit, shit, shit.

Keeping the headlights off, I grasp the wheel tighter, then ease the car down the short driveway, and onto the country road. I drive carefully, then when l I feel confident enough, I switch on the headlights. I steer the car down the narrow road, until I reach the highway. A car whizzes by. I glance both ways, accelerate onto the main road, and head in the direction of London.

I speed up, keep a look-out in the rearview mirror. The road is empty. I blow out a breath, peer through the windshield at the road ahead. Cars pass by, and I continue on. A few more minutes pass and my muscles relax. Maybe…maybe I’ll make it. Even if they do catch up with me… Well, big deal… Maybe they’ll punish me… I smirk… More likely, they’ll lock me up in the room like an errant child. Seriously, those guys need to get a life. If only they had included me in their decision-making, maybe I’d have stayed. Maybe not. I glance up at the rearview mirror and freeze. Headlights light up the space behind me. Shit. I step down on the accelerator and the car behind me speeds up too. I accelerate further; the car keeps pace. Shit, could it be them? I can make out two passengers in the front of the car, but they are too far for me to see their features. Shit, how the hell could they have gotten hold of a car that quickly?

I glance at the road, then back at the mirror, to find the car gaining on me. Shit, shit, shit. I accelerate further, and the car behind me increases its speed. Hell, ugh! I can’t lose this round… Not that it’s a competition, but I have my pride. I am going to outrun them if it’s the last thing I do. I step on the accelerator, grip the steering wheel more tightly. The SUV leaps forward. The headlights light up the road and there, straight-ahead, eyes stare back at me. I scream, swerve to miss the deer. The brakes screech and the car hits the bank of the road, hurtles down the short slope. A tree looms ahead, there’s a loud bang, then everything goes dark.