The Billionaire’s Bride by L. Steele



"What the fuck is that?"

I stare through the windshield at the smoke that rises into the air. Edward leans forward, peering through the windshield. "Fuck." He presses down on the accelerator and the car leaps forward. He negotiates the winding country road, screeching around the next corner, as I fix my gaze on the plumes of black smoke.

"If anything happens to her, I’ll never forgive myself," I reach for the phone, dial 999. As soon as the operator comes on the line I give them the location of the fire, then hang up.

Edward clutches the steering wheel, the skin stretching white across his knuckles. "F-u-c-k!" he yells. "This is fucked up; why the hell would they want to harm her?"

"To get to us?"

"We were wrong in not discussing everything openly with her." He slams his fist on the steering wheel and the car wobbles.

I brace myself against the door, staying focused on the scene ahead, "If we get her out unhurt… I’ll…" I can’t bring myself to say it. I can’t walk away from her, can I? But I’d heard her tell Edward that she loved him. That must mean something, right? I should have walked away when Edward had asked me to. I hadn't, and now, here she is, likely trapped in the burning house.

"Fuck." I grab my hair and tug on it. "She’s going to be fine; she has to be fine."

Edward careens around the next corner, pulls into the driveway of the house. I’ve unbuckled my belt and jumped out before the vehicle has come to a stop. I race toward the doorway, Edward in on my heels.

I try to push open the door and it doesn’t budge. I put my shoulder to it and it barely moves. "Motherfucker."

Edward notches his shoulder against the door "On my count: one, two three…" We put our strength behind it and the door shudders.

"Once more," he grunts. "One, two three…"

We smash our shoulders against the door and it creaks, groans, then comes away at the hinges. We stamp across the fallen door, into the hallway. Smoke fills the hallway, and I cough. Heat sears my skin, sweat beads my forehead.

"Fuck." My heart pumps in my chest like it wants to escape. "This is not good."

"Where the fuck could she be?" Edward cries.

We stare around the space. "I’ll take the stairs, you check the rooms on this floor."

"Hurry," he urges me.

We split up, I race for the steps, hit the landing on the first floor. Glance down the corridor and swear. Smoke swirls across the space. I tear off my jacket, hold it to my nose. Four rooms; there are four on this floor.

Ahead, flames zip up the doorframe. The door catches fire then crashes to the floor. The sound sweeps through my mind—the zing of bullets, the cries of soldiers. All of it overwhelms me. My stomach churns, bile boils up my throat. Images flood my mind and I am powerless to stop the flashback.

Smoke, so much smoke, so thick that I can’t see in front of me. My foot brushes something. I glance down, take in the charred body. My guts twist. Bile splashes up my throat. I swallow down the acidic taste, grip my gun, keep going. I can’t see my hand in front of my face. Cries fill the space, more bullets, the thump of bodies hitting the ground. I keep my gaze trained forward. Keep moving. I just need to get to the other side. A bullet whizzes past me. My pulse rate ratchets up. Adrenaline laces my blood. I train my gun, take aim and fire. And again. And again.

There’s a touch on my shoulder and I snap out of the memory. I turn to find Edward next to me.

"She’s not on the ground floor." He coughs. "I am going to search the rooms on the top floor." He peers into my face, "You got this?"

"Yeah." I swallow.

I pull away, head for the first room, kick down the door, and see it’s empty. Head for the second one, step through the doorway. Smoke fills the space. I cough, try to draw a breath and my lungs burn. The smoke parts, I glance around the space, realize she’s not here. I race down the corridor, and up the stairs. As I reach the landing, I hear Edward cry out, "I found her."

I spring forward, toward the only room with an open door. I dash through the smoke, to find him bent over a prone figure tied to an upturned chair.

"Fuck." I rush to him, drop to my knees.

"Found her unconscious," he murmurs, as he unties the ropes on her feet.

I reach for the knots that tether her wrists together. My fingers slip. I swear, draw in a breath, then pick at the knot again. It loosens. I pull the rope apart, attack the second knot, which falls away. I tug at the rope again and it slackens enough for me to pull it down and off of her.

She slips from the chair and I grab her just as Ed completes untying the ropes on her feet. I haul her up in my arms, move toward the door just as a stack of fabric near the doorway catch fire.

I’ve barely made it through before a lick of fire flares up behind me. I turn, to find Edward on my heels. Behind him the doorframe is on fire. I head for the stairs and am halfway down the last flight when I realize Edward is not with me. I turn to find him frozen at the top of the stairs. What the hell? I retrace my way up the stairs, and pause a couple of steps below him, "Edward," I yell, "What's wrong?"

Sweat beads his forehead, his gaze is focused on a point in the distance. His muscles are locked, and he seems frozen, in shock? Shit, "Edward!" I growl, "Get a grip, man." I step up next to him, nudge him with my shoulder, "Ed! Jesus Christ, man, snap the fuck out of it."

He blinks, then turns his gaze on me, "Baron?" He murmurs, before his gaze moves to the woman in my arms.

"Go," he gestures, "get her to safety."

"Oh, I will, I promise, but you are coming."

He tilts his head, "I can't."

"The fuck you mean?"

"I must atone for my sins."

"Sins? What sins are you talking about?"

"I gave him up and now I must pay my due." His voice is without inflection as if he is in a dream, or in shock? "This is not the fucking time to have a crisis of faith." I snap, "You need to come with me, now."

He shakes his head, "Take her out of here, Baron."

Behind us, something crashes to the floor and the entire building seems to shudder.

"Fuck." I glare at him, "I am not leaving without you."

"Ava." His voice grows haunted. He glances down at her again, then back at my face. "She's the priority here."

I hesitate.

"Go." He points down the stairs, "Go, before it's too late. I’ll be right behind you."

Fuck, fuck, fuck.No way, am I leaving him, but if I hesitate, I'll endanger Ava as well. Bloody hell. I pull away from my friend and race down the last flight of steps, only to slip. I lose my footing, tumble down the rest of the stairs and turn my body at the last second to cushion the impact.

Her limp body collapses on top of mine. My back hits the floor and pain flashes behind my eyes. My guts churn, nausea bubbles up, and I swallow it down. I draw in a breath, scoop her up in my arms as I straighten, then race out of the doorway. I draw in gusts of fresh air as I place her down on the grass, then lean away, coughing, gasping. Next to me, she stirs, coughing, and I turn to her. I cup her face, "Eve?" I plead. "Ava, open your eyes. Please."

Her eyelids flicker open. Her gaze widens as she takes in my features. "Baron." She swallows, "Oh, my god, Baron." She coughs as she rises up and throws her arms around my neck, "The fire... I was so afraid."

"You’re safe." I close my arms around her, bury my face in her hair. Smoke, burning wood, and below that, the faint scent of jasmine. My heart stutters. "Fuck, Ava, if anything had happened to you..."

"I’m fine." She coughs again. "I knew you’d come." She begins to cry, "Knew you and Edward would find me in time."

I stiffen and she must sense the tension in me, for she pulls back, and peers into my face, "Edward." She swallows, "Where’s Ed?"

"The important thing is that you’re safe."

"Edward." She grabs at my collar, "Where’s Edward, Baron?"

I stare toward the burning house, then back at her.

"No," she shakes her head, "no, no, no." She scrambles away from me.

"Ava, stop."

"Oh, no," she snaps, "don't you dare ask me to stop. If Edward’s in there, I am going in." She staggers to her feet, hobbles toward the flames. I spring up, dash after her and grab her arm, "He’ll be fine. He said he’d be right behind us."

Just then a creaking sound reaches us. We glance up to find flames shooting up from the roof of the house.

"No!" she screams. "No, Edward!"

She tries to break free and I throw my arms around her, "Shh, Ava, please…"

"No!" she screams and turns in my arms. "I can’t let anything happen to him, Baron." She grabs my collar and rises up to tiptoe, "I love him, don’t you understand?"

Something cold stabs at my chest. I glance down at her sobbing face.

"You love him?"

"Yes." She sobs, "Please, help him, Baron, please… He went in there to save me. If anything happens to him, I'll never be able to forgive myself. Please, Baron… Please."

I circle her wrists, pull them away from my collar, before I release her. Then I brush past her and walk into the burning house.