The Billionaire’s Bride by L. Steele



"You propose, what?" I stare at Ava. "No. No way, am I going to agree to that."

Edward folds his arms behind his neck. Asshole leans back in the hospital bed, like he’s king of a fucking kingdom. And based on what Ava just said, I almost understand why he’s smirking.

"No way, am I allowing him to move in with you," I growl.

"It’s only until he is fully recovered," Ava pleads. "Look, the doctor told him he won’t be up and running for a few more days. He’ll need help, and I don’t want him to be alone during this time."

I glower at Ed, who grins back at me. I ball my fists at my sides.

"Why can’t he get a place of his own?"

"I will." Edward nods, "Just waiting for the paperwork on the apartment I am going to rent to come through."

"Why can’t Saint put you up in one of his many hotels?"

"It still means he won’t have anyone to take care of him," she replies.

"I’ll hire him a nurse. Hell, I’ll make sure he has round-the-clock attention," I snap.

"It’s not the same as someone you know looking after you." Her forehead furrows. "You understand that, right?"

No, I don’t.I set my jaw. "If you’re alone with him, he’ll take advantage of you."

Edward’s expression sours. "I’m not the one who moved in on my friend’s woman while her boyfriend’s back was turned."

"Boyfriend?" I growl, "You were nothing to her; you barely knew her."

"Like you’ve spent all that long with her?" He sits up. "You tosser, and after everything I did for you, this is how you repay me?"

"Finally," I bare my teeth, "now you show your true colors. Keeping track of everything I owe you, eh? You did what you had to do, out of some twisted guilty conscience, you—"

A piercing whistle blows through the space. I whip my head around, and so does Edward.

Ava lowers her fingers from her lips, her cheeks flushed, her eyes blazing. "The two of you are incorrigible. Here I am, trying my best to figure out how to move things forward, and all you two can do, is fight like you are ten.

She stares between us. "You know what?" She plants her hands on both of her hips, “You guys can figure this out. I have had it with both of you.” She marches to the door.

"Where are you going?" I scowl.

"Some of us need to work for a living," she snaps back, “and I am already running late for my first class."

"I’ll take you." I take a step forward and she turns on me.

"Don’t you dare come near me." She points a finger in my direction. "In fact, don’t leave this room, until you two sort out whatever it is that has the two of you at such loggerheads."

"So, am I moving in with you?" Edward ventures.

"No," I snap.

"Why not?" He frowns. "I thought we’d just settled it?"

"No, we haven’t."

"I am sooo out of here." Ava turns to the door, then looks back and adds, "When you two have a plan figured out, call me, or... You know what?" She pauses. "Don’t. If I don’t hear from either of you, I’ll be happy." She marches out of the door.

Silence descends. I glare at Edward, who glowers back at me.

"Well, that went well," I drawl.

He seems like he is about to respond, then slouches back against the pillows. "Shit, we really pissed her off, didn’t we?"

"What did you expect?" I walk over and slump into a chair. "The two of us can barely look each other in the eye when we speak, let alone try to work out what is clearly a sticky situation for all of us."

"Not my fault," he mutters.

"Edward, seriously, man." I rub the back of my neck "What the hell happened to you out there? You seem to be coming apart at the seams."

He draws in a breath, then shoves off his covers. "What did you expect? I’ve been cooped up in here for the last three days. Of course, I am going out of my head."

"Is that what it is?"

"What else can it be?" He frowns.

"When are they going to discharge you?"

"How about right now?" Weston walks in, this time dressed in jeans and button-down shirt, with his white coat on top. "Your test results are all fine. You’re free to leave."

"Hallelujah." Edward swings his legs over and stands. "About fucking time."

Weston stares at him, "I can’t remember the last time I heard you swear so much."

"Maybe before he joined the seminary?" I volunteer.

"So, it’s definitely over, then?" Weston makes some notes on his clipboard, his voice absentminded in the way of most doctors when they are processing a few different streams of thought in their mind.

"What is?"

"Your priesthood?"

Edward stills. "Seems that way," he says, in a voice devoid of all emotion.

"How do you feel about that?"

"About what?"

Weston pins him with a stare. "Don’t bullshit me, Ed," he snaps. "Being a priest was a big part of your life. How are you adjusting to life in the aftermath?"

"I…" He rolls his shoulders. "I am not sure yet, and that’s the honest truth."

"Hmm." Weston looks him up and down. "You have a place to go, now that the rectory is out for you?"

"I’m trying to figure that out." He glances around, heads for the chair in the corner where his clothes have been folded. He pulls off the sling, winces, then struggles into his jeans and shirt. Then he sits in the chair to put on his shoes and looks up at us. "What?" he growls.

"You know you can stay with any of us, right?" Weston adds.

Not with me, though.I fold my arms across my chest and Weston slaps the back of my head. "What the fuck?" I sputter. "Seriously, Doc."

"Aren’t you forgetting something, asshole?" Weston growls.

"What, what?" I glare at him. Weston glowers back and I blow out a breath. "Yeah, yeah, you can stay with me." I mumble, "It’s a studio, but hey, I am sure we can work something out."

"Oh, fuck off, Masters," Edward mutters. "I am sure you’d be glad if I took you up on your offer, but it’s not happening. I am staying with Ava."

Anger thrums at my temples and I shove it back. Don’t lose it. Don’t lose it. For Ava’s sake. You need to win her over and that’s not going to happen unless you get back in her good books.

Which means, having to pretend to get along with your once friend. It’s the only way she’ll realize that you are serious about her. Fuck! I don’t have a choice. I am going to have to grit my teeth and get through this.

"You ready to go?" I say through clenched teeth.

"You offering me a ride?" Edward arches an eyebrow.

"For my sins." I rise to my feet, heading for the door. "Don’t blame me if you can’t keep up."

Forty-five minutes later, we draw up in front of Ava’s home. The drive had been tense. Neither of us had spoken and I had turned on the radio—because, yeah… That’s how much of a coward I am. I figured it was best to fill the silence so neither of us had to speak. Fucking hell, the last I checked I still had my balls about me, so why the hell can’t I have a direct conversation with this man I’ve known more than half my life? Maybe some things are best left unsaid? Like, why the fuck didn’t you called in all those years you had my phone number… And when you finally did, it was only because you needed my help with something? Typical Edward.

To the rest of the Seven, he’s always been the voice of reason. The calm and collected teen who’d become a voice of conscience for them. Me? I know better.

I know that hidden under that exterior is a man who is angry with the world, with himself, with everything that happened to us when we were kidnapped. I know, because I was there. I know, because I bore the brunt of what happened during the incident, along with Edward.

I know, because neither of us have ever discussed what happened during that time. Not with each other… And definitely not, with the rest of the Seven. There are some things you take with you to the grave, for if you mention them aloud, they became real. Too real. To the point that it would consume your every waking moment. Some things… You are never prepared to face, no matter how much time passes. Some things are best forgotten, because to acknowledge them would mean you have to face the consequences of the aftermath, something which I refuse to deal with.

I park the car, shove open the door, and head up the garden path. When I unlock her front door, he stiffens. "You have a key?"

Clearly, I do. I push the door, walk through, and drop the keys on the table in the hallway. I leaf through her mail, just to irritate him, then gesture to the couch. "Make yourself at home."

He frowns at me. "Like you?"

I smirk. "Yeah, I misspoke. Make yourself comfortable,” I pause for effect, “but not too comfortable." I walk to the kitchen, top off the coffee maker with water and coffee grounds, then switch it on. I turn to find Edward leaning a shoulder against the doorway.

I tilt my head, "I’ve been staying here."

He stiffens. "You stayed here?"

"Yep." The coffee maker begins to bubble and I move away to grab two mugs, place them on the counter.

"You moved in with her?" he growls.

I allow my lips to curve and his expression darkens. "Don’t fuck with me, Masters." His jaw tics.

I snatch up the coffee pot, top off both cups, then grab both off the counter. I walk over, hand one to him, then brush past him to sit in the chair in the living room.

Edward follows me. He sinks into the couch, then glares at me. "Well?" he growls. "You sleeping in this house with her?"

"I am sleeping in this house."

A nerve pops at his temple and my grin widens.

"Chillax," I drawl. "I slept there," I point to the couch where he is sitting, "until I didn’t."

He curls his fingers into fists. "You just had to rub that in, didn’t you?"

"Sorry, ol’ chap." I raise my shoulders. "You’d prefer I lie? Truth is, your loss was my gain."

"So, this is how it’s going to be?" he says in a hard voice. "The two of us always baiting each other, always at loggerheads, and never able to see eye to eye?"

"Guess nothing much has changed, huh?"

"Damn right." He scowls down at his cup of coffee, then stares at me, "You need to fuck off, Masters. You're not needed anymore."

"Didn't hear you say that when you called and asked me to step in."

"I changed my mind."

"I cleared up the mess you left behind at the church, by the way," I lower my chin, "and you are welcome."

"Considering how you fucked up everything else, you’ll have to excuse me if I can’t muster a thank-you."

"The man you thought you strangled," I tip up my chin, "he's alive, by the way."

Edward stiffens. "Too bad," he mutters, "he deserved to die."

I take in his features. "You didn't used to be this bloodthirsty."

"And you used to be my friend."

I wince, then drag my fingers through my hair. "Guess I deserve that."

"And much more." He takes a sip of his coffee, places his cup back on the table, "If you think you can come between me and Ava, you are mistaken."

"Correction." I set my jaw. "I didn't come between anyone. You left, remember?"

"And now I am back."

"I guess you’re entitled to your opinion." I scowl.

He glowers back. The tension in the room escalates. Shit, this isn't how I'd wanted it to be. I'd known Edward would return, eventually... I'd hoped I'd have more time. I didn’t expect for him to come back so quickly. Not before I'd consolidated my position with Ava. Before I'd won her over completely. If it means I am being greedy and duplicitous, then the fuck I care? I am not letting go of the one thing that brings me joy. I am not letting him take Ava from me, and if that means I need to play along with him for a while, even win his confidence, then so be it.

I hold his gaze, then blow out a breath, "Can we call a truce temporarily?"

His forehead furrows. "Why is that?"

"I don’t know about you, but I can't fight on an empty stomach, man." I lean back in the couch, "Can we order some pizza first?"