The Devil’s Laird by Brenda Jernigan

Chapter 11

Siena was glad that she’d had Agatha move her things to the laird’s solar. She opened the door and surveyed her new room. She took a deep breath and tucked her secret safely in the back of her mind.

The laird’s bedroom was much larger than the room she had been in and the bed appeared huge with its four posters. There were no hangings around the bed as she once had on hers back home. It was plain and masculine with the red tartan spread across the foot.

A rug that extended all around the bed, felt plush when she stepped on it. There wasn’t a lot of furniture, but she did see a chest at the end of the bed and several more chests on one wall with hooks above them. Two chairs flanked a round table in front of the fireplace and she thought that would be a nice place to do needlework because there were two windows instead of one so there would be plenty of light to see by.

However, what caught her eye now was her white nightgown that had been draped across the red plaid bedcovers. She felt a chill run up her arms. She didn’t think it was possible to be scared and thrilled at the same time but that is how she would describe the butterflies in her stomach. She didn’t waste any time changing into her gown, then climbed into bed. She would be very uncomfortable if she’d had to undress in front of Roderick.

What if Roderick wasn’t pleased that she had no idea what she was supposed to do? What if he didn’t like the way she looked? She started breathing quickly. She needed to calm down she reminded herself or she’d faint again and that would never do.

This could be a short marriage.

* * *

Roderick opened the door.

He glanced around the room until he spotted Siena, then he shut the door behind him and bolted the door. He didn’t move but stood there staring at her and taking her breath away. Roderick seemed to fill the doorway with his broad shoulders and those piercing black eyes. How could she be so lucky?

Siena straightened her shoulders as she leaned back on the pillows, wondering what he was thinking. Should she be doing something? He definitely wasn’t smiling at the moment. Could he possibly be regretting the marriage already? My God she was a bundle of nerves as she gripped the bedding.

“Ye know, lass,” Roderick shoved away from the wall and moved toward the chairs. “I never thought to see someone in my bed again.” He sat down on the brown chair and pulled off his boots.

“A--Any regrets?”

Roderick jerked his head back to her. “Nay, lass. Yer so beautiful, I feel like a very lucky mon.” He saw doubt in Siena’s eyes. She appeared frightened. “Ye dinna believe me?”

“I-I’ve never had anyone tell me I was beautiful, but Agatha, and she is more or less required to say nice things,” Siena said with a smile.

Roderick chuckled as he continued to undress. He tossed his shirt over the back of the chair. “All ye have to do is look in a mirror to see that I tell the truth.”

“I was never allowed a mirror when I went to live with my brother. Besides it’s a sin to dwell on one’s appearance.”

“Then ye’ll have to take my word, lass.” He unbuckled his belt and his kilt fell to the floor, causing Siena to gasp.

Her intake of breath told him that he would have to take things slow. She looked like she could bolt at any minute the way she had her hands gripping the sheets. “Ye dinna need to be afraid of me, lass,” he said in a soft voice.

Good Lord Almighty, Siena thought.

She couldn’t help peeking between her fingers as he dropped his kilt on the chair by the fireplace. His body was so muscular and strong. She didn’t think there was an ounce of fat on his body. And he … he was so big. She didn’t see how their bodies would ever fit together. When he turned back toward her, she lowered her gaze, feeling shy and unsure of herself. She wondered for a moment if they could just be friends.

The bed sagged as Roderick slid under the covers. The next thing Siena knew she was being pulled over next to his warm body. He slipped a finger under her chin and tilted her face up to him. She gazed into his dark eyes unsure of what to say or do. She wished she’d had a mother to tell her what she was expected to do as a wife.

“Dinna be afraid.”

“I’m not afraid of you,” she said, ignoring the mocking voice inside of her that wondered why he’d chosen her. “I-It’s just that . . . I’m unsure what I’m supposed to do.”

“Ah,” Roderick said as he rubbed his hand up and down her arm. “I think we should take this slow for now. I’ll teach ye everythin’ ye need to know. Ye just have to trust me. This is one time that I’m verra glad ye have had no experience.”

“I want to be a proper wife.”

“And ye shall be,” Roderick murmured as he lowered his mouth and kissed her neck. Siena was magnificent. He felt her tense the minute he touched her neck before relaxing as her hands slid behind his head. Her skin felt like velvet. He rubbed his hand down her back.

His decision was made . . . no matter how badly he wanted Siena, he was going to teach her desire before he mated with her . . . even if it killed him. He braced his arms to support his weight so that he didn’t crush her.

Siena moaned as Roderick placed feather-like kisses on her neck. And then he was kissing her ear which sent heat to her private parts. She squirmed. She didn’t know something like this could feel so wonderful as he shifted until his lips were touching hers. The kiss was surprisingly gentle at first and then he applied pressure to her lips. When she opened her mouth to complain, he took advantage and plunged his tongue deep inside, producing a shock wave through her entire body and a moan that sounded more like a squeal as it escaped her lips.

Lord, this had to be sinful, she thought as his hand curved around her neck and he pulled her closer to him if that were possible. The kiss was wonderful, and it didn’t take her long to learn how the game was played.

She began to return his kisses by plunging her tongue into his mouth and retreating just as he had done.

Roderick’s moans told her that he liked what she was doing, and she definitely liked kissing him, but it produced a burning desire in her for something more. A delightful shiver ran through her and robbed her of her strength. He quickly removed her gown and tossed it on the floor. The next kiss was hot and long, and it made her burn to have his hot skin pressing into hers.

Finally, he pulled away from her lips and smiled down at her. Her lips were already swollen. “Ye do that verra well.”

She smiled, shyly. “You must be a good teacher.”

Roderick lowered his head to trail kisses down her throat while his hand cupped one of her breasts. His thumb stroked her nipple, causing a white-hot fire to surge down her body, and it scared her that she could feel such strong desire. His hand was soon replaced by his mouth as he suckled her nipple. Siena’s fingers threaded through his hair and held him to her breast.

He flicked his tongue over her nipple again and again before suckling the other nipple until she was dazed with pleasure and calling his name.

Siena felt so good in his arms. Her instinctive response to him was so powerful. He sensed a passion lay buried deep within her, and he ached to be inside her. It took all the strength that Roderick possessed to draw away from his wife. Every bone in his body was screaming to take her because she belonged to him. She was his wife after all. He waited for his breathing to calm before he spoke.

“That, lass, is lesson number one,” he said in a husky voice that sounded strained even to his own ears. He could see her desire in the dim light and was pleased. He flipped her over and pulled her next to him. “Let’s get some sleep.” He kissed her check and added, “’Tis been a long day. Good night, my love.”

“Good night,” Siena managed to get out. She realized her gown had been removed and laid in a heap upon the floor. Evidently, she wasn’t expected to put it back on because all she could feel was Roderick’s hot body pressed intimately against her backside.

She wasn’t sure how she felt at the moment. Perhaps a little disappointed. Was that all there was to lovemaking. Maybe she should ask Agatha what she was expected to do. Siena had felt so wonderful a few minutes ago and experienced such emotion that she’d never experienced before. She wanted more. How in the world would she ever go to sleep? Siena didn’t have long to wonder because sleep found her. It had been an emotional day and she was exhausted, but as she drifted off to sleep, she had a smile on her face.

Roderick felt disappointed also while he waited patiently for his bride to go to sleep. He’d always taken what he wanted, so where did this consideration come from? Damned if he knew. No red-blooded man should have to be put through such torture without release. He was being noble, he told himself. He shook his head as he eased out of bed and headed for the icy lake. After breaking the ice, the cold water did the trick very quickly and eased his desire.

“Noble hell,” he swore to himself.

The woman would be the death of him at this rate.

* * *

Siena triedto stretch the next morning, but found her arms were trapped beneath Roderick’s arm. She struggled to free herself but in so doing managed to wake him.

“Good morning,” she murmured, looking up into his black eyes that were amazingly alert after being woken. “Did you sleep well?”

“Aye. I must have for the sun is up and I’ve yet to get out of bed.”

Siena couldn’t believe this man was all hers. She no longer had to fear anyone. Well, she would always fear her father, but he wouldn’t ever come to Scotland. “I want to thank you for the flowers you placed in the church,” she said, then added, “They were beautiful. I always wanted flowers for my wedding.”

“Aye, they were, but it was no my doin’ lass, and I’ve yet to find who did put the roses in the church.”

“Strange. I wonder who?” Siena said and questioned if her wish had truly come true because she’d wished it.

“Where anyone found roses in the dead of winter . . . I’ve no idea, lass, but I’m glad they made ye happy.” Roderick pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly. “Glad to see ye’ve no forgotten yer lesson,” he teased.

Roderick rolled out of bed. He went over and stoked the fire to get the flames going again then he put another log in the grate. Reaching for his clothes, he noticed Siena watching him as he dressed, and he was glad to see she wasn’t as shy as last night. Maybe his subtle approach was working.

Siena knew it was rude to stare, but for some reason she couldn’t quit watching her husband. He was such a giant of a man, she thought as he slipped a cream-colored linen shirt over his head. She like the tousled appearance of his hair which gave him a rakish look and made her stomach flutter.

Once he had belted his plaid, he tossed the rest of the plaid over his left shoulder. The red color of the plaid made his dark hair stand out. He sat on the bed to pull on his deerskin boots and then he was ready for the day and she hadn’t moved an inch.

Suddenly, he turned to her and said, “I will be training this mornin’. After yer breakfast introduce yerself to the kitchen staff. After all, this is yer home now. Ye’re in charge.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead and then he was out the door.

Siena needed to pinch herself to prove she wasn’t dreaming. Married . . . something she’d never thought would happen to her. She smiled, then stretched her arms overhead. Again, she wondered about the flowers. Could she have made a wish and it simply came true?

Agatha swept into the room, with a big smile upon her face and a tray full of breakfast. “How was last night, milady?”

“D--Different, I think,” Siena responded as she slipped out of bed. “Let’s sit at the table and eat. I’m starved.”

After they sat down, Agatha filled both cups with warm, spiced milk. They each buttered half a bannock before Agatha said, “Well? Are you sore this morning?”

Siena sipped her delicious milk before answering, “We didn’t make love last night or I don’t think we did. We just kissed.”

“What!” Agatha’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “A strong strapping man like that forgo his husbandly rights – why I never.”

Siena smiled at the shocked look on Agatha’s face. “He is giving me lessons.”

“Well, I never.”

“I can’t believe he is so considerate.” Siena sighed. “I sensed there is more, but I was scared last night, and I think he could tell. You know, Roderick isn’t anything like his reputation of being merciless.

“So I’ve seen.” Agatha sipped her warm milk. “Indeed, there is more to lovemaking than merely kissing. All women are frightened on their wedding night because they lack experience. “I must say, you don’t find many men who are considerate enough to wait.”

Siena nodded as she sat her mug down. “I want to ask you about the flowers. Did you put them in the church?”

“Nay, milady. Where would I get flowers? I was a bit surprised myself when I saw them. They were beautiful and filled the church with the best smell.”

“Roderick said he didn’t know anything about the flowers either. Now I’m left wondering if I did it myself.”

“I cannot answer that, milady.” Agatha shook her head. “Everyone says that you are gifted . . . maybe you are.”

“I don’t know if what they say is true, perhaps time will tell. However, I’d love to have some control of these magical things that I do.

“Oh, I forgot to mention to Roderick that I had a vision of his son, Michael when Roderick mixed our blood together in the church. I must remember to tell him. I think the child is alive.

She placed her napkin on the table. “Let’s get dressed. I’m supposed to meet the kitchen staff today.”

* * *

Cook Alva Scottswung a pot over her head, then slammed it down on the counter. She was more than ready to take on the English lass. No one was going to run her kitchen when she’d been doing fine for the last two years.

“I need to set her straight, right away,” Alva told Mary, her assistant, who was filling a large cauldron with water. Mary knew better than to express her opinion. Alva was fuming and Mary didn’t want something tossed at her head.

Siena appeared in the doorway, almost as if she’d been conjured up. Alva jumped and grabbed her chest. Mary wanted to laugh but didn’t.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you, but Laird Scott ask me to speak with the head cook,” Siena said as she looked at Mary.

“That would be me,” Alva said as she dried her hands on a towel.

Siena noticed the belligerent tone of Alva’s voice. “I’m Lady Siena and your name is?”

“My name be Alva and I run the kitchens. What do ye need?”

Siena could tell Alva wanted no part of her new mistress. “Actually, I need nothing. My question is what do you need?” Siena almost laughed at the surprised look on the cook’s face. At least she had her attention now. “I also would like to see what you have planned for dinner.”

“I—I need,” Alva stuttered. “I dinna ken, lass.”

“Are there any supplies that you need or maybe more help in the kitchen? I’m sure running the kitchen must be difficult feeding so many.”

“Aye, milady. I could use one more to help with the preparation of meals and perhaps two more to serve the men at meals.”

“Then I shall see that you get someone.” Siena smiled. “I’ll speak to Laird Scott tonight.”

Alva smiled at that bit of news. Perhaps she had misjudged, the wee lass. She told Siena mutton was planned for the dinner tonight. Alva had just finished speaking when the back door suddenly opened blowing in wintery air.

“Alva,” a girl with flushed cheeks rushed into the room. “Freddy is feeling poorly. Ye need to come and see him straight away. The Green Lady is busy attending to others and cannot see the child right now.”

“Perhaps, I can help,” Siena suggested. “I’m a healer, myself.”

“Milady would ye do such a thing?”

“I would. Where is the child?”

“He is with the Green Lady,” the young girl said.

“I shall go immediately,” Siena said, and she rushed out the door.