The Devil’s Laird by Brenda Jernigan

Chapter 9

“Laird Scott, the road has been cleared for ye!”

Duncan’s booming voice jarred Siena awake from the peaceful dream she’d been having. She had to blink several times before she could focus. That is when she realized she was half laying on top of Roderick. Perhaps, she’d never been exposed to men much in her life, but she knew this was no lady-like position, so she scrambled to put some distance between them. What must Duncan think of her? Surely, he couldn’t see them from the mouth of the cave. Better yet, what must Roderick think of a woman sleeping with him whom he wasn’t married to? She didn’t like the answer to her question.

Roderick sat up and spoke, “I thank ye for yer concern, Duncan, but I’m sure we could huv made our way home this mornin’.”

“We must take care of our laird. Can I speak with ye for a moment?” Duncan asked. He’d only taken a step into the cave, but he thought better about it and turned to wait outside for Roderick.

“Sorry for the interruption, lass.”

Siena nodded not knowing what to say, but she was sure her eyes must have been huge with embarrassment.

Roderick shoved himself to his feet and stretched before making his way to the mouth of the cave. “What is it?” he snapped. “It had better be good. ‘Twas the first good night’s sleep I’ve had in a while.”

Duncan noticed the mon did have on his clothes. “So that’s what ye were doin’?”

“I dinna care for yer insolence, Duncan.”

“Weel I dinna think ye realize that ye have put the lass’s reputation in question.”

They stood right outside the mouth of the cave, so Siena wouldn’t be able to hear them. “What the hell are ye talking about, Duncan?”

“It dinna go unnoticed that ye and the lass dinna return last night.”


“Now the men think the White Witch has cast a spell on ye and ye might not be right in the head.” Duncan took a step back as he said this. Just in case Roderick decided to swing at him.

“By all that’s holy!” Roderick did swing, but his arms flew up instead of at Duncan. “Such nonsense. Do ye not have anythin’ better to do but gossip? I need to find my son, and Lady Siena, if she has any special powers, is going to help.”

“Ye dinna have to shout. I’m standing right in front of ye.”

“Ah, wull, be glad that yer not picking yer arse off the ground.”

“Ouch.” Duncan stood a little straighter. “Someone needs to be telling ye. Ye’ll go back and someone might try and hurt the lass. Do ye want that?”

“They will do no such thing!” Roderick turned back to the cave. “Be off. We will follow shortly.”

Laird Scott didn’t look happy when he came back to where Siena sat. He stood with his hands on his hips, but he didn’t say anything, and she had no idea what he was thinking. Had she crossed some line and was in trouble?

When he didn’t speak, she finally asked, “Is something wrong?”

Roderick appeared to have been in a daze, because his eyes sharpened and now, he was looking at her when he asked, “What makes ye say that?”

“You don’t look exactly happy, and I heard you shout, so I figured I must have done something wrong.”

“Ah, wull not ye, lass.” Roderick shook his head. “’Twas I who forgot ye were a lady.”

“I think you have insulted me, but I’m not sure.”

“Nay,” he said, shaking his head. “But ye are a lady and shouldn’t have spent the night with me. Yer reputation is now ruined.”

Siena started laughing. “I hate to tell you, but my reputation wasn’t too good at home, but for a different reason. I’m not sure that I’ve ever been a proper lady because I’ve lived such a sheltered life, but I thank you for your concern.”

Roderick chuckled. “This is different and all my fault. We shall marry.” The words were out of his mouth before he realized that he’d said them. He couldn’t believe what he’d just said, however, the look of astonishment on Siena’s face made Roderick want to smile again. Apparently, he’d shocked her. And he had most certainly shocked himself.

“You want me to marry you?”


She had a doubtful look in her eyes. “You are not very good at proposing,” Siena told him.

“’Tis not every day that I ask someone to marry me, lass.” Hell, he never thought he would utter those words again in his lifetime.

“But you didn’t ask me.”

“Ye will marry me lass and be under my protection. I command it.”

“You cannot command someone to marry you.”

“Aye, I can.” He looked smug as he rocked back on his heels.

“But we don’t know each other very well.”

“People have started with less.” He extended his hand down to her. “Let’s go back to Black Dawn and make the announcement.”

Siena took his hand and stood. “Are you sure you want to do this?” She saw a sparkle in his eyes, and before she knew what was happening, Roderick had jerked her into his arms and kissed her. Not a gentle kiss. It was more like he was branding her. The demanding kiss robbed Siena of her breath. His tongue sank into her mouth and she felt the intimacy as she returned his kiss. She was so shocked at her own eager response that she couldn’t think, blood pounded in her brain and made her knees tremble. The kiss was exhilarating, making her want to get closer to him.

Suddenly, he lifted her away from him. The cold air quickly replaced the warmth of his body, and she knew she had a startled expression.

“Ye will marry me.”

“As you wish, milord,” Siena murmured, knowing at this very moment she couldn’t deny him anything. There was something about Roderick that pulled at her, and she liked these new feelings.

“Obedience. I like that,” Roderick chuckled.

* * *

Once they had mounted,Siena noticed that the road was just a small rut to the castle and it appeared to have iced again, so she rubbed the stones together and wished for an open road to the castle. When she opened her eyes, sure enough the road was clear with the ice pushed to the side, so the horses had a perfect path.

“I wonder how long it took Duncan to clear the road?” Roderick more or less said this to himself. “Must have taken all night.”

Siena smiled. “They did a good job. They must have been worried about you.”

“Aye.” Roderick nodded, but still shook his head because the road appeared to never have seen the first drop of ice.

As they entered through the gates the clan started to gather. Siena wondered if someone was going to throw a stone her way because they really didn’t look happy. She wondered if they all thought she’d seduced their laird. If they thought that, then they didn’t know him very well.

Once they stopped just outside the great hall, Roderick dismounted, then helped her down. He guided her to the steps before he turned to address the crowd. He kept his arm around her.

“I will be marrying Lady Siena in three days hence. Know ye this, she did us all a great favor when she killed our enemy, Fidach, so she avenged our loss. Now, Lady Siena is going to be a member of Clan Scott, and I expect everyone to welcome her.”

“She bewitched you, laird,” someone called out.

“Nay, she did not. I’m the same mon I was the day before. Put such thoughts from yer head.”

Siena watched everyone nod. She wished he’d said that he loved her and that was the reason for the wedding, instead it was as if he were repaying a debt, and nothing more. However, she wanted more and somehow, she would find a way to make Roderick love her.

They turned and stepped into the entrance that led into the great hall. “I bid ye good day, lass.” Roderick excused himself to attend to more important matters, leaving Siena to wonder if she was doing the right thing. Did they have to post bans in Scotland? She wasn’t sure.

She didn’t know … she didn’t know anything. Everything was happening much too fast. Her reaction to Roderick confused her. And then she thought what other choice did she have? She liked the safe feeling she had here with him, and though she didn’t want to admit it … she liked Roderick.

Siena climbed the stairs in a daze. Agatha waited at the top for her.

“Where have you been?” Agatha asked. At the moment, she reminded Siena of an angry cat with its hair standing up on its back. “I was worried sick about you, milady.”

“I’m sorry to have worried you, but it wasn’t my fault, so you can calm down.” Siena took a breath, then continued, “I went to the cave with Laird Scott.”

“Aye, I knew that.” Agatha threw her hands up in the air. “But you didn’t come back.”

Siena swept by Agatha and headed to her solar, but she said over her shoulder, “The weather changed and turned into sleet, so we couldn’t risk the horses falling and breaking a leg.”

Agatha was dead on Siena’s heels. “You spent the night with the laird?”

Siena felt like a child. Agatha had been the only one to ever discipline her, so Siena remembered all the lectures. She really couldn’t think of anything to say so she nodded as they entered her chamber.

“Oh, my Lord. I need to sit down,” Agatha held her chest as if she were in pain and stumbled over to a chair by the window to take a seat.

Siena poured a cup of cool water and handed it to Agatha. “Drink this and calm down. Don’t go getting out of sorts. Nothing happened,” Siena said as she sat on the bed and shoved her hair over her shoulders.

“I should hope not. I raised you better than that, but you know you shouldn’t be alone with a man without a chaperone.”

“Yes. I should be hung.” She smiled at her own joke. “I guess you didn’t hear the announcement that was made just now?”

“What announcement?” Agatha set her cup down. “I’ve been mending a couple of your dresses.”

“I’m getting married. Roderick just made the announcement.”

Agatha gasped again, and then a slow smile formed on her lips. “My baby girl is getting married.” She sighed. “Now that is good news.”

“But I don’t know how to be a wife. I don’t know how to run a home.”

“Then you shall learn, milady.”

* * *

The next threedays became a blur to Siena.

Siena and Agatha walked over to see the church. It wasn’t a very big chapel, but it had a quaint feel to it that Siena liked. There were ten rows of benches on each side and they had the Scott red plaid on the floor leading to the altar. Surely, she could make the short walk down the aisle without fainting and making a fool of herself.

As they left to go back to the main holding, Siena turned the small stones over and over in her fingers. It was a habit she was developing when she was thinking. “I wish there would be flowers in the church.”

“If you were getting married in the spring that might be possible but with this frozen ground nothing could live,” Agatha commented.

“I know but still ….”

* * *

Siena feltlike she was going to another hanging, and this time there would be no one to save her. Then she would think ‘save her from what?’ She actually cared for Roderick. There was no denying that he was nice to look upon, and he had been good to her. So why, couldn’t she be happy?

Because he didn’t love her. She hadn’t seen that spark in his eyes that told her of his love, and so far, he sure hadn’t mentioned the word. The only thing he felt was the need to protect her with marriage. Well marriage would certainly do that and there could be no greater champion than Roderick, but she wanted love. For once in her life, she needed someone to love her.

Her mind was whirling when Agatha entered with Siena’s gown.

“Are you pacing again, milady?” Agatha placed the gown on the bed and smoothed the skirt with her hands.

“I feel so restless, Agatha.” Siena was wringing her hands. “I’m going to throw up.”

“All brides feel that way on their wedding day. It isn’t unusual.”

“You mean everyone wants to throw up?”

Agatha chuckled. “Something like that. It is a big step, but I do believe that it will be good for you. From this day forward, you will be protected.”

“I know. But what if I’m expected to . . . well you know.” Siena felt her cheeks grow warm. “I don’t know what to do.”

Agatha smiled. “Don’t fret, milady. Believe it or not it will come to you. Remember when you first learned how to ride a horse?”

Siena nodded.

“You were afraid until you got the hang of it and then you thought riding was wonderful. It is just that simple.”

Siena gave her a doubtful look. “But I still don’t know what to do.”

“Your husband will show you. You just have to trust him. He will not hurt you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Aye. I remember my Robert when he was alive,” Agatha sighed, locked in a long-ago memory. “By the way, the laird’s brothers have arrived this morning, so you will be meeting his family today.”

“Have you seen them?”

“Just a glimpse. They are fine-looking huge men. Perhaps not as handsome as our laird, but I wouldn’t turn any of them down.” Agatha’s face turned a lovely shade of red.

“Agatha! I’ve never heard you talk like that.” Siena laughed. She felt all the tension leave her body, seeping away like water going to sea, and she finally felt calm.

“I have something for you,” Agatha said before she disappeared into the solar. It was only a couple of seconds before she returned with a small cup of whisky. “Here drink this. It will help with your nerves.”

“Thank you.” Siena sipped the whisky, feeling that slow burn down her throat. “It isn’t bad.”

“Let’s get you dressed.” Agatha motioned for Siena to come over to her. “We have taken one of your dresses and redesigned it. I wanted it to be fancy for your wedding. I think you will look lovely in this gown.”

Siena slipped on her hose and then her kirtle. Next came the cotehardie which was emerald green velvet. It had large sleeves that had been trimmed in gold. Next, Agatha had Siena sit upon a chair, so she could pull her hair up in curls which spilled over her shoulders.

“You look so pretty, milady,” Agatha said once she’d finished. “Let’s go downstairs. I believe everyone is waiting in the chapel for you.”