The Witch of Black Isle by Keira Montclair

Chapter Three

Ethan came in behind Logan, concerned over what he’d heard. Jennet’s sire was very ill, and her uncle was here to take her home.

He wasn’t ready for her to leave yet, as he was determined to follow through on his promise to himself. He’d yet to even start on his quest to pursue Jennet, and that could only mean one thing—he must go with her.

Logan noticed Brigid. “And what the hell happened to you? Matheson, you promised me you’d protect my wee lassie. Her foot is swollen and she’s drinking wine.”

“Papa, calm down. We went boar hunting and I tripped. Just injured my ankle a wee bit.”

Ethan said, “’Tis likely swollen from when the boar had your leg in its jaws.”

Marcas bellowed, “Ethan!”

Taken aback at such a response from his brother, Ethan wondered why Marcas yelled at him. He glanced over to look at Brigid’s father, and he simply didn’t understand why he was being reprimanded. Perhaps it was simply another one of those situations where honesty wasn’t the best plan.

Logan exploded. “What the hell? I’m going to kill you, Matheson. Brigid, say goodbye to your husband. You’re coming back with me.”

“Papa, I’m not returning with you. I’m fine, and we’ll explain later, but first you should be speaking with Jennet. Look at what your words have done to her. Could you not please finish your thoughts? Why is Jennet going home?”

Jennet’s face had paled as she sat up straight in her chair, facing her uncle. “Who is it? Mama or Da?”

Logan moved next to her and faced her. “Your sire. Quade has been sick for a while now. Your mother thought he would improve after a bit of sleep, but he continues to weaken and has difficulty getting out of bed. He asked me to escort you home, Jennet.”

Jennet fell back into the chair, clearly upset. Ethan walked over to stand behind her. He wanted to let her know that he would be there for her. This was a good way to do that, right? To simply be near her? He noticed Brigid giving him an odd look, but he ignored it.

Jennet glanced over her shoulder at him, then looked back up at her uncle. Ethan recalled how his mother always wished for a fur to cover her lap, and Brigid had one, too. He found a nice long one in the basket and gave it to Jennet.

Logan peered at him, set his hands on his hips, and asked, “What the hell are you doing?”

His eyes narrowed, but Ethan wasn’t bothered by it. “I’m trying to make Jennet more comfortable. It seems you’ve given her bad news, and I’m sure ’tis upsetting for her.” He wanted to add that he was fulfilling a promise to his brother, but he held that comment inside. “I like your niece, so I plan to spend more time with her.” Now that was clear; he must understand. Or perhaps he should have explained that he was pursuing Jennet as a possible wife. “And I’d like to please her, to help her be more comfortable.”

Jennet stared up at him, perplexed by his comments. “What?”

Perhaps it was best he didn’t mention marriage just yet, based on her response. But he would do his best to calm her down. She had enough to worry about. “Jennet, mayhap you should finish your talk with your uncle. I’ll explain later about what I said. But he’s here now with information about your sire. ’Tis important you get all the details.”

He hoped she’d forget their conversation entirely. He hated trying to explain his actions, as most of the time he confused even himself. He’d have to figure himself out first before expecting another person to understand, especially Jennet.

Fortunately, she focused her attention back on her uncle. She must have found some understanding in his actions. “When did it happen?”

Logan sat on the trestle table closest to the hearth, took a sip of the ale Marcas served him, then reached for a piece of the dark bread loaf on the table. “A few nights ago, I believe.”

“So you cannot talk with him at all?”

“He talks, but verra little. Your mother said his condition is worsening. Started with the fever, but it keeps returning.”

“How is Mama?”

“Your mother is fine, handling it like she does everything, as if it were just a bunny hopping in her pathway. Treating it as an inconvenience, nothing more. Everyone else is fine. But I spoke with him. He let me know he wanted me to come for you.”

“He did not have one of those bad spells where he’s paralyzed or cannot find his words, did he?” Jennet asked.

“Nay. He spoke to me, but it was an effort for him. He’s weak, not paralyzed. He let me know in his own way what he needed. Though I’ll not praise the way he spoke to me. The exchange took place the way brothers speak to each other.” He grinned and pulled the neck of his tunic back to show her a red mark around his throat. “He had me for a few moments, but not long.”

“Papa, why do you two treat each other that way?” Brigid asked, wide-eyed.

“’Tis the love of brothers. Quade and I have always preferred wrestling to talking. Do you not feel the same about your brothers, Ethan?”

Ethan shook his head. “I wouldn’t do that to my brothers.”

“’Tis his way of showing affection for me. Don’t try to think on it any other way.” Logan took another swig of the ale he was drinking and another bite of the bread, then got up to pace. “He wants you home, Jennet. I’m here to bring you back.”

Jennet nodded, her eyes filling with tears, something that rarely happened to her, especially with other people around. Ethan wished he could put his hand on her shoulder, but he just couldn’t. He didn’t know her well enough yet to touch her. It would just be too intimate at this stage.

“My thanks for coming for me, Uncle Logan, but you’ll stay the night? Give me one less night to sleep on the ground?”

Ethan said, “Our evening meal will be served momentarily. You’re welcome to join us, and I hope you’ll postpone your return until the morrow so I may speak more with Jennet.”

“Speak to Jennet is all you’ll do, Ethan, and it must be done in front of me. I’m here acting in my brother’s place. I must be aware of everything you discuss with my niece.”

Jennet bolted from her seat. “Nay, you do not have to tell my uncle everything about us, Ethan. Uncle Logan, there is no reason for you to concern yourself. I can take care of myself.”

“Then why did your father send me to get you?” he asked with a tip of his head.

“You are the messenger and my escort back. It doesn’t give you the right to know everything about me. ’Tis all there is to it.”

“If you don’t do as I say, you may find you have to go home alone, lass. ’Tis the way you wish for this to happen?”

“If you refuse, I’m sure Marcas will send guards with me, or mayhap Gavin is ready to return. And please stop trying to intimidate Ethan. You need not act so bullish, Uncle.”

Uncle Logan jumped out of his seat with a huff and headed toward the door. “Mayhap Gavin will travel along with me. I’ll go chat with my son, since I saw him in the archery field with his sweet wife, Merewen.”

“Papa,” Brigid shouted. “Watch out for arrows. There are a few here who wouldn’t mind hitting you.”

Logan guffawed, then drawled, “My wee bairn, who used to be so kind to me, is now the court jester.” He left, slamming the door behind him.

“Love you, Papa.”

Ethan said, “He left already, Brigid.” Had she not noticed?

“Nevertheless, he heard me, Ethan. He has ears that hear everything in a village. Everything. Never underestimate my sire. Never.”

Jennet glanced up at Ethan. “May we talk privately? Mayhap go for a stroll behind the wall into the forest?”

“Aye, as long as ’tis far away from your uncle.” He didn’t care to worry about the overbearing man eavesdropping or trying to interrupt their interlude. “I’ll protect you, Jennet.”

Jennet grabbed her mantel from the wall and turned to Brigid. “We’ll return shortly, in plenty of time for the evening meal. And don’t tell your father where I’ve gone.”

Brigid smirked. “Don’t worry. You know I’d never do that to you.”

Ethan escorted Jennet out through the kitchens. High above them, Tara called out, “Enjoy!”

“I had not seen her there. Had you noticed?” he asked. She’d apparently been listening to every word.

“Nay, she’s quiet many times. Especially with Uncle Logan here. Many people like to listen to him, but they don’t say much in front of him. He has a way of making people uncomfortable. Does he make you feel that way?”

Ethan shook his head confidently. “Nay. He does not bother me. I have nothing to hide. I do worry about how he affects you. His overbearing ways obviously bother you, so I’d prefer he was not around.”

Their conversation paused until after they’d exited the curtain wall and followed the path into the nearby forest that led to Gallow Hill Woods.

Once they were clearly alone, Jennet said, “So I heard your comment before, but I’m not sure I understand it. You are interested in me?”

“Aye. Shaw suggested I pursue you.” He sauntered slowly down the path, glancing over at her with a small smile. She was lovely this eve, her hair plaited, though the golden strands stood out. She wore a blue gown the color of the sky. He had the strangest urge to feel the soft skin on her neck.

“Why would he suggest that?” Jennet asked.

“Because he said ’tis the best way to get to know you better.”

“I can’t disagree with him, but why do you wish to get to know me better?”

How did he answer such a question? He gave it careful thought before he answered, glad no one was around to listen in on their conversation. She waited patiently for his answer. “I am intrigued by your mind, and I admire the way you handle yourself. Your skills as a healer are beyond most. Your method for searching for the cause of the curse was well-organized and thoughtfully arranged. I was most impressed with all of your abilities. But the way you conduct yourself is most remarkable. Some ladies giggle all the time, and some do the one thing I hate most—touch. They touch all the time, and it makes me uncomfortable. You conduct yourself as I imagine a scholar would.”

“Many thanks for your kind words, but then why are you still interested in me? For what purpose?” She stopped and turned to face him, nearly reaching for his hand but stopping herself. “Are you interested in me as a friend or as a romantic interest? Do you wish to marry someday or never? My apologies if these questions are too probing, but I’ll be leaving on the morrow and I’m anxious to hear your responses.”

“I think we are friends already, so I’d like more. Shaw said I should pursue you, just as he is pursuing Tara.”

“So you are only doing something your brother advised you to do? Is that the only reason you’re speaking with me?”

“Nay. I approached him because I don’t have much experience with lasses. I am interested in you, so I went to him to make sure I handle things right. You are not from our clan, so I don’t wish to offend you or your cousins. After I told him my thoughts, Shaw said I should pursue you because I value your opinion and I enjoy speaking with you. He suggested I pursue you to see if there are other reasons I like to be around you.”

Jennet stepped closer. “But do you like me?”

Ethan didn’t like the direction the questions were going. “I like you as a friend, aye.”

“Not as a friend, as possibly someone you could marry?”

Ethan tried to stop the frown that came to his face at the prospect of proposing marriage, but he couldn’t. That thought made him wish to confer with his brother again. It would be his responsibility to do it right. He took a step back from Jennet and said, “Nay. I’m not ready for marriage. Not at this time, but possibly in the future.”

“Why? You either like me or you don’t. All those reasons you gave me about admiring me, my methods, my work, those could all be said about a colleague. It seems there is more to your proposal, and I’d like to know exactly what.”

“This is confusing to me because I don’t understand why you’re asking about a proposal. ’Tis too soon for that.” He rubbed his forehead a bit too hard because his skin felt raw.

“Nay, not for a betrothal. I didn’t mean that. It’s about your intentions, your motivation. I don’t understand them. Can you tell me more, please?”

He didn’t know how to answer her, so he said the first thing that came to his mind. “I’d like to return to the keep now, if you please. I will continue to pursue you, if you don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind because I like you. But I’d like one reason why you are pursuing me. Please take all the time you need, Ethan, but I’d like an answer.”

“I don’t need time to think on that. The answer is quite simple.” He smiled in relief because things were simple again.

“What is your reason?”

“Shaw told me to.”