Breach of Honor by Naomi Porter

21 Miranda

A NEW YEAR’S EVE masquerade ball had been a spectacular idea… before Will. I had taken the job a year ago, before the man I adored had entered my life. Now, as 8:00 p.m. approached, I couldn’t wait to get home to Will.

There wouldn’t be a fancy party or dinner to attend since my job made planning an evening out at the last minute impossible.

Such was the life of an event planner. Elegant events like this one were my bread and butter.

And only rich people had masquerade balls on New Year’s Eve.

“You pulled it off, sweets. Our first masquerade ball. The glitz and glamour, it’s like the Phantom of the Opera.” Lily beamed, standing beside me in awe.

“Well it should be since the Phantom of the Opera was the theme.”

From the music to the decorations and crystal chandeliers, the ballroom was haunting and enchanting all at once. Every event I’d planned in the last two years topped the previous one. All the brainstorming with clients and work, I loved it all. The end result always left its mark on my heart. Planning events and weddings was the only thing I wanted to do.

“Do you think you’d ever want to stop planning events?” Lily asked.

I gaped. What a silly question. “Never! I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. Nope, this is it for me, babe.” I nodded, crossing my arms over my chest as I watched couples dance.

“What if you and Will get married? Do you think he’d be okay with you working? I mean, you’re very dedicated to your work. What if he doesn’t like the long hours you put in?”

I chewed on that thought for a moment. Will had only ever encouraged me. I couldn’t imagine he would want me to quit my job. “He’d never ask me to stop working.”

“But what if you have a baby? How would you work and take care of it?”

I faced Lily. Her question was genuine, but I didn’t know how to answer her. “I guess I’d figure it out if we got married and when we started a family. Until then, this is it for me.”

“Maybe we should hire more staff?”

“What? You’re not serious… are you?” From the get-go, we’d agreed it would only be the three of us running the business—just me, Lily, and Tate. Bringing in more people might complicate things, too many opinions and all that. “What kind of staff?” I touched my earring, pinching my brows together.

“Don’t freak out. Maybe a couple of assistants to work the events so you and I don’t have to be here on New Year’s Eve.” She touched my arm, her doe eyes full of sincerity. “Just consider it. It would free us up more, and you could spend more time with Will.”

I smiled, butterflies taking flight in my stomach. “I’ll consider it, but I really think I can handle it all.”

“I don’t doubt you could, but how do you plan to manage your new love affair?” Lily elbowed me playfully. “Aren’t you dying to get home to him? What hot plans do you have… raunchy sex?” She clapped with a wicked grin.

“Hopefully!” I fed into her game even though I wasn’t sure what she meant by raunchy sex.

“Woot, woot, woot!” She threw up a fist and pumped the air. “I’m so jealous but happy for you too.”

“It’s been the best six weeks of my life.” I sighed dreamily. “I’ve fallen hard for Will. I think he might be the one.”

There was no thinking about it. Deep down, I knew Will was my forever. Though neither of us had breathed the word love, I felt it in every kiss and touch of his hands.

I hoped he felt loved by me as well.

With only an hour to spare before the sky lit up with fireworks, I rushed home to Will. This was our first New Year’s together, and I wanted to give him an unforgettable night and kiss him as the clock struck twelve.

I’d also picked up a bottle of tequila with the hopes it would lower my inhibitions so I could blow Will’s mind.

For as unforgettable as Carmel had been, I couldn’t get past failing to give him a blow job. Maybe I’d put too much importance on the deed, but wasn’t it what men wanted? It was on shows, in magazines, books, and the Internet. Men liked blow jobs, and I believed the woman who could give them pleased their man best.

I wanted to please my man… my Will.

I also wanted to wipe the memory of the woman in Club Rendezvous out of his mind.

Pumped up for what I hoped would be an electrifying, life-altering experience, I pulled into the garage. Will walked out of the house to greet me as he had each day since I moved in. He opened my door, extending a hand.

“Hi!” I flashed him a wide grin, hopping out of the car.

“Hi, beautiful. I’m happy you’re home.” He kissed me, lips warm and filled with passion. He slipped his tongue into my mouth, taking my breath away. We kissed there in the garage, pawing each other. Will me pressed me against the car, burying his fingers in my hair, and I gripped the base of his neck. This was what I loved about us, how we connected immediately as soon as we were together.

Each stroke of his hands along my arms left my skin tingling and begging for more. I pressed into him, hooking my hands around his neck.

Lo and behold, he was ready for me, hard and bulging against his pants.

I fought the anxious thoughts threatening to unravel my plans. Determined to stay the course, I pressed my hands against Will’s chest and pushed him back. “Let’s get inside. I brought us a little something.” I bent into the car to retrieve the tequila. Will took hold of my hips and ground his erection into my ass.

“Damn, baby, I want you fucking bad.” He rubbed against me, groaning in his throat. I held still, letting him get worked up. Feeling him turned me on right along with him.

“You’re going to mess your pants if you keep at it.” I teased, pushing into him as I rose.

Will turned me around. Before I could blink, his mouth crashed to mine and I was swept off my feet. He closed the car door with his hip and carried me inside the house. I melted into his body, kissing him desperately.

He set me on my feet and stared at me with desire-filled eyes. His hot gaze heated every nerve in my body. “What’s this?” He took the brown paper bag, a curious glint in his eyes as he slid the bottle out. “Don Julio. Nice.”

“Let’s do shots.”

He lifted my hand to his lips, dark eyes locked on mine.

“Jesus, you’re turning me on.”

“That’s the plan.” Will winked, retreating into the kitchen.

I fanned myself, warmth pooling between my legs. But I had to stay focused. If Will got wind my pussy was throbbing with need for him, he’d have me laid out on the sofa within seconds. His cock would be so deep inside me, the world would fade away. Right along with my plan to give him the blow job of his life. Or so I hoped it would be.

He returned with the bottle and two shot glasses. “This will be fun.” He poured, then handed me one. “To us!”

We raised our glasses, clinked them, and swallowed.

“Wow!” I sucked in a breath, putting my hand on chest. My face instantly heated. “I don’t usually do shots.”

“No?” He grinned, refilling our glasses. “This will be a lot of fun then.”

“Too much tequila will make me pass out… You’ve been warned.” I pressed the palm of my hand on my forehead, feeling feverish and relaxed—excellent.

“Noted.” He grabbed the sound system remote and music started. “To the best year of our lives.” We raised our glasses and downed the mind-numbing drink.

I sucked in air again as if it would defuse the fire in my chest. “That one wasn’t so bad.”

Chris Brown’s voice filled the living room. Will took my hand and spun me in a circle. The lyrics resonated with me on a level I’d not experienced before. I did need to loosen up my body.

“Let’s dance into the New Year.” We didn’t have long, maybe fifteen minutes. Two shots and I felt light as a feather, my goal not forgotten but reinforced.

Will got me going in a conga. His hands radiated on my hips as we moved in unison to the beat and danced around the room. The glow of the moon bouncing off the water mirrored my hopeful heart. I knew one more shot would send all my inhibitions into orbit.

I couldn’t get enough of dancing with Will. It was the sexiest thing he did.

The song ended, and Will’s hips gyrated against my ass to the next song. I always loved the Latin influences in Santana’s music. I arched into his chest, arms above my head, welcoming his hands all over my body.

With slow, seductive strokes, his hands glided up and down my legs. I closed my eyes as he swirled his pelvis against me, revving up my arousal. The heat of his body sent sizzling spasms between my legs.

What would he do if he knew I wasn’t wearing panties? Thinking of the possibilities turned me on even more. Like his velvety tongue driving me wild as he unfolded me. How could he stir me up this way? My nipples peaked and my skin was beyond sensitive. Every brush of his hand threatened to make me come.

“Will…another shot,” I requested, tilting my head up to his chin. I needed to get this blow job started and face my fears.

I wobbled when he left me without saying a word. Seconds later, another shot glass was in my hand, and I drank it down before he could say anything. “One more, please…” I pushed the glass into his chest.

“What are you doing, Miranda?” He eyed me suspiciously.

I could hear the words he had said in Carmel. Just love me, Miranda. That’s all I need. I did love him, and I wanted to show him with my lips wrapped around him.

I rolled my hips, shimmying my shoulders and blew him a kiss. “I’m dancing, silly. Just one more… please.”

“It’s almost midnight… Are you sure?”


He filled the glass and passed it to me. Again, I drank it down without pausing. “Yes…” Oh I felt it… freedom. I could conquer the world. I could overcome my fears, or so I told myself.

Before I could jump Will’s bones, a slow song started.

He pulled me into a close embrace, then dotted kisses from my shoulder up to my neck as we swayed to the sultry song I didn’t recognize. Not that it mattered. I was preoccupied with getting down on my knees.

“Come here.” I took his hand, leading him to the sofa.

Will followed, intrigue written all over his face. I proceed to unbutton his pants and pulled the zipper down slowly. I licked my lips as I slid his pants and boxers simultaneously down his hips.

His dick sprang out, greeting me with an enthusiastic pop. I wrapped my hand around it and tugged gently. “I want you… in my mouth. And after I finish, I want your tongue in me.”

“Fuck,” he growled. The fire in his eyes told me all I needed to know. Will wanted this as much as I did. “Anything you want… it’s yours. But are you sure? I don’t need to be in your mouth. Although I do need my tongue in your pussy.” His eyes narrowed, drinking in my body.

“Stop talking. I want you naked.”

Will quickly tore off his shirt and kicked his pants and boxers to the side.

“Good boy.” I ran my hand along his muscular chest, down his cut abs, and straight to the V leading to his cock. “Now sit.”

He obeyed, excitement in his eyes. “You’re driving me wild, baby. But again, you don’t have to do this.”

“Shh… let me begin.” I licked my lips, taunting him. “Lean back and get comfortable.”

He did as commanded, keeping his eyes on me. I slipped my heels off and pulled my dress up and over my head.

Will abruptly sat up and cupped my ass, his mouth on my pussy.

“No, no, no.” I giggled, pushing him back. “Patience is a virtue.”

He dropped his head back against the sofa, chest heaving from the zing of lust that had hit him, I assumed. I couldn’t help but giggle again.

Down on my knees, I took his stiff cock in my hand and his body trembled. My mind wasn’t fuzzy by any means. I knew what I was doing, and I wanted to pleasure Will. The deep desire to possess him with my mouth had controlled my every thought since we returned from our trip. My failures perpetually lurked in the dark corners of my brain.

I needed to face my fear and blow it out of the water.

I didn’t build up slowly, but I stroked him a few times, enjoying the feel of him, tracing my thumb over the head. My chest grew heavy, mouth watering with anticipation and fear. I pushed through it, taking Will into my mouth. His thighs quivered against my shoulders as he sucked in a breath.

Holding his cock with both hands, I took him in farther, tasting him. This time it didn’t bother me. I relaxed, closing my eyes, my tongue exploring him. I stroked his shaft down to his balls, turning myself on in the process.

I’m doing it!

The thrill of my almost success was squashed when I drew him in farther and tried to suck. My gag reflex hit, releasing unstoppable tears and panic. Why, why couldn’t I do this?

“Baby…enough.” Will reached for me but I shook my head, eyes closed so I didn’t see his disappointment. “Sweetheart, come here.”

The moment lost its luster and was ruined.

Will pull me up and cradle me in his arms. I didn’t fight him. I needed his comforting touch. Reverently, he caressed my body and kissed me with meaningful intent. There were no words. If I tried to apologize like last time, it might upset him. And that was the last thing I wanted to do.

This wasn’t Will’s issue. It was mine. He’d made himself crystal clear: a blow job wasn’t the be all end all.

I had to let it go. Otherwise, it might control me.

Will lowered me to rug. “Happy New Year, baby.” The faint sound of fireworks alerted us that midnight had arrived. He stared at me with awe in his eyes. “I want to thank you for—”

I placed my finger on his lips. “No. No words.”

“Damn…I love you.” The words left his lips without resistance.

I blinked unsure I heard him right, waiting for his face to turn white or panic to flash in his eyes, but all I got was a soft smile.

“I do. I love you.”

Hearing him say those three little words meant more to me than I had imagined they would. He loved me. Will loved me, just as I loved him. Happy tears pooled in my eyes, but I wouldn’t let them fall. No crying. Just utter happiness… and love.

“Oh, Will… I love you too.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to me. “I’ll never forget this New Year’s.” My heart expanded staring into his dark, loving eyes.

“Me either. Now let me ensure you never forget it.” He hiked a brow, his gaze creeping down my body.

I closed my eyes, surrendering to him and willing myself to forget about my failures once again.

After tonight, I’d let go of my quest to give Will a blow job.