Breach of Honor by Naomi Porter

19 Will

MIRANDA’S SPARKLE HAD vanished. She tried to hide her uneasiness, putting on a smile and engaging in conversation with my mom and sister. But I felt the tension in her shoulders when I draped my arm over them. I hated not knowing what was going on. The last thing I wanted was to make assumptions, assumptions leading back to Jason.

When I asked if she was ready to leave, she gave me a sharp nod. Twenty minutes later, we were on CA-1 headed to my place. We’d have half an hour to relax, then I planned to devour her body all night. I’d fuck her good and long.

I could tell she needed it. So did I.

It was probably selfish of me given the state I’d found her in, but sex had been on mind all day after getting her off in the car. It had been so fucking hot, and I would finally have her to myself.

But I couldn’t ignore the gnawing in my gut. I needed the truth. I needed to know what had happened. Wasn’t it better to upset her in the car so then we could make up for the last two nights when we got to my place?

“Take me home, please.”

I could have broken my neck the way I twisted it in her direction. “Take you home? We agreed you were spending the night at my place.”

She crossed her arms over her chest protectively. “I’d rather go to my place.”

I gripped the steering wheel, fighting to keep calm. “What happened in my parents’ house?”

“Will, let’s stay at my place. Please.”


“I don’t want to be there while Jason’s there,” she blurted.

“So this is about Jason? What did he do? Talk to me.” Her silence unnerved me. No, it freaked me the fuck out.

“Please stop questioning me.” She stared out the window, eyes rapidly blinking.

I needed to know what in the fuck happened to upset her. A fire smoldered in me as I thought about Jason’s smug expression in the hallway, but I wouldn’t let my imagination get the better of me.

“How about I don’t question you and you just tell me what the hell happened? Just so you know, I’m fully prepared to kick Jason’s ass, and I can take him.” I flashed her a cocky grin.

She sucked in a breath and smiled back—a little progress.

“Tell me what happened so I don’t have to bug you about it tomorrow when you move in.”

Her smile faltered. “Um… I was thinking Monday would be a better day.”

I glanced at her, utterly confused. We’d talked about bringing her things over the day after Christmas. “Tomorrow is the day.”

“Monday will be better. I have two events this weekend, and I’d rather wait until Monday.”

I gripped the steering wheel tightly. “I want to sleep with you in my arms, sweetheart. It’s not like you were bringing a lot of stuff. Reconsider?”

“When is Jason leaving?”

Shit. Every time she mentioned Jason, I grew more uneasy.

“I’ll kick him to the curb. I’ll put him up in a hotel. Whatever you want. But baby, my home is your home. I want you there with me… in our home.”

She turned toward me and reached for my hand. “You’d do that for me?”

“Are you kidding? Yes, I’d do that for you! We belong together.” I lifted her hand to my lips.

“Okay, but not tonight. I don’t want to see him at all. You’re welcome to stay at my place… and I hope you will.”

My heart might burst. “Yes, I’ll stay at your place.” I kissed her hand again. “As for Jason, he’ll be gone by noon tomorrow. I promise.”

I breathed in Miranda’s scent, watching her sleep. I wore her out last night reconnecting, and damn did it feel good. No question the feelings I had for her were love. Grandfather had had it right yesterday.

Still, it scared the crap out of me to feel this strongly for a woman.

Miranda had told me what happened in the hallway with Jason. The way her body shook made me crazy angry. How dare he make a pass at her? What kind of friend does that? And caging her in as if she were a possession? Intimidating her so she felt vulnerable was fucking wrong.

Jason and I would have words today. If the son of a bitch didn’t apologize or show remorse, I’d beat him to a bloody pulp. No, I wouldn’t do it unless necessary, but I’d toss him out on his ass, and our friendship would be over. Treating my girlfriend like a piece of meat not only disrespected her but it disrespected me. I would never allow such treatment toward either of us.

Last night before she’d drifted off to sleep, I assured Miranda I would handle Jason and she’d never need to worry about him again. In her sweet voice, she’d thanked me and then nodded off. I meant it. I’d end my friendship with Jason for Miranda without any hesitation.

“Mmm, morning, handsome.” Bright, happy eyes stared up at me.

“Morning, gorgeous. I love waking up with you in my arms.”

She snuggled closer. It turned me on instantly. I rolled her onto her back and covered her body. “You read my mind.” She scrunched her nose, spreading her legs. “Warning: I could get used to this.”

“That’s the hope.” I teased her with my cock at her center.


I sighed. “If you’re on the pill, we should be good.”

“The pill needs to be taken at the same time every day. In the last week, I’ve missed it twice because we’ve been busy”—she wiggled her pelvis under me—“when I normally take it before bed. I’ll switch to the shot. This way I only need to worry about it four times a year.”

I reached for a condom on the nightstand. Miranda took the packet, ripped it open, and rolled it on me. Having her hands on my swollen cock was heavenly.

“Whatever you want to do, baby.” I kissed her and slipped into her, losing myself in her love.