Breach of Honor by Naomi Porter

29 Will

JASON RAMBLED ON about some show he liked, White Collar. I couldn’t focus on what he was talking about, my mind consumed by what had happened earlier in the day at SJI. Simone’s trembling body. Axel’s rage. York’s apology in my father’s office.

The incident had to be brought to the attention of my dad and grandfather. They both had remained stoic while York explained how the cameras had been off for ten minutes… at most. I didn’t interrupt him, but I thought it was more like fifteen minutes, maybe longer if Axel had jumped out of his seat before Scout and I had entered the secret room. But that was neither here nor there.

“This won’t happen again,” York had assured them. Still, not a word had come out of my father’s mouth.

My grandfather was a different story. “What about my granddaughter or Miranda, Will’s girlfriend? They can’t be assaulted just for coming here. This crap is unacceptable!” His booming voice had filled the conference room. It was good to hear him speak up about something when for so many years he’d been quiet, letting my dad run the company.

“I’ve already made profiles to keep at the security desk with the approved individuals exempt from the normal protocol. I assure you, an incident like today’s will not happen again,” York had promised.

The madness of it all made my head spin. I’d been raised within the glass walls of SJI. For the last fifteen years, security had always been discreet, non-invasive to our clients and visitors entering the building. The guard who had usually stayed behind the desk with the receptionist never once had to escort anyone out or pat them down.

These changes seemed over the top. Unnecessary. It felt like freaking TSA in SJI. What was next? A full-body scanner?

The door to the garage opened, and I jumped up from the couch to greet Miranda. She’d texted earlier saying she was having dinner with Lily and Simone. I was glad and actually relieved. She’d only have to be around Jason for a short time before she went to bed.

“Hi, baby. How was dinner?” I gave her a chaste kiss on the lips.

“Good. But we need to talk about what happened to Simone today.” She frowned, pushing out her lower lip. “Poor thing was still unnerved during dinner.”

“Sure, later.” That would be a conversation I’d try like hell to avoid. “Can I get you a glass of wine?”

She nodded, setting her things down on the chair beside the desk.

Miranda inhaled as she walked into the living room. I kept my hand on her lower back, guiding her to the sofa so she could sit beside me.

“Hi, Jason. How are you?”

Jason stood, extending a hand. “I’m terrific. How about you, dol—er, Miranda?”

Miranda approached him, shoulders squared and shook his hand. “I’m great. Thanks.”

After she sat on the sofa, her legs tucked under her, I darted off to pour her a glass of wine. When I returned, they were both sitting in the room silently. Awkward. I handed her the glass and grabbed my beer off the coffee table as I cozied up next to her. I felt the earth shift the moment she took my hand.

“Just here for the night, Will tells me. What brings you to town?” Miranda asked. She sipped her wine, eyes on Jason over the rim of her glass.

He shifted in his chair. “Yes, one night. Just a little business.”

“I’m glad you could stop by to see Will. What kind of business do you have in L.A.?”

Jason took a long pull of his beer.

“I mean, I’m not exactly sure what it is you do. Will has never talked about your job or where you work.” She smiled casually.

“I’m in real estate.”

“Oh, interesting. Do you have a buyer in Texas looking for a home here?”

“That’s right,” he replied in a blasé manner.

“Where exactly do you live in Texas? I’ve never been, but I’ve wanted to visit San Antonio.”

“El Paso,” I replied for Jason. Miranda was asking a lot of questions. I knew she was trying to engage Jason in a friendly manner, and I appreciated her effort, but Jason didn’t look pleased in the least.

“El Paso?” She sipped her wine again, thinking. “Isn’t that near the Mexican border?”

“It is.” Jason stood. “Want another beer?” He jerked his chin to the bottle in my hand.

“No, I’m good.”

Jason retreated into the kitchen.

“Was it something I said?” Miranda whispered. “I’m just trying to get to know him better.”

I pressed my lips to her forehead. “You’re fine. He’s not used to women asking intelligent and thoughtful questions. Thank you, by the way.”

“No thanks needed. If we’re together, I should try to get along with him.”

“I’m one lucky man.” I rubbed my nose against hers.

“Eww.” Jason coughed, rejoining us. “So is it my turn to play twenty questions with you?” He eyed Miranda, guzzling his beer.

“Absolutely, have at it. I have nothing to hide.” Damn, I loved this woman.

“This should be fun.” He put the beer on the coffee table and rubbed his hands together with a stupid grin on his face. “First, are you with Will just for his billions?”

The asshole, that was his first question? Irritation started to build inside me, but Miranda was perfectly relaxed.

“First off, Will doesn’t have billions.”

Jason shrugged, as if to say whatever. He knew the billions were in SJI and my own personal wealth was less.

“Secondly, I knew Will was special when I first saw him in the club, and I didn’t know who he was then.”

“Okay, okay… that was a practice question. How many guys have you slept with?”

“Hey, that’s none of your damn business! What kind of question is that?” I leaned forward, and Miranda put her hand on my knee to calm me.

“Three,” she replied, unaffected by Jason’s stupid-ass question. “What else do you want to know? As I said, I have nothing to hide. But I’ll warn you, I get to ask more about you. So choose your questions wisely if you want me to go easy on you.” She sipped her wine with a challenging glint in her baby blues.

Her statement gave Jason pause. It appeared he was contemplating what she said. “Are you into open relationships… threesomes?”

“All right! That’s enough, asshole!” I jumped off the sofa, pulling Miranda up with me. “I’m taking my girlfriend to bed.”

Jason snorted.

“Sunrise… I’ll see you at sunrise. Good night.”

“Good night, Jason.” Miranda waved as I led her to the bedroom.

“Night, doll.”

The gall of that man. Even if he was trying to get a rise out of me, that was just plain rude. And perverted.