Breach of Honor by Naomi Porter

30 Miranda

LAST NIGHT WAS okay. Jason didn’t seem intimidating at all. I wasn’t sure what had unnerved me before, but this time was different. He was more like a frightened bird looking for an escape. I didn’t miss the way the corner of his mouth had twitched when I asked about his job or what kind of business he had in town. Or his curt responses. I found our short visit rather interesting, leaving me with an intense curiosity about Jason Sayton.

I grabbed my white shrug, slipped on my pumps, and headed to the kitchen. Will had been up early to see Jason off. Thankfully, I wasn’t expected to do the same.

“I have to say,” I said, entering the kitchen. “Jason seemed a lot different this time. Less cocky. More nervous. Do you think he’s okay?” I assembled my pod in the Keurig and pushed the button.

Will looked up from the newspaper.

“Yeah, I don’t know what’s up with him. He was like that from the minute he arrived. I wouldn’t worry your pretty little head over him. We probably won’t see him for several months again.”

“Unless he has another buyer looking for property in L.A. Does that strike you as odd? I mean, why wouldn’t a buyer get an experienced realtor locally? If I wanted to buy property in… Seattle, for example, I’d want a realtor who was an expert in the area. Jason’s not even from Los Angeles, is he?”

“No, he’s from Texas. He lived here during college. He visits semi-regularly now.”

Semi-regularly?” I shook my head. “Maybe I don’t know anything, but it seems to me that a discerning buyer would want an expert in the area.” I picked up my mug to join Will for a few minutes at the table. I leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips before taking my seat.

“Your lips are luscious.”

“So are yours.” I winked, putting my mug to my lips. I blew on it a little, inhaling the aroma, and carefully sipped. “Now that we’re alone, what happened at SJI yesterday? Simone was pretty shaken up last night. She said something about a new security guard and getting patted down. Do I need to be worried?”

“No. No need to worry. There was a lapse in his good judgment. It will never happen again.”

I studied Will, but he didn’t hold my gaze. “Is there more that you’re not telling me?”

“Baby, it’s a new system with new employees. Mistakes happen.” He squeezed the top of my hand and flashed me his sexy grin. A warmth stirred in my chest. “I like the pink I put in your cheeks.” He leaned in to kiss me.

“If you say so,” I said against his lips.

“I do. Now kiss me.”

I loved this man, crazy loved him.

Paris couldn’t come fast enough. And I’d say yes if he proposed.