Breach of Honor by Naomi Porter

53 Will

A PIECE OF shit was what I had become.

The lies, the deceit… so many lies. The pain I had caused Miranda. The tears. It shouldn’t be like this. We should be together right this minute, celebrating another marvelous wedding she had planned.

Instead, I was sitting at my desk feeling like an asshole for disappointing her again. The part about being in the office had been the truth. Axel had called me after Miranda left the picnic to set up the wedding with her crew.

“I have news,” he had said. Naturally, I’d hauled ass back to SJI, hoping this bloody nightmare would finally come to an end.

As I waited for Axel to arrive, I rocked in my executive chair taking in the view. I loved Santa Monica, my hometown. There was no place I’d rather live. In fact, Miranda and I had talked at length about raising kids here. Making her my wife and starting a family would be a dream come true.

Though my plans to propose in Paris were derailed by Miranda canceling the trip and Simone’s food poisoning, nothing had changed. I was ready to vow to love, honor, and cherish Miranda for the rest of my life. More than ever, I wanted to settle down.

My life had just started to come together in the spring. Dad made me VP of SJI, and I had the second most prized office with spectacular views of the ocean.

Now everything was at risk of falling apart.

I inhaled a nervous gasp, looking out at the inky sky. The moon shone in its full glory onto the deep blue ocean, reflecting its luminosity. The sight was both ominous and peaceful all at once.

It echoed the ups and downs of my days.

What had started out as a day filled with promise during the picnic had turned threatening as it unfolded. It left a bitter taste in my mouth, dashing the hope I’d had of spending the evening with Miranda. These days, I never knew how the day would begin or end. The daunting uncertainty fueled my frustration.

Despite the preceding, I loved this view. It reminded me of walks on the beach I’d taken with Miranda: waves crashing along the shore, seagulls flying in the sky, and people milling about happily. It made me want to fight for a future with Miranda.

Axel entered as a vibration sounded from inside my desk drawer—the cell phone I despised. Like clockwork, Cori’s text arrived an hour before we were to meet for a night out with Jason and Tabitha.

“It’s Cori.”

Axel sat down and waited for me to read the text and my replies. He never said a word until I was finished.

Cori: Try to be more convincing. You suck at being into me.

Me: I’m not into you. I want this over with dammit!

Cori: Soon. Hopefully in Vegas.

Me: Not good enough. Miranda is hanging on by a thread.

Cori: She’ll understand once she’s told the truth.

Me: If she’s still around to hear the truth.

Cori: She will be. See you soon.

“Do you hear this load of shit?”

“Try to relax.” Axel crossed his arms over his chest. “We’re getting closer.”

“I fucking hate this! And Vegas? I feel it deep in the marrow of my bones, something is going to go wrong. Devastatingly wrong.”

“I’ll be in Vegas too. You won’t be alone.”

I waved him off. He had nothing to lose while I had everything to lose. “Why did you call me into the office? I had to tell Jason to meet me here instead of my house.”

“I discovered an Internet search on Jason’s laptop for peanut allergies and their effects.”

“FUCK!” I was on my feet. “Jason’s behind Simone’s poisoning!”

“I believe he is,” Axel said through gritted teeth. “When she kept getting sick in the spring it had to be thallium. That fucker must’ve been using her to keep us distracted.”

“I want him dead!” I had never wished death on anyone before. It was strange not to feel an ounce of guilt for it.

Axel growled under his breath. “Me too. But not yet. Jason will get what he deserves soon. I’ll make sure of it.” The deadly tone in his voice raked down my spine. A haunting vision of the Reaper taking Jason down in a slow, horrendously painful way flashed behind my eyes. Again, I wasn’t bothered by it in the least.

“What’s next?”

“You need to keep playing the game. If they discover you’re onto them, you’re fucked. If the Mexican cartel is involved, they won’t hesitate to take people down. Miranda and your family will be the first.”

My blood turned cold. “Fuck and we aren’t even sure the Mexicans are working with them.”

Axel nodded. “Exactly. I’m going to call in some markers. See what I can find out.”

“Markers? What the hell is that?”

“Nonmonetary payment for my help. The term is outlaw talk.”

“Are you mixed in that shit?”

Axel shot me a wry grin. “Fuck yeah I am. I’m in tight with an MC.”

“A what?”

“Jesus, you really are a prep boy, aren’t you?” Axel snorted.

“Fuck you!”

“MC is a motorcycle club.”

I stared at him confused. “How are a bunch of bikers going to help get SJI’s money back? This is your idea of helping? We’re better off calling in the local PD.” I ran my hand across my beard.

“If you’d shut up and let me finish talking I’ll tell you how.”

“Fine. Spill it and fast. Jason will be here in less than thirty minutes, and he can’t find you here.”

“As I was saying…”

That ominous feeling from earlier had been a telling omen if I’d ever seen one. What Axel had discussed stunned me stupid. Outlaw bikers were going to save the day… bullshit. I didn’t believe it for a second but I gave Axel the okay to involve them anyway. I had to trust someone and Axel seemed to be on my side.

This was all kinds of crazy.

Half an hour after Axel left, a hard knock on the door startled me.

Jason entered and looked at his gold watch. “It’s eight o’clock. Don’t you ever stop working?” He snorted. “All work and no play, that’s no kind of life, my friend.”

“I like to work. Maybe you should try it.” I stood from my chair, removed the navy sport coat off the back, and slipped it on. After the picnic, I’d gone home to shower and change for the last minute double date Jason planned.

“Oh, I’m always wheeling and dealing. It’s how I afford my carefree lifestyle.” He glared, a tough-guy look, but I knew it was all for show. Didn’t he hear himself practically confessing his criminal activities? The stupid son of a bitch.

“Yeah, maybe you should share some of your tips so I can live a carefree lifestyle too.” I noticed Jason flinch out of the corner of my eye, but he recovered quickly.

“What’re you crying about, Mr. Billionaire? You have the ultimate life! Complete with the hottest girlfriend and a little honey on the side. From where I stand, you’ve got it damn good. And my God, Miranda…” The prick practically blew his load saying her name. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you to share?”

His comment nearly sent me over my desk to choke the motherfucker until his body entered the lifeless lifestyle. But I kept calm. Barely.

“Let’s go. I’m hungry,” I shot back. One day very soon, Jason was going to get what was coming to him, and I would have a front-row seat.

“Me too. But not only for food.” He laughed with a nervous twitch in the corner of his mouth.

I ignored the weak bastard, wanting to get this farce of a night over with as soon as possible.

We met Cori and Tabitha at Charlie's Lounge in downtown L.A. at eight thirty, just like we did every other Friday of the fucking month. If it wasn’t for Miranda’s busy wedding schedule occupying her Fridays, she would have been furious if she knew how I spent my evenings out, but she was seldom awake when I’d walk through the door. But she wasn’t stupid and probably had her suspicions. She just never mentioned it and neither did I.

Every chance I got, I gave her all my attention, endeavoring to prove my love and keep her from leaving me. My attempts were in vain. I’d lost Miranda’s trust months ago. After the stupid picture of Tabitha and me kissing had flooded the Internet, I was sure she’d leave. I was grateful she stayed, and I’d never question her motives, but it was weird she hadn’t dumped my ass on the spot.

“So, Vegas…” Jason wiggled his brows. “Everything set to have a rockin’ time in Sin City?”

“Yeah, all set.” I sighed, hating the thought of what Vegas meant.

“Cheer up! We’re going to have an unforgettable time.”

Right then, Cori and Tabitha appeared.

“Hi, baby.” Jason greeted the blonde, giving her ass a hearty squeeze as she kissed him.

Cori’s eyes darted to mine. Time to put on my acting face. “Hi, honey.” I forced a smile.

“Hi, Billy. I’ve missed you.” She leaned in, planting a wet kiss on my lips. It turned my stomach, but for show, I let out a low moan of enjoyment. The glint in Jason’s eyes told me he believed my little act.

Cori slid into the booth, then puckered her lips for another kiss. I was taken aback. A second kiss? I complied, though I didn’t want to after I’d settled back into my spot.

Honest to God, I didn’t know how anyone could believe I’d be into Cori. She wasn’t my type at all: fake red hair, black eyeliner, and she had a cheesy Southern accent she tried to hide. It was cute at best but did nothing for me.

Not that I could ever be tempted when I was desperately and unequivocally in love with Miranda.

The waiter took our drink orders, and I did my best to look like I was having a grand ole time with “my honey” practically on my lap.

Jason appeared satisfied with Cori snuggled close to me.

All the while, my beauty Miranda remained on my mind. The disappointment in her voice on the phone burned in my ears. What I wouldn’t do to make all of this go away.

God I hope Axel and his MC friends could find a way to take Jason down without anyone getting hurt so I could get on with my life.

My first order of business: make up for every time I’d lied to Miranda and made her cry.