Breach of Honor by Naomi Porter

56 Will

CORI SQUEEZED MY knee after I returned to my seat. I hated her at that moment, but I hadn’t lost all my wits and stayed put instead of bolting after Miranda.

I used to believe Cori was only doing her job, that I was the puppet trying to help her stop the bastard sitting across from me, the asshole who smiled as my girl’s heart shattered. Not anymore. My eyes were wide open now. I wanted every one of them to pay for the pain and suffering they caused Miranda.

The humiliation on Miranda’s face, the confusion in her eyes… I felt no better than Jason. Now, I had to pretend like it wasn’t a big deal and look like I wanted to have sex with Cori because Jason eyed me suspiciously from across the table.

“Hey, man, don’t let your drama queen ruin our night,” Jason said as I stared in the direction Miranda went.

“Yeah, Billy… don’t ruin our night.” Cori cupped the back of my head, and her thin lips covered mine. She kissed me in a soft and relaxed fashion, different than the other times.

What in the hell is happening?

I tensed, trying to pull back. This kiss wasn’t okay. It was fucking wrong!

Cori squeezed my knee hard, jolting me into submission. I grabbed ahold of her head and kissed her back angrily to keep up appearances. I couldn’t let these assholes figure out I was on to them or it might put Miranda and my family in danger.

Jason bellowed with laughter. “That’s right. You two need a room. Just like us, right, babe?” he said to Tabitha. “Actually, you can take Cori back to your place since Miranda won’t be home tonight… lucky you.”

“Oh, I’d love to see your place.” Cori clapped excitedly.

“It’s really nice with the ocean in his backyard,” Jason said. “And if you’re lucky, Miranda will never return, and you can move in with Will.”

“Why don’t you shut the fuck up!” I snapped vehemently. What the fuck was going on? I thought Jason had wanted Miranda and me together? “We’re leaving.” I stood abruptly. I couldn’t take this shit anymore.

“Good idea.” Jason nodded. “Let Cori calm your ass down, and Sunday morning, I’ll be at your place bright and early, so have your bags packed for Sin City.” Jason sat there with a smug grin on his fucking face as if he owned me.

Before I could say anything, Cori interjected.

“He’ll be ready, I promise.” She smiled, taking hold of my hand. “I’ll see you Sunday, Tabitha… bye, Jason.” She waved at them, a little too friendly for my taste.

Road rage had been something I’d only read about in the newspaper. Now I experienced it on the 10. I would have plowed through any car that got in my way. In fact, I would have welcomed getting arrested. They could lock my ass up in jail, and I’d be happier in a cell with a urinal on the wall than having to pretend with Cori and Jason.

“I saw her in the bathroom,” Cori blurted, a tinge of regret in her voice that was surely fake. She didn’t give a shit about Miranda.

“What? Miranda?” I feigned surprised.

She nodded, staring out her window.


“And nothing much.”

“Nothing much? What does that mean?”

“Tabitha and I were gabbing about our boyfriends. And… I might have mentioned you were the best fuck I’d ever had and that you loved me on my knees.”

“You didn’t fucking say that!”

“I did. Sorry.” She shrugged, making big doe eyes. “How was I to know she’d be in the stall next to me?”

I slammed on the gas, hitting ninety on the freeway.

“Shit! Slow down.” She gripped the door handle. “Look, I knew who she was the second I saw her, so I didn’t make eye contact. Her hands were trembling, and I noticed her sizing me up. I’m sure she pieced together who I was.” Cori paused. “She turned green looking at me. I was sure she was going to faint.”

“Fuck! I’ve lost her!” I banged the steering wheel, accelerating. “I’ve fucking lost her!”

“Slow down, dammit! You’re going to get us both killed! I know this is hard for you, but for what it’s worth, she seems like a good person and too nice to walk away from you. Anyone in Charlie’s could see how much she loves you.”

“Just like everyone could see her heart ripped from her chest. She doesn’t deserve this!” Shit, I needed to dial it back. My emotions were getting the better of me.

“No, she doesn’t, but it is what it is. We need to get through the next few days. You can do this and then you can tell Miranda what’s going on. As long as you can trust her to not tell anyone.”

“I trust her. This is so fucking messed up.” The second kiss Cori gave me flashed in my head. “And what was up with that kiss?”

“Just trying to make it convincing. Why? Did you like it?”

I clenched my jaw.

“No? Okay. Good to know.”

“Nothing about this is funny.”

“I know, just trying to lighten the mood. I didn’t like kissing you either.”

I turned to look at her.

She stared out the window with her arms crossed over her chest, the lights from oncoming traffic bouncing off her fake red hair. Her red lipstick didn’t seem to come off. I studied myself in the rearview mirror, no lipstick on my mouth.

“I think you’re lying. You did like kissing me.” I could play this fucked up game too. Maybe she’d slip up.

Her head whipped around. “Fuck you! I did not.”

“I think you did,” I razzed her some more. “It’s okay. I won’t tell.”

“Just stop, Will. It was acting.”

“Worthy of an Academy Award.” I laughed out loud for the first time all week… or maybe all month. Oh, she was getting pissed and quick, and I relished it. “Alright, I’m just giving you shit. After the day I’ve had, I needed a little fun.”

Cori relaxed in her seat. “She’s pretty. There’s a sweetness about her. And her eyes never left you once. There was so much love in them. I can see why you would be with her… love her.”

I’d never heard Cori speak with so much sincerity. Or was it longing? Or she was just a goddamn phenomenal actress.

“Thank you for saying so. Miranda is my world.” Dammit, I needed to stop running my mouth. Axel would come unhinged at my openness regarding how much Miranda meant to me.

After I dropped Cori off at her place, I went to my empty home. I didn’t see any evidence Miranda had been here, not that I had expected her to return tonight, just hoped she would. A fool’s hope. Lily had made it clear Miranda would not be coming home.

Lily could sure be a bitch, but I knew she loved Miranda.

I expected Lily to hate my guts for cheating on Miranda. Fake cheating. The protective side of her was fierce. I’d seen it a handful of times. She would go to great lengths to protect those she loved. Miranda was lucky to have Lily in her corner.

I dragged my weary self into the kitchen to grab a beer from the fridge. I prayed Miranda would talk to me, or at the very least text. The night was young at eleven o’clock. Most nights, we didn’t go to bed before one in the morning.

Most nights, we’d go to bed exhausted, pleasantly sated after making love.

How could I let our lives get so fucked up in less than three months?

The house was lifeless without Miranda. She’d always have the radio on her favorite Top 40s station. She had said music helped her focus. I didn’t care why she listened to it all the time. I loved to watch her. The way she shimmied her shoulders, bobbed her head and hummed off-key, I loved it all.

I stretched out on the sofa and turned on the TV. The quiet was too much. I couldn’t resist the urge to call her and pushed the call button on my cell phone. Fucking voicemail. Frozen by the sound of her voice, I didn’t leave a message. I sat there until the call ended on its own.

Next, I typed out a quick text and waited for a response.