The Billionaire and the Runaway Bride by Nadia Lee

Chapter Forty-Seven


–Me: So the car can be delivered in two weeks?

–Tim the Rolls Dealer (Not My Agent): Yes. Pink and all specced out. Automatic transmission, just like you asked.

–Me: Good.

* * *

–Bobbi: What do you think about this design? I used your suggestions and tried to incorporate them as much as possible while still sticking to a cohesive theme.

–Me: Holy cow. That’s really going to be a cake?

–Bobbi: Yes.

–Me: I didn’t know cakes could look like that.

–Bobbi: You’ve never had a baker like me.

–Me: No kidding. No wonder you have a long wait list.

–Bobbi: Yeah, but it’s for Ivy. She’s special. And so is Yuna.

–Me: I’m gonna put it on all my social media accounts.

–Bobbi: Please do. I can use the free publicity.

* * *

–Me: What do you think about this design for the cake?

–Court: That’s a cake? I thought it was art.

–Ivy: How are we supposed to eat something that pretty?

–Nate: Easy. With your teeth and fork. Actually, you don’t have to chew before you swallow. Bobbi makes the best cake. It’s so moist and just melts in your mouth.

–Tony: You must’ve given her a really good design request, Declan.

–Me: Just gave what comes to mind when I think of Yuna.

–Ivy: She’s going to be thrilled.

–Jo: Totally. That cake looks like a dream.

–Evie: I’m so glad we had you do the cake, Declan. I don’t think I would’ve had Bobbi do something that awesome.

–Me: Anything else you want me to take care of?

–Ivy: I almost feel like I should have you in charge of flowers, too, but Kim already took care of that.

–Kim: Yuna should get the best flowers. And the cake looks awesome. Bobbi’s the best.

–Ivy: One more week, friends!

* * *

It’s D-Day. Or B-Day. I can’t remember being this excited about somebody’s birthday before. Birthdays are when I go to a party, say, “Happy birthday,” hand over a present Benedict picked out, sing a song and eat some cake.

But today carries an extra meaning. It’s Yuna’s birthday.

Some might say it’s too soon, but I honestly can’t imagine what my life would be like without her. Every day is great when I’m with her. She doesn’t have to do anything. She can just be in the same house and I’m happy.

Since it’s Sunday, Yuna’s not here. Jo and Kim have her out shopping, keeping her away from Ivy’s home until six—no spending time with the babies—while the decorators put the finishing touches and Bobbi brings over her super cake.

I can’t wait for Yuna to see the thing. It’s sheer art. And the gift I bought her, because it’s a sign of true love. She’s going to light up, and my heart is full of happy anticipation. We should go for a short drive in her brand-new pink wheels. A gorgeous Rolls coupe convertible. The color’s custom, and she’ll love how the baby drives. It’s hella more fun than an SUV like Nate mentioned, and Yuna deserves a fun ride.

Then we’ll close out the party with fireworks that spell out Happy Birthday to the Best Woman in the World, which was my idea. (And I’m damn proud of it.)

Afterward, we’ll come home to Malibu and dance all night. I don’t give a shit if her disapproving duo is going to be watching us move to the music.

Just as I’m about to leave for Ivy’s place, I get a call from my agent.

“You got some time?” he says.

I check my watch. “Depends. I can give you a few minutes.”

“Josh Fields wants to talk about a sci-fi flick he’s working on. He’s very interested in having you.”

“Really? That’s great!” Josh Fields is an Oscar-winning director, and he’s done an incredible range of films. Everyone in Hollywood wants to work with him, including me. Even when one of his films isn’t a commercial hit, it gets talked about and the actors get a lot of publicity and attention.

Tim says, “He’s seen you in Pushing His Buttons, and he thinks you’d be awesome because even though his next project is a thriller, it’s got a lot of comedic elements. He needs an actor who has good comedic timing and roguish charm. His words. The role he’s thinking of for you is a funny and charming playboy space pirate with a secret past. And before you say you don’t want a romance hero role, there’s very little romance in the movie, so you don’t have to worry about it being Pushing His Buttons in outer space.”

“All that sounds great. When does he want to meet?”

“Right now.”

Shit.If Josh is serious, the talk could take too long. Yuna’s party is going to start in an hour and half. I want to be there to say, “Surprise!”

“I’ve got something going on right now. Can we schedule it for tomorrow or some other day?” I ask.

“No can do. He’s leaving for London this evening, and he won’t be back for a couple of weeks. It won’t take long…maybe half an hour max. He just wants to get a look at you in person, talk a little. Like that. It can do amazing things for your career. Really. I’ll join you guys.”

I know that, but I still want to turn this meeting down, or at least delay it, but then…

Yuna’s mom acted like I’m not good enough for Yuna for so many reasons. And I told her none of them matter because I’m an accomplished, successful man. But a hit show or two on Netflix is far from the pinnacle of success, especially compared to the men her parents are shoving at Yuna. Those guys are running multibillion-dollar conglomerates and have fancy degrees and pedigrees.

I want Yuna to be proud. And I’ll be damned if I’ll give Yuna’s mother another objection to throw at me. The only thing I have to show her is what I’ve achieved, and working with Josh Fields is going to make me even a better candidate.

“Fine,” I say. “I’ll meet with Josh. Tell him it has to be short. When and where?”