The Billionaire and the Runaway Bride by Nadia Lee

Chapter Forty-Eight


“The twins are going to look so cute,” Jo says as she parks her Lexus in front of Ivy’s home.

“I know, right?” I say, although I know Jo and Kim had ulterior motives for shopping all day today.

Still, I act like I have no clue. I don’t want to ruin their fun. Or my own. Watching them be happy is going to be all the reward I need.

I wish I could ready my phone to snap a picture of Declan jumping out and saying, “Surprise!” but that would spoil everything.

Ah, acting is so hard. How does Declan do it?

Kim carries half the glossy bags for baby things in consideration of how pregnant Jo is. We leave the other half in the car because they’re for Jo’s baby to come.

“I can help with those,” I say.

“No, I’m good,” Kim says.

“Ladies, let’s go,” Jo says. “I want air conditioning and food.”

We walk inside the mansion blazing with lights. Jo looks at her phone. “Ivy says the twins are in the piano room.”

An excellent choice, I think. I would’ve picked that space for a party because it’s huge, with a good view of the garden. Once the sun goes down the outside lights come on, and the place takes on a magical, fairytale-like feel.

Wonder if my friends hired a DJ. I want to dance with Declan against the fantastical backdrop.

The second I cross the threshold to the piano room, Ivy and the rest of the gang jump up from behind couches.

“Surprise! Happy birthday!”

Loud pops go off everywhere and confetti flutters in the air like flower petals. I gasp and put both hands over my mouth.

“Oh my God, guys!” I let out a squeal and scan the crowd to spot Declan. Except I don’t see him…which is strange.

Still, I maintain my happy smile. He probably went to the bathroom or something. There’s no way he would miss my birthday. There’s nothing on his calendar for today. I checked.

“To our best and most awesome friend, Yuna!” everyone says in a chorus.

“And to my best and most beloved daughter,” Mom says from behind me, putting her hands on my shoulders.

I turn around with a fond smile. “Mom!”

She cradles my face tenderly. “Happy birthday, my peach child.”

She always calls me her peach child on my birthday because she said she dreamed of a gorgeous peach when she had me and craved the fruit so badly.

I hug her. “Thanks, Mom. I’m so happy you’re here for my birthday, even though we’re celebrating in America.”

Everyone comes over and hugs me. I hug them back, my heart full of joy. This is seriously the best.

Even Bobbi’s here. New profession or not, she still looks like an Amazon warrior and squeezes me like an anaconda.

“You’re so buff,” I say with admiration for the strong lines on her arms.

“It’s all the kneading,” she says.

I laugh. “I can’t wait to see the cake you must’ve created.”

“You won’t be disappointed.” Bobbi winks. “It’s the best I’ve ever made. And it’s huge!”

A big cake… Now I understand. Declan’s hiding in it to jump out later. I’d plan something like that if I had the time to commission a cake large enough. And one of my chaebol heiress friends actually did have that happen. Her boyfriend jumped out of a cake and said he was her present, which was hilarious and adorable.

Hopefully, Declan doesn’t pop out in nothing but a thong and a huge bow around his neck. Mom’s here, and while I wouldn’t mind, she’d probably faint.

Ivy comes over to kiss me on the cheek. “Happy birthday, sister.”

“Thanks, sis. You’re the best.” I smile, then remember I should pretend to be concerned that Declan’s not here. Must set up my stunned reaction for later. Hehehe. “By the way, did you invite Declan?”

“Of course! He helped with party planning. I don’t know what’s holding him up, but he should be here soon.”

Well, Ivy’s gotten really good at acting, too. Must’ve gotten some pointers from Declan. Heh. “Awesome.”

We grab snacks and mingle a little. The DJ is playing an upbeat tune.

“Do you want to open some presents first or do the cake first?” Evie asks me.

“Oh my gosh, that’s so hard.”

Cake so I can see Declan!But I must restrain myself. Can’t ruin my friends’ work.

Doing everything in my power to suppress my excitement and anticipation, I feign a moment of consideration. “Let’s do both at the same time!”

“Why not? Have your cake and presents, too,” Nate says with a laugh.

“Okay, so it’s a bit childish, but what can I say? I love everything about this party.”

“Of course you do. We planned it,” Court says.

“Let’s open the presents first,” Ivy says. “And wait on the cake until Declan shows.”

So he needs more prep time.That’s fine. I can be patient.

The presents are piled high. I recognize which ones are from Mom because they’re professionally wrapped with golden ribbons, which are her signature. But they aren’t her real gifts. She’s going to give me her real one in an envelope later. Most likely land or some stock. Maybe even cash. Some cash would be great, because if it’s real estate or stock, it’ll be structured in some complex setup that’ll be very complicated to liquidate in case I ever get into another “we froze your accounts” situation.

I open the gifts from my friends first.

A custom platinum and diamond pendant from Ivy that reads Sisterhood in Korean. I immediately put that around my neck and smile. “It’s perfect.”

“It totally is, because I have the other one.” Ivy pulls hers out from under her neckline.

“Woohoo!” I grin, my heart full of all the warm, squishy feelings.

A small guardian angel statue from Tony.

“You’re always looking out for your friends,” he says.

“Hear, hear!” the rest of the gang agree in unison.

“Aww, thanks. But you guys look out for me too!” I hug him.

Nate and Evie give me a music box shaped like a grand piano, made with pale mother-of-pearl. As the piano turns, it shimmers like the moon. Debussy’s “Claire de lune” flows out, as light as air.

“This is so beautiful! I love it!” I say.

I open more, and they’re all super sweet and thoughtful. Edgar’s makes me burst out laughing because it’s a snow globe with a female warrior inside. She has flowing auburn hair and is throwing a ball of flame.

“I couldn’t do the napalm. Apparently, you don’t throw it with your hands,” he deadpans. “So I settled for a giant flame ball.”

I’m laughing so hard that my shoulders are shaking and I have tears in my eyes. “You rock! This is literally the bomb!”

Court and Pascal’s gift is a gorgeously framed…something. It looks like writing, but I don’t recognize the language. “This looks great, guys,” I say. “But, um…what is it?”

“A poem in Klingon!” Court says. “A translation is on the back. It’s about friendship and love.”

“We wrote it together,” Pascal says.

I turn the thing over, and sure enough, there’s a nice poem in English on the back. But Court and Pascal are huge Star Trek fans, and frankly, the Klingon version looks cooler. “This is awesome! I’ll definitely bring you guys along when I travel around the galaxy.”

It takes over half an hour to open all the gifts, comment and thank each person. I could do it faster, but I pace myself, making sure Declan has plenty of time to get ready for the cake surprise.

When we’re busy tossing ripped wrapping paper into the trash can, I quickly check my phone. Sure enough, there are some messages.

–Dad: Happy birthday, my daughter! We need to have a party when you’re back in Korea. By the way, I’m giving you a small bit of real estate. I must warn you, the lot is fairly modest, so it might be disappointing.

I shake my head at Dad’s coy disclaimer about the land. It’s likely to be something amazing.

–Me: Thanks, Dad. I love you!

The next text…

–Asshole: Wish I were there to wish you a happy birthday in person. But our attorney should be in touch with you about the gift.

Oops. I should change the name back to Eugene. If he’s saying our attorney’s going to get in touch, it’s definitely real estate. Again, in some complex trust that I won’t be able to liquidate at will. But land appreciates, and I like getting appreciable assets from my family on my birthdays.

–Me: Thanks!

Then a final text… It arrived about an hour ago.

–Declan: Happy birthday! I’m in a meeting right now with a director, but I’ll be there soon!

A meeting? This wasn’t on his calendar. Also, how soon is “soon”? It’s been over an hour. Part of me wonders if he has to have the meeting right now. Another part of me wonders if the meeting was scheduled to end by six but is running late. That’s totally possible.

Whatever. It doesn’t matter as long as he gets here. He helped plan the party, so there’s no way he’ll miss it.

“What’s wrong?” Mom asks.

I jerk my head up. “Huh?”

“You’re frowning.”

“Oh. No, just checking something.”

“Did your dad and Eugene send presents?”


“Good. I told them maybe you need something to make yourself a bit more financially solid. We simply can’t have another ‘Yuna needs to get a job’ situation.”

I think she’s less upset about me working than me meeting a man she doesn’t approve of while working. She’s trying to control my life as much as possible because she wants to ensure I don’t make mistakes or get hurt, but she needs to understand she can’t control my feelings.

“Where’s Declan?” Mom asks. “He knows it’s your birthday, doesn’t he?”

I sense a slight undertone of disapproval. She’s likely thinking about what I said about things I want from my man, and she’s judging Declan.

“He said he’ll be here soon,” I say confidently. He isn’t like the dossier men or Eugene, who live like their sole purpose in life is to work until they drop.

“I hope so. The party won’t go on forever.”

Dinner and dancing and chatting ensue. But Declan doesn’t show. And no text or call. But he said he’d be here, so…

Eventually, I can delay the cake no longer. A birthday party without a cake is like an orchestra without a conductor. I signal to Ivy we should go ahead with it.

Bobbi brings out the cake. It’s a three-tier pink buttercream and fondant piece of art. Each tier has a different theme—friendship, music and love. On the top is a group of modeling chocolate figurines representing each of my friends, Mom and Declan, all with their arms spread. They’re arranged in a half-circle around a swirly “Happy Birthday, Yuna!” in deep purple.

It’s stunning, and part of me is touched at the effort and thought that went into the design of the cake, but another part is unhappy that Declan isn’t here in person. Just in effigy, on the top of the cake as a modeling chocolate figurine.

Well. He said he’d be here soon, so I’m sure he’ll show up. The party isn’t over yet. There might’ve been an accident or something. And this is L.A. It’s not like traffic isn’t a factor.

Candles are lit, and a chorus of “Happy Birthday” goes up. I smile. My friends did an amazing job, and I don’t want to ruin the moment by showing that I’m upset about Declan’s absence.

“Make a wish!” Ivy says.

I blow out the candles, but all I can think about is that Declan’s still not here, and I shouldn’t be wasting my birthday wish on Declan being here because he should’ve been here on his own.

If I was really important to him, he would be here.

“I hope you wished for something awesome, because you deserve it,” Tony says with a smile.

“Oh, I did,” I say, ensuring my tone is light.

Bobbi cuts into the cake. Everyone gets a piece.

“God, this is like mouth porn,” Nate says.

I agree after a bite. “This is incredible, Bobbi. Thank you. You did an amazing job.”

“I’m glad you’re happy.” Bobbi hugs me. “I wanted it to be special for you.”

Behind her, Tony’s checking his phone and frowns a little.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Somebody’s at the gate,” he says.

A few moments later, the doorbell rings.

Finally!All my anxiety and annoyance over Declan evaporate. Before anybody can move, I trot toward the door, eager to have him join the party. He’s going to apologize sheepishly for being late, and I’ll forgive him after a minute of consideration designed to make him squirm a little. That’ll be my little revenge for his tardiness.

When I reach the door, I realize I’m still holding the plate of cake and a fork. I balance them in one hand and open it.

“Decla…” I trail off.

It’s not Declan at the door. It’s some man I’ve never seen before. There’s something slightly smarmy and artificial about him. It’s the teeth. They’re so huge and white, I feel blinded.

“Sorry we’re late.” His breath is minty enough that my eyes water. “A mild traffic jam, but your car’s here.”

“My car?” Did Eugene send me a car? But he knows I don’t drive. Besides, if he sent me a car, why did he say our lawyer would get in touch?

“Isn’t this the right address for Yuna Hae?”

“Well… Yeah,” I say, although technically it’s Ivy and Tony’s home.

My friends come stand behind me. I see Mom out of the corner of my eye.

“A pink Rolls for the most wonderful lady in the world. From Mr. Declan Winters.” The man does a ta-da gesture at the car with both arms.

I slowly step toward it. It’s a stunning coupe convertible in a gorgeous, dreamy pink. It even has a giant bow on the hood.

“Holy shit, the color’s better than what Dane chose for Sophia,” Nate whispers.

I crane my neck, a desperate hope flickering in my heart. Declan’s probably hiding behind the car, ready to jump out with flowers and hug me, so I can tell him how much I love it. But no. Nobody’s behind the car or next to the car or under the car or anywhere around the car.

It’s just this convertible.

And what the hell am I going to do with this thing, anyway? I can’t drive it, and I can’t have a chauffeur for it, either. It isn’t for that sort of arrangement.

“That’s some gift,” Mom says, her voice neutral. She loves me too much to rub it in my face, even if she now gets to set me up with that man she wants me to meet so much.

My whole body is shaking. I realize I’m holding the plate so hard that the tips of my nails have turned white.

Rage builds like a storm. Air inside my lungs is hot and painful. I expel it with effort, then stomp down on a furious scream that’s welling inside my chest.

Declan sent me a fucking car. After he said he’d be here. He promised. I still have his text!

I guess whatever meeting he has is really important—it’s his career. But my birthday is one day out of three hundred and sixty-five. And he only needs to be here for about an hour, that’s it. A tiny sliver of his year.

If he cared about me at all, he could spare that much time for me.

But guess it’s too much to ask. He spent more time having sex with me than showing up for this party and wishing me a happy birthday.

I jab the fork into my piece of cake and hurl it at the car. It explodes against the windshield, yellow sponge cake and pink frosting splattering like brain matter.

A collective gasp goes up around me. And the festive energy in the air that surrounded us dies an abrupt death.

I turn around deliberately and smile even though I feel like crying. I’m not wasting my tears on Declan. If I’m not worth less than one percent of his year, he’s not worth even a drop of my tears.

Besides, I still have my friends. They’re all looking at me with their eyes wide with uncertainty and sympathy. They put in a lot of work to make this day special. So I’m going to put on a happy face and have a good time.

“Sorry, Bobbi. Your cake deserved better treatment.” My voice is surprisingly steady and calm. Score one for me!

“Well…there’s a lot more,” she says, patting my back awkwardly. “And my cake is guaranteed to come off in a car wash.”

“Let’s go inside.” I start walking back to the mansion. “I want to dance, don’t you?”