The Billionaire and the Runaway Bride by Nadia Lee

Chapter Fifty-One


I drink coffee and munch on fresh berries, while Mom has her eggs and toast. All brought up by room service a few minutes ago.

“I really don’t know how much longer I can eat like this,” Mom complains.

“At least the chef didn’t douse everything with butter like yesterday.”

“I don’t know how anybody can be expected to eat so much grease.” Mom shudders. “My arteries will never be the same.”

“That’s why I stick to yogurt and fruit.” But I know what she really misses is abalone porridge prepared by our housekeeper back in Korea. Mom loves to have it at least once a week.

“By the way…”

“Yes?” I prompt her when she doesn’t continue. It isn’t like her to bring up something then not talk about it.

“I heard Ryu Taejo’s in the city to visit a cousin who’s attending UCLA medical school. I thought it’d be nice if you two could meet today. Maybe for lunch?”

The last thing I want to do is meet my mom’s top pick for a meal, but I did promise. Besides, it’s been three days since the birthday party. Mom’s been remarkably patient.

“Sure,” I say finally.

“Excellent.” Mom smiles.

I hope she isn’t expecting anything to come of the lunch. A meal isn’t a commitment.

She adds, “You’ll enjoy going out. You’ve been staying inside since the party. Haven’t even done any shopping.”

I just haven’t felt like leaving because I know Declan’s hanging out in the hotel lobby. I don’t want to face him until I’m emotionally ready. Losing my temper or frothing like a rabid dog won’t do, even if that does seem to be the modus operandi for most of the women in his life.

The fact is, I don’t want to talk to him. I don’t want to hear him apologize for missing the party. I finally read some of his texts. He doesn’t understand this isn’t about the party. It’s about the fact that I’m not his priority. That he thinks an outrageously expensive gift can make up for it.

He treated me the way a dossier husband would. And getting stuck with a man like that is something I’ve literally traveled halfway around the world to avoid. If I hadn’t had any expectations, it wouldn’t have hurt so much. But he made me dream and hope and want. And then crapped all over it.

I just can’t seem to find a way to forgive him or get over it. My heart aches so badly, and the pain is nothing like what I felt when Woomin betrayed me. This is a thousand times worse. The knife Declan stuck in me is still turning, still making me bleed, keeping the wound raw and aching.

“I know it’s been hard,” Mom says with a sigh. “I didn’t realize you cared about Declan so much.”

“What do you mean?” I ask with mild surprise. I thought I’d been acting pretty calm. And with control and proper decorum. I’d rather die than have anybody pity me and my situation.

“Because you haven’t raised your voice even once. And I know my daughter. When you’re truly hurt, you turn cold.”

I let out a laugh of disbelief. “No, I don’t.”

“Yes, you do. You’re very much like your brother in that regard. But then, he taught you to do that.”

“Did he? I don’t remember.” I’m a warm, fun person, unlike my overly serious older brother.

“Oh, I think it was when you were in first or second grade—I can’t remember which, precisely. But you were upset about something and pitching a fit.”

“What was I upset about?”

“I don’t know. You were too busy screaming to tell me what was wrong.”

I drink coffee to hide my face behind my mug. That sounds like the worst kind of shameful behavior ever.

Mom continues, “Anyway, Eugene told you if you show how affected you are, you’re only humiliating yourself.”

I raise both my eyebrows. “I doubt I understood that when I was that young, especially when I was upset enough to be screaming the entire time.”

“Eugene put it more…bluntly and impactfully, with words that a child can understand. I’d rather not repeat it.” Mom smiles a “you know what I mean” smile.

He probably used a few bad words. I learned all my bad words from him, even though he denies it.

“But aren’t you happy I’m going to meet this Ryu Taejo? That’s what you wanted,” I say.

“Yes and no. I offered Declan money to leave you.”

Embarrassment blazes through me. “Mom!

“What? I had to try.”

“He turned you down.” My tone is flat, but a tiny, tiny part of me is pleased he did. At least he didn’t fail me like that damned Woomin.

But he still failed,a voice inside me whispers. Maybe not like Woomin, but in a different way.

True enough. And it was a much more public way, so everyone, including all my friends, would know how little I mean to him.

“Yes, so I offered him one of the penthouses we own in Manhattan.”

I just shake my head. Mom is so shameless and persistent! “And…?”

“He turned that down, too. Apparently, he has no desire to move to New York City.”

Or leave me. The idea softens me a little, but then I remember that it probably had nothing to do with me. His career is here. In Hollywood. That’s why he didn’t want the penthouse.

If Mom had offered him a penthouse in Los Angeles… Well, who knows what he might’ve said?

“I also made my objections clear to him, but he defended himself fairly well. He was quite serious about being with you, and I thought…perhaps…” Mom sighs. “Perhaps he actually was the kind of man you said you wanted. A man who would put you first. I half wished he’d be that person even as we had the talk at Ivy’s place.”

Damn it. For Mom to come this close to accepting Declan makes everything more painful. I feel like an idiot for being such a terrible judge of character.

“I thought you’d be happy you got what you wanted,” I murmur softly, doing my best not to show how much I’m hurting.

The corners of her mouth turn downward. “No parent is happy to see their children sad.”

I look away briefly to control my churning feelings. Once I’m calmer, I face her. “I can’t cry or scream. I don’t think I could stop if I started. And I don’t want to waste my emotional energy on a man who doesn’t deserve it.” Because that’s a matter of pride.

I don’t cling, and I won’t beg for affection from anyone. Either somebody loves me or they don’t. And I’m certainly not going to cry over a man who won’t bother to show up for my birthday party.

We finish the rest of the breakfast, gossiping about the latest fashion. I’m grateful for the change of subject.

Since I now have a lunch appointment, I take a long shower and put on a brand-new baby-pink Naeem Khan dress and the cutest pearlescent nude heels. For accessories, I pick out pearls and diamonds. They’re classic.

When it’s time to go to the restaurant where I’m meeting Ryu Taejo, I put on a pair of oversized sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat that goes perfectly with my outfit. Ms. Kim carries my purse for me. Mr. Choi and three additional bodyguards follow.

Nerves jitter in my belly, and I take a deep breath in the elevator, trying hard to calm myself. It’s the first time since the party that I’m leaving the suite, and I’m probably going to run into Declan, who I know is loitering in the lobby. Why is he bothering? He should have more important meetings with his agent and Hollywood people. After all, his career is what matters the most, isn’t it?

If this is out of some misguided sense of guilt…

Maybe I should text him back and state that an apology isn’t needed over spilled milk. But there’s no sin like poor social timing.

Or I could just sneak out by myself. Use a different exit. But that’s ridiculous. I haven’t done anything wrong. Why should I inconvenience myself that way?

Maybe because you don’t know how you’re going to react if you run into Declan?my inner voice says.

Mr. Choi and his team will handle Declan if he tries to get too close. I don’t know if I can maintain control otherwise.

The elevator dings, and the doors open. My entourage and I spill out into the lobby. My chin held high, I start walking toward the car waiting outside. I keep my step deliberate and measured to hide the emotions churning in my gut. Ms. Kim walks a bit behind me, while the bodyguards move along in a half-circle, watching my sides and back.

The sound of shoes hitting the marble floor rings from my left. My stomach churns a little, and resentment and something that feels like furious love tears at me. I blink fast to get rid of the tears in my eyes.

Don’t turn your head. Don’t turn your head.

“Yuna!” It’s Declan’s voice. There’s a brief scuffle with one of the bodyguards and then his hand wraps around mine.

And I’m faced with the man I thought I was in love with.