The Billionaire and the Runaway Bride by Nadia Lee

Chapter Fifty-Two


Three days in the Aylster lobby finally pays off when Yuna comes out of one of the gleaming elevators. She’s surrounded by her people, who are in black suits. And I can’t see her eyes through the dark sunglasses covering half her beautiful face. But I can never mistake the hot awareness prickling through me, just for being in the same space as her.

I run toward her, not wanting to waste this opportunity to talk to her.

“Yuna!” One of the suits tries to get in my way, but I forcibly push him to the side and take her hand.

Mr. Choi immediately steps forward and puts a hand on my chest, murder in his eyes. The others move to create a wall between me and Yuna, who yanks her hand out of mine. Ms. Kim reaches into a bag and gives Yuna a disinfecting wipe, and she runs it over the hand I held just seconds ago. Ms. Kim takes the used wipe.

It’s the same thing she did to that ex of hers who left her for money. Having it done to me feels…eviscerating. “Yuna, I’m sorry I missed the party. I didn’t mean to.”

“This isn’t about the party.” Her cold words chip away what little hope I’ve been hanging on to.

“And the car. I didn’t know you couldn’t drive. If you want, I can teach you.”

Her lips twist into an ugly line. The sight is a slap to my face. I’ve never seen her make such an awful expression before.

“It isn’t about the car, either,” she says. “I have to go. I’m going to be late for my date.”

“Date?” I croak.

“My mother arranged for a meeting with a dossier candidate.” Her tone is hard. “You see, she didn’t think you’d care enough to show, and I told her she was wrong. We actually made a bet because I was so sure you’d come. But I was wrong. Obviously, totally, completely mistaken. So now I figure I should do as she says. She clearly knows more about men than I do, and on top of that, it’ll make her happy.”

Fuck. “Please don’t do this. You’re going to regret it. That dossier guy doesn’t love you.” Words pour out in a desperate torrent.

She shrugs. “Apparently, love doesn’t matter.” She turns to Mr. Choi and speaks to him in Korean.

She walks toward a car outside with Ms. Kim and one of the bodyguards. I try to follow, but Mr. Choi and his buddies stop me.

“C’mon, man! What the hell’s wrong with you?” I demand of Mr. Choi. “I’m trying to make things right here! She’ll be miserable with a dossier husband!”

“You let her down,” Mr. Choi says, the words clipped. “And you don’t understand Korean culture. You can’t make Ms. Hae happy because you don’t know what makes her happy.”

The car takes off with her inside. My heart shrivels.

“It would be best if you don’t show up again. Nothing is going to change. Ms. Hae is returning to Korea soon. And if you show up in Seoul to harass her, things won’t end this pleasantly.”