Breaking Free by Isabel Lucero


How isit possible to feel this happy simply by being around another human being? This morning, I woke up in an extremely good mood, thanks to the life altering sex I had last night, followed by hours of talking, touching, and cuddling.

The morning blowjob I received and performed helped as well. Dominic says we should wait at least a day before we have sex again, since I am sore, but if he thinks I’m celebrating my birthday tonight and not having sex, he’s wrong.

I hear a crash from the kitchen as I’m sitting on the couch in the living room. “Do you need some help?”

“No. Stay in there,” he says. “Shit,” he murmurs, probably having hurt himself. “I’m almost done.”

I grin, shaking my head before I glance over my shoulder to see what he’s doing. He told me he’d make me breakfast since it’s my birthday, but he didn’t tell me whether he has a lot of experience cooking or not. Based on the amount of times he’s cussed, and/or dropped things, I’m going to assume not a lot.

After a few more minutes of me pretending to watch TV but instead watching him struggle to find everything he needs, he calls out to me.

“Okay, you can come in now.”

I push up from the couch and head over, spotting a couple of plates with scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, and tortillas. On another plate is a couple pieces of toast and next to it are two cups of orange juice.

His eyes bounce from the plates to my face, looking a bit happy with himself, but also worried. “What do you think?”

“Looks good,” I tell him. “How many times did you burn yourself?”

“Let’s not talk about that,” he says, glancing at his hand. “I didn’t know if you wanted toast or not. I wrap all my food up in tortillas, but I made both. And you can’t have breakfast without orange juice.”

“Thank you,” I say with a smile, rounding the island to wrap my arm around him. “I appreciate this.”

He kisses my temple. “Happy birthday. Let’s hope it’s edible.”

The food is definitely good. We both scarf down everything fairly quickly.

“I may need you to make me some more meals,” I tease as I sit back in my chair.

He scoffs. “Maybe we shouldn’t risk that. Also, how do people crack eggs without getting shells in the pan? I had to scoop out like six fucking pieces.”

I laugh, getting up to take the plates to the sink. “Feel free to come over every morning to perfect your egg cracking skills.”

“I’d prefer using some of my other skills.”

“Oh yeah? You have other skills?”

He rushes up behind me, wrapping his arms around me as he playfully bites my neck. I laugh, nearly dropping the dishes.

“Want me to bend you over this sink and show you?”

“Mm.” I bite my lip. “Think I’d say no to that?”

“So you are aware of my skills.”

“I hate you.”

He kisses my cheek before stepping away and sitting on the counter next to me. “I thought we went over this last night.”

“It’s a love/hate sort of thing,” I say before freezing, my eyes widening as I stare into the sink. That’s not really what I meant to say. It just came out, but hopefully he doesn't think this is me revealing my feelings. “Or just hate,” I add, turning the water on and avoiding his gaze. “You are pretty annoying.”

“Yeah, I’m the annoying one,” he teases, allowing me to breathe a sigh of relief.

“So what do you want to do while we wait to head out tonight?” I ask.

He looks at his watch. “Well, we have about eight hours. You sure you won’t get sick of me?”

I allow my eyes to travel up and down his body. “I’m pretty sure.”

“You want me?” he asks with a grin. “Because I’ll spend all goddamn day in bed with you if that’s what you want. You’re the birthday boy.”

“I thought you said we should wait to have sex?”

“Nobody said anything about sex, you little fiend.”

I roll my eyes. “If I’m the birthday boy, I should get whatever I want.”

He arches a brow. “Oh? You gonna tell me what you want?”

“You already know.”

“I want you to tell me. In detail.”

I drop the dishes and shut off the water, taking a second to dry my hands before I walk over and step between his legs, my hands slowly traveling up his thighs before grabbing onto his hips. My lips brush against his cheek before I nuzzle my face into his neck, my tongue darting out to lick a small patch of skin under his ear.

With my lips near his ear, I say, “Maybe later.” Then I step away and smirk at him.

“I hate you,” he groans.

“Oh yeah?”

He jumps down, pushing me against the counter and trapping me between his arms. “Hating you is damn near impossible. The opposite, though…” he trails off, his forehead leaning against mine before he pushes his lips to mine.

He never finishes his thought because we get too wrapped up in each other.

* * *

“How are we doing this tonight?”he questions as we’re getting ready to leave.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, we’re...together?” He forms it like a question as he studies me with an arched brow.

My tongue swipes across my lip as I grin. “We’re together,” I confirm.

“But only a handful of people know, and we’re gonna be around most of the team tonight, so I’m assuming we’re just keeping it friendly.”

“I guess just normal.”

“Normal was you acting like you hated my guts when really you just wanted to be in my pants.”

I roll my eyes. “Okay, I won’t pretend I hate you. I just won’t kiss you, or touch you, or…” I drag my gaze down his body, loving how his shirt fits snug across his shoulders and how his ass looks in those jeans.

“Eye fuck me?” He laughs. “Good luck with that.”

“Let me just get it out of the way now,” I say, stepping up to him and melding my lips against his as my hand grabs his ass.

The kiss turns fiery and I’m all but grinding against him as my breaths come in heavy pants.

“Now you’re just turning us both on,” he says, pulling away. “If you think I won’t lure you into a bathroom and shove my cock down your throat, you’re dead wrong.”

I bite my lip. “Maybe I’d like that.”

He laughs. “Come on, Campbell. We’re late to your own birthday party.”

Knowing we’re both planning on getting pretty drunk, we get an Uber to drive us to the first bar of the night—Toast. Jay’s already texted me asking where the hell we were, so I assume everyone else is already inside.

“Gonna try to ride the bull tonight?” Dom asks, his lips curling up on one side.

“Uh, no. I’m not good at riding…” The rest of the sentence dies on my tongue, because amusement twinkles in his eyes as his smile grows.

“I think we can find out if that’s true soon enough.”

I feel my cheeks heat up. “Stop.”

A few seconds later, we’re inside the club and pushing through groups of people, searching for our friends.

“There,” Dominic says, pointing at the bar.

When we approach, a chorus of Happy Birthdays ring out before Jay says, “Okay, shots!”

I snort, and everybody crowds the bar, ordering shots and putting them on their open tabs. There’s about six guys from the team, not including Jay and Dex, plus Ronan and Renzo, and Jay’s friends, Olivia and Bryant. We’re a pretty good sized group, so once we get our shots and a round of drinks ordered, we head away from the bar and find a table that’ll only fit five of us. Not many are planning to stay seated anyway, so it works out.

“To Trevor, the nicest guy I know,” Jay says, holding up his glass, his eyes dancing to everyone else. “No offense.”

Renzo rolls his eyes. “Happy birthday, man. Here’s to you. We all love you and hope you have the best fucking night you’ll never remember.”

“Fuck yeah!” a few people yell.

Everyone raises their shot glasses before swallowing down the liquid. The rum burns a path down my throat and warms my chest.

“I wish I could lick the taste of that rum from your tongue,” Dominic whispers as he reaches across me to grab his drink.

“You’re killing me,” I groan.

He smirks.

During the course of the next few hours, everyone takes their turn on the dancefloor or attempting to ride that damn mechanical bull. I laughed my ass off when Renzo’s cocky ass thought he would be able to hold on, but was thrown off several seconds in.

A few of the single guys have found girls to dance with, and I think Marcus actually left with someone already. I’m not a big dancer, but what am I gonna do? Dance with a girl I’m not interested in while Dominic watches? No thanks. He’s also kept off the dancefloor, even though I’ve noticed a guy in here watching him who’d be more than happy to take him for a spin.

“That fucking guy is still looking at you,” I say as we’re watching Jay attempt to ride the bull.

Dominic snorts, his head angling to the side to find who I’m talking about. “The one in the stripes?”


He looks back at me, his lips pulled into a grin. “I’m not interested in him, though.”

I shake my head, fighting a smile. The more I drink, the more handsy I wanna be with him. I’ve had to force myself to leave his side, because otherwise people are gonna think it’s weird we’re so close all of a sudden.

Once Jay falls off the bull, he comes outside the pen, laughing. “I swear to God that guy turns that thing up on me more than anyone else.”

Dex laughs. “No he doesn’t.”

“Wanna head to Lily Pad soon?” he asks us.

I shrug. “Sure.”

“We’re going to Lily Pad?” Shea asks.

“Yeah.” Jay looks at his watch. “In half an hour or so. You guys don’t gotta come,” he says, aiming the statement at the straight guys on the team. “But some of us want to.”

“I don’t really care,” Shea says. “My girlfriend can’t come out tonight, and at a gay bar, at least there’s less of a chance for me to be stupid and fuck up my relationship.”

Liv chimes in. “Ugh. I hate men. How about you just not be stupid. You have to be around people who aren’t interested in you to not cheat?”

Jay laughs. “Less of a chance, so there’s still a chance you could be stupid at a gay bar. I mean, you are a lot of gay guys’ type,” he teases.

Shea flips everyone off before heading to the table.

The group gathers around the table, drinking the rest of our drinks while several of us order Ubers to take us to Lily Pad.

The guy in stripes approaches Dominic, and I watch from the other side of the circle, completely surprised at the balls he has to come up to him while he’s around so many of us.

Most people don’t notice, but my heart rate spikes as I watch him touch Dominic’s arm to get his attention. Dom’s eyes flash to mine briefly before he bends down a little to hear what the guy has to say.

I can’t hear him from here, but I know he’s kept his hand on Dominic’s arm and has gotten a little too close to his body for my liking.

Renzo and Jay get my attention. Renzo’s brows are furrowed as he jerks his head in Dom’s direction, basically telling me to step in. Jay’s wide eyes bounce between us. More people have noticed Mr. Stripes talking to Dominic. Fucking Tim mutters something about Dom being able to get some tonight.

I watch Dom shake his head slightly, giving this guy a polite smile. He’s probably trying to let him down easy, but this guy grabs his hand and tugs it near his cock.

The fucking audacity.

I storm across the circle and break the grip he has on Dominic’s hand, scowling at the guy in stripes. “He’s with me,” I say between gritted teeth.

His brows raise in surprise, and he lifts his hands in defeat before he spins around and leaves. I look up at Dominic who’s watching me with a shocked and somewhat amused expression.

I slowly turn my head and find every set of eyes on us. Guess I made a bigger scene than I thought. I didn’t even think about what I was doing, but I was not about to have this random guy try to make Dominic touch his dick. Even if most of them couldn’t hear what I said, the action in itself says enough.

I slip my hand in Dominic’s and turn to face him. His eyes search mine, asking if I know what the hell I’m doing. I slide my other hand across his jaw and press my lips against his.

It’s not a long kiss, just a simple peck, but it gets the message across.

I face the sea of confused, shocked, and few happy faces. In a loud voice, I say, “Yes, I’m gay, and me and Dominic are together.”

Eyes seek out other eyes, wondering if they heard it right. Dominic squeezes my hand.

“I’m gonna assume most of you don’t have a problem with that,” Dom says. “But if you do, you can get the fuck over it.”

Jay laughs. “That’s what I’m saying.”

After a few more seconds of silence, Shea says, “Man, whatever. Just as long as y’all can still win us some football games.”

Deshawn shrugs. “Don’t matter to me. Not my business.”

“Cars are here,” Dex announces.

“Let’s go,” I say, and Dominic drapes a heavy arm over my shoulders as we walk out.

“You’re doing it again,” he mutters.

“What’s that?”

“Making me feel things.”