Wolf Taken by Heather Renee



I’d known Roman would have an adverse reaction to what had happened to me, but I didn’t expect him to wolf out in front of everyone.

At first, I was worried he was going to hurt someone in the room, but when he managed to keep the last sliver of his control in check, my appreciation for him grew by leaps and bounds. Roman was furious on my behalf. He was blitzed out on rage, but strong enough to keep hold on the worst of it. He was a true alpha, and he only had eyes for me.

I didn’t know how I had missed the intensity within him before, but I wanted all of it to myself. First, I had to finish telling my story.

Several minutes later, Roman was back to his normal self—at least on the outside—and I continued. I relayed my interactions with the Moon Goddess, including the times she spoke in my head. I explained the moments with Cohen and Kyle and glazed over the ending with Callista.

“You actually throat-punched a bitch? I’m so jealous,” Embry said when I finished.

Vaughn shook his head. “Out of all that, that was your takeaway?”

She huffed. “No. I also learned I chose well in a bestie. Cait’s a badass.”

Leave it to the two of them to break some of the tension after my heavy retelling.

Roman’s fingers gripped my shoulder as he stood protectively above me. The sun shone into the room from behind us, and exhaustion was setting in for me.

“We’ll report their betrayal to the council,” Jack said.

Roman snarled. “I don’t think so. I’ll take care of them myself.”

“Son,” Jack warned, but Beatrix cut him off.

“There is a reason I came here, a reason I kept you away from Cait as long as I did. Timelines have changed, as I’ve already mentioned and Cait has, too. While you’re feeling murderous, you’ll need to take those aggressions out on a different foe before you’re able to face Cohen.”

This had my attention.

“Why should I listen to you?” Roman snapped.

“Because if you don’t, Sam won’t be making it back home.”

The connection I felt to Roman flared to life as he held painfully tight to me. My hand covered his, hoping to ease some of his rage.

“Where is Sam?” Roman asked with an eerie calm.

“She’s stuck in Australia. Sort of,” the witch replied.

“What do you mean ‘sort of’?” Vaughn asked.

Beatrix stood, streams of magic bouncing between her hands. I was transfixed by them until she clapped her hands, making me jump in my seat.

When she pulled her hands apart again, an image appeared of a boulder on an empty beach with waves just a few yards away. It was massive in size, and there appeared to be screaming faces carved into the hard surface.

“This is dark magic. The rock is a host witches use to trap souls while they inhabit the bodies of their victims. At least, that is the typical use of this particular stone. These are powerful witches who have died and been brought back to life. The kind that those of us who know better kill at every chance we get.”

Just when I had thought I was getting the hang of this supernatural life, Beatrix had to throw the biggest of bombshells on us.

“Are you saying a witch is inhabiting the body of my cousin?” Roman asked very slowly, words dripping with malice that made my skin crawl. He’d certainly had a rough day, and every ounce of alpha power was pouring from him, making me squirm in my seat.

Our mate is strong. He will protect us, my wolf said.

She wasn’t saying anything I didn’t already know, but Roman had always been so calm, cool, and collected before. From the moment they found me, I’d been seeing a different side to him, one that felt more real than anything before.

Not that I didn’t believe he wasn’t as caring as he’d been previously, but the Roman before me was raw and raging, and I was intrigued.

We will fight with him, my wolf added.

Hmmm, I wasn’t sure how that would work. There was a lot I still had to figure out about me, or at least me and my wolf. She was being nicer, but I wasn’t convinced that would last forever. I still needed to decide how to approach her attitude.

I’d missed the first part of Beatrix’s response, but tuned back in at the right time to get the gist of what was going on.

“Sam was ill-informed about her mission. She’d unexpectedly had help, but it wasn’t enough against the dark witches. Like I said before, they’ll use the stone to store souls while they inhabit the body, but sometimes it’s used to offer up their sacrifices in exchange for continuing to draw the dark powers of the stone.”

“Are you saying Sam is being used as a sacrifice?” Jack asked when shock prevented the rest of us from speaking.

Beatrix nodded. “If she doesn’t get out in time, yes. Her body will be absorbed by the magic of the rock, and the physical part of your niece will be turned to dust. Sam killed several of the witches on her own, as did the help she had, but I don’t know what happened to him. That wasn’t part of the business I was asked to pass along.”

“So, how can we get her back?” Vaughn asked.

“That I can’t help you with. I need to get back to my coven. We have our own messes to deal with in California, but I promised my ancestors I’d set you on the right path. As long as you’re not too bullheaded, then I believe I’ve done that.”

Roman paced as Embry reached for me and asked, “What about Cait?”

“I was wrong before. Cait is a wolf shifter, even though she is different. The Moon Goddess made her creation just as intended, and I can only make assumptions on anything more than that, which won’t be very helpful. I’m sure the rest of you will figure it out,” Beatrix answered and stood.

Roman’s head snapped up, eyes filled with fury. “You’re just going to drop all of this on us and leave without a solution to the problem? Like this doesn’t involve your kind as well?”

If I didn’t know Roman, I’d have cowered down. The rage dripping from his words broke my heart.

“They might be witches, but they’re not my kind. I don’t have a magical solution for you, but I have some advice. Use your alpha power. You can control your wolves. Make Sam come back to you,” Beatrix replied as she proceeded to the door, but looked back at the last second. “I’ll leave portal spells with Serene to help you get there and back faster.”

I thought for a moment Roman was going to stop her, but he said nothing more as Serene and Roman’s parents followed the witch out and it was just me, Roman, Embry, and Vaughn left in the room.

“Well, isn’t this just like a bitch’s bad tit?” Vaughn said, and I snorted.

“I think your parents dropped you on your head a time or two when you were little,” I said, glad he’d broken some of the tension in the room.

Roman turned toward the three of us. “We need to leave.” Then, he glanced at me, and his darkening eyes told me where his true fear lay. He knew I wasn’t ready to fight witches, and he didn’t want to leave me, but his love for his cousin was too big to do nothing when there was a chance she could die.

I reached for him, offering any sort of comfort I could. What he’d done for me, stealing me away and showing me how much he still cared in the cabin? It had been just what I needed. Hopefully, my small actions told him how much things had changed for me while I’d been gone.

My touch broke the rigidness of Roman’s stance as Vaughn spoke.

“We can handle this. Sam had been set up, it sounds like. We just need a quick in-and-out plan. It shouldn’t take much to call her out from the rock, if that will work. If it doesn’t, then we leave and re-evaluate,” the beta said.

Roman’s stare bored into me. His worries were so strong, they felt tangible. “I can’t leave you.”

“I can stay here with your parents. It’s not that big of a deal. I won’t leave the pack,” I said.

“You didn’t intend to leave the pack last time, either. It’s my job to protect you, and I won’t fail again,” he replied with little emotion, but I could tell his flat tone was hiding a hell of a lot of rage.

“What if we wait just a day? Cait was making a lot of progress before things went to shit. Now that she’s full wolf, it could be worth taking the time to see. If things go well, she might even save the day,” Embry said.

Roman whipped his hardened stare toward my best friend and took a step toward her, but I moved between them. “Listen to me very carefully. I realize I am completely out of my element here, but Embry has a point. I would never force you to bring me, but if I can help, then it’s worth finding out, right? If you try to keep me ‘protected’, I’m going to continue to be a liability. We need to figure out what I’m capable of,” I said, keeping my head high while meeting his gaze.

His cheek twitched, but he didn’t respond. Good, he was at least seeing reason. I hoped he understood that I wasn’t a princess to be kept in a tower for all eternity.

We have more magic within us than any wolf shifter in this pack. We could lead them if we wanted, my wolf said.

Yeah, well, I’m assuming that power comes directly from you, and if we can’t learn to work together, then it won’t mean shit to anyone, I replied.

She was silent a few beats before replying. I was angry with your stupidity. As long as you’re not stupid, we should be just fine.

I rolled my eyes. She was going to take a lot of getting used to.

“I’m sorry, Ro, but I agree with Embry. I can catch Beatrix before she leaves and see if there was a specific timeframe to make sure Sam will be okay with one more day,” Vaughn said.

Roman’s chest rumbled as his fingers stretched and curled at his side. His lack of response told me that the alpha in him knew we’d all made good points, but the mate in him was not okay with the situation being shoved into his face.

Embry grabbed my hand. “I realize you haven’t slept, but is now too soon? Then, we can take naps this afternoon, have another session in the evening and get a good night’s rest before we leave tomorrow morning.”

I can provide you with enough energy. Let’s show them what we’re capable of,my wolf said in a tone too confident for my liking.

Given Roman hadn’t shot the idea down immediately, I took the opening while I could. “My wolf says we’re ready, so let’s go.”

Before I even finished my sentence, Embry was pulling me to the door, but stopped suddenly, causing me to crash into her back.

Embry’s head lowered and she stayed facing the wall. I turned back to Roman who was stalking toward me.

“We need to talk about this,” he said.

“We just did. I’m not saying it’s a done deal. If Beatrix says Sam needs you now, or if I can’t prove I’m capable of helping, then I’ll stay locked up inside the pack house for however long you’re gone.” If I was being honest, some alone time and rest sounded like a dream, but more than that, I wanted to help.

He nodded. “Fine, but no more than two hours of training right now. I don’t want anything to happen because you were pushed too hard, too soon.”

Embry made a strangled noise from behind me, and I’d forgotten he’d used his alpha juju on my best friend. Not okay.

I shoved a finger in his chest. “Stop being an…alpha. Embry is off limits to you as of this moment.”

His eyes widened and lips twitched, the first sign of anything positive since we entered the library. “Are you telling me what to do with my wolves?” he challenged.

“No. Just this one. At least for now.”

He leaned down, kissing my forehead and sending heat straight through my body. “Very well, Mate. Whatever you say. Let’s go see what kind of abilities you’ve been gifted with.”

I shook my head. He was giving me an emotional overload, and I wouldn’t be able to concentrate as well with him watching.

“That’s a no as well. You have things to do here with Vaughn, I’m sure.” I glanced at the beta, but the chicken shit was looking everywhere but at us. “Do whatever it is alphas are supposed to do before they leave town. I’ll come find you when we’re done.”

His hands wrapped around my upper arms, pulling me close. “So, we can take the nap together that Embry mentioned you’d need?”

My face must have turned ten shades of red, because Roman smirked right before pressing his lips to mine. Then, he whispered, “Pushing me in front of my wolves is cause for punishment. You might not be ready for it yet, but I will remember each and every time you publicly put me in my place.”

Roman turned me back toward Embry, gave my ass a smack, and gently shoved me toward the door.

Holy shit, I couldn’t breathe and really wished our nap time was right freaking then. On the positive side, Roman wasn’t raging like he’d been just a few minutes before.

Embry managed to hold her snickers in until we opened the front door of the house, but once they started, she turned into a damn hyena with her laughter.

“You shouldn’t be laughing at me. I was standing up for you!” I shout-hissed at her as we crossed the yard.

Embry’s giggles turned into sobs within seconds. She paused in the grass and threw her arms around me. “I thought I’d lost you.”

Embry had never cried with me before. Never been sad or overly upset. Her sudden onset of emotions threw my own into overdrive and, before I knew it, we were bawling all over each other.

I’d done my best to pretend I hadn’t died and come back to life. The truth was that this new world I’d found myself in was not for the faint of heart, and I needed to make sure dying wasn’t on my agenda for many, many decades. Well, at least not again.

“It’s okay, Em. I’m here, and I’m okay, and you’re going to help make sure nobody can ever kidnap me again,” I said as I wiped tears from my cheeks.

She backed up and, even with glossy eyes, smirked at me. “Unless it’s Roman. He seems to be really fond of that.”

I knew she was going to want to know what happened at the cabin earlier, but I wasn’t up for kissing and telling. Not then anyway.

You shouldn’t ever be. What happens between you and our mate is sacred, my wolf said with disgust I assumed was toward me.

Listen here, Wolfette. I’m about damn tired of your attitude. I didn’t ask for this any more than you did, but I’m doing my best. Yes, I made some mistakes, but cut me some damn slack. I didn’t know about this world until a few weeks ago. You’ve been around how many lifetimes?

Okay, I’d definitely meant to have this conversation in a more adult way, but her brashness was too much.

She was quiet, and Embry was staring at me like I was crazy, but I wasn’t moving until the wolf spoke.

This is my fifth lifetime. I’ve lived for nearly seven hundred years.

Her voice was calm and sad and jaded. A pile of guilt slammed into me as I realized she’d been alone, without her other half, for a very long time. She was born in a time much different from mine, and we both needed to find a way to compromise.

I’m sorry for snapping. We just need more time to get to know each other. Can we start with what you’re capable of? I assume most of my skills will come from you?

She huffed. All of them will.

And back to the smug wolf. This was going to be interesting.

Then, she gave me whiplash as she spoke again. I’m sorry, too. You were growing in power on your own before Luna had to take your magic away. I’m sure you will find your own abilities as well.

My jaw dropped ever so slightly. I hadn’t expected an apology, and I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, so I said my thanks and carried on with Embry.

“Uh, want to tell me what that was about?” she asked.

I shrugged. “My wolf and I are getting to know each other.”

“I can’t even imagine how hard that is, but you have no idea how grateful I am that you are like me. You are my person—the only one who has ever accepted me for who I was—and you have no idea how sad it made me these few years to keep who I really am a secret from you.”

I looped my arm through hers. “It all worked out the way it was supposed to, or close to it, I guess. I don’t like that everything is so rushed. I really would have preferred the slow and steady plans the Moon Goddess had for me before.”

“Don’t worry, Cait. We’re going to turn you into the second-most badass wolf there ever was.”

My brow raised. “Second-most?”

“Obviously, I’m not going to let you show me up.” She winked and sprinted away from me, calling back over her shoulder. “Training starts now. Last one to the field does dishes for a month!”

She was ridiculous, but I loved her anyway and raced after. There was no way I would be doing dishes for that long.