Wolf Taken by Heather Renee



Holding Cait, feeling her heart race beneath my touch, was more than I could handle. I’d lost all control, doing exactly what I’d told myself I wouldn’t do.

I had wanted to give her time to explain what happened, see how she was physically and mentally, then figure out what might have changed for her while she was gone. Instead, the moment I caught sight of her wolf, all of that went out the window.

My wolf connected with hers, howling inside me with pure, unfiltered bliss. The combination of that and the rage still lingering at having to wait for so long to get to my mate, had me overflowing with emotions I wasn’t used to.

All sense fled me until I had Cait alone. Even then, I’d acted on my hormones instead of with my brain. My wolf urged me to claim what was ours. He wanted to show Cait we would never let anything happen to her again.

When she didn’t push me away, when I felt the bond between us truly come alive for the first time, I couldn’t stop from taking advantage of the moment.

I’d wanted to spend the rest of the night alone with Cait in the cabin, loving her in every way possible, but I hadn’t forgotten why we’d been apart in the first place. My mate wouldn’t be safe until those who wished her harm no longer walked this earth.

“Do you want to shift and run back together?” I asked Cait.

Her wolf had been stunning. I’d never seen another like her, and while I was intrigued by her new form, I knew the differences were only going to be a bigger problem. Cait would draw unwanted attention.

She nodded. “I wasn’t in wolf form for very long before you guys showed up.”

“Is it weird having another being inside you?”

Cait’s nose scrunched. “She’s not very nice. Or at least, she wasn’t. She didn’t like that I’d, well, uh, chosen to leave.”

Her wolf isn’t mad anymore. She thought Cait would still fight the bond. They’ll find a way to work things out, my own said.

“I’m sure everything will be fine. The more you shift, the quicker you’ll connect with the wolf. That should help things,” I said, squeezing her hand and taking a step back. “Remember your clothes and picture your wolf.”

If Cait appeared naked in front of too many more people, I wasn’t sure what I would do. Normally, nudity wasn’t a big thing. It happened. But, given she was supposed to be only mine and we hadn’t yet “mated,” the alpha in me couldn’t fathom anyone else enjoying the parts that belonged to me.

She blushed and turned her eyes down. I’d embarrassed her and instantly regretted my selfishness.

I moved back to her, lifting her chin up with my finger. “It’s okay, Cait. The rest of us have had our whole lives to figure this out. Nobody expects you to be an expert in shifting right away.”

Giving her space once again, I waited for her to transform first in case she needed my help. Also, because I was curious if her shifts would be different from normal wolves.

When I let the change happen, bones broke and elongated or shortened where needed, skin turned to fur, and my predator senses took over, all while colorless magic shimmered around me.

For Cait, that wasn’t the case, which a part of me expected, and also hated. It was one more thing that made her stand out.

She closed her eyes, and a purple hue glowed around her skin. Her head tilted forward, and her back arched until a bright light nearly blinded me. She was a dark-violet wolf before I could see anything else.

Her wolf sauntered toward me, head down but eyes on mine. She was strong, yet submissive. Powerful, but I could already tell that power meant nothing to the beast within. She could take it or leave it, and that made her even more glorious than I’d already known.

I bent down onto one knee, greeting the wolf at eye level. Her head pressed against my chest as my hands moved over her front flanks and down her back. “You’re more than I deserve,” I whispered.

My own wolf hummed inside me, itching to be released but allowing me this moment. We both needed to bond with the new wolf, and I would take every chance I could to do so.

Cait’s wolf nipped at my shoulder, nudging me until I nearly fell over. Elation overcame the ire I’d been living in since she’d been taken. I let her take the lead until I knew my wolf couldn’t stand the waiting.

She backed up as I stood and shifted.

The new moon had been tonight. My wolf was already amped up from that, but not even the magic from our Moon Goddess could touch what it felt like to be with our mate.

Cait was a few inches shorter than me, and my wolf settled his head over her neck, drawing her in. We stayed close, scenting each other until multiple howls sounded near the pack house. Wolves were returning from the group run that Vaughn had led in my place.

It was time to head back and show them their new female alpha.

Cait matched my stride as we ran toward the pack house. The new moon energized my already invigorated wolf, and I hoped Cait could feel the power of our creator even though it was her first night in her new form.

Other wolves came into view, and my wolf moved ahead of Cait by a few inches. She held her head up high, proud of who she was and more mythical than anything I’d ever seen.

There was an air of confidence about her that I hadn’t expected so soon based on her previous reservations to supernaturals, but maybe that was just her wolf taking control.

I believe it’s a bit of both, my wolf said, and I had to agree. Though, I wondered how it was for Cait to release control and allow her newly acquired other half to take over. I thought she would be at least slightly agitated, but I wasn’t sensing anything of the sort from her.

She had changed irrevocably while she’d been gone, yet I couldn’t shake the feeling that her acceptance had come at a significant cost.

Embry was still shifted. Her tan wolf yipped and circled Cait as I gave them some space—something I hadn’t been able to do earlier. Cait’s seemed hesitant at first, but soon, her flourishing tail swished back and forth, and they pounced on each other.

I shifted back to my human form while they got to know each other, and my parents approached me. “She’s stunning, Son,” my mother said.

I merely smiled, already fully aware.

“Do you know what happened to her yet?” my dad asked as Cait and Embry trotted toward us.

My head shook. “She wasn’t eager to talk about it, and I didn’t push yet.”

Embry shifted back first; her pink hair was wild and skin glowed from the absorption of the new moon. Cait followed, this time appearing fully clothed, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Over half the pack was present and staring. We’d have to do some explaining soon, but not tonight. Dawn was almost upon us, and the pack would sleep for most of the day.

“I’m sure you all have a lot of questions, but let’s stick to normal protocol after a new moon. I will update everyone within the next couple of days with more details. For now, just know Cait is safe, and she has gained her wolf spirit.”

Cait moved to my side, taking my hand. I wasn’t sure if her wolf had told her to do so, but the gesture made my chest tighten with emotion. She was accepting me in front of our pack, something they hadn’t seen yet and I knew would help put them at ease.

“Rest up. We don’t know what awaits us, and while I hope it isn’t anything I need to concern you all with, we’ll need to prepare for the worst-case scenario,” I said and waited until most of the gathered pack began to disperse before turning toward Vaughn and my parents.

“Did the run go okay?” I asked my beta.

“Almost as perfect as my Susy. There were a few anxious wolves, but for the most part, it was business as usual.” Vaughn grinned widely at me, likely wanting to say more about my and Cait’s late arrival, but he thankfully kept his crass words to himself for once.

“Shall we all go catch up in the pack house?” Serene asked with Beatrix at her side.

The witch was fidgety, making me a little nervous, but she’d been away from her coven a lot already. I imagined she was ready to get back to her people and be home for a while.

Cait, my parents, Vaughn, Embry, and I followed the two of them into the pack house. Serene headed into the library and shut the door after we all entered.

Beatrix waved her hands around, sparks of silver magic flickering around her as she muttered to herself. “The room is safe to speak in now. I know you don’t want to believe that your pack had anything to do with Cait being taken, but until we have all of the information, we can’t be too safe.”

This made my wolf furious. He didn’t like thinking that wolves we’d give our life for could betray us, but every shifter was also part human. They could all be swayed with the right motivation.

Cait cleared her throat, seeming nervous to speak up. “I don’t think anyone in your pack had anything to do with what happened to me.”

“Why do you say that?” Embry asked, patting the seat next to her as everyone began to get comfortable in the chairs around the room.

Cait glanced up at me before joining Embry, something akin to fear in her eyes.

“Don’t worry. You’re here and safe,” I said.

She nodded as I stood beside her, then continued. “The witch? Her name is Callista. She came to me as Serene and led me into the forest where you guys found us. I think she was posing as Serene and watching all of us after Kyle’s visit.”

“How do you know that?” I asked, pushing my ire down, so she could continue. She was about to say something I had hoped wasn’t true.

“Because she took me to Cohen’s pack. I saw him and Kyle there. Cohen said Kyle had come here to poison Ramona, but because of your reaction around me, he took a chance and gave me the spell instead. I don’t know exactly how he did it. Either when he first bumped into me, which wouldn’t make sense, or when he kissed the top of my hand as he said goodbye. Whatever Kyle used was made to kill a shifter, but only made me sick. I assume that when they figured out I didn’t die, and Callista witnessed what I could do, they made plans to take me.”

“What was the point of doing so if they just let you go?” my mother asked.

Cait sighed, pausing before answering the question.

We’re going to kill them, my wolf said.

Yes, we are.

“Well, they didn’t let me go. Callista thinks she killed me,” Cait answered, and I lost all sense of rationale.

My hands transformed into claws, and my teeth turned into sharp canines. I was close to shifting, but a part of me didn’t fully let go, in fear of hurting the most precious being in the world to me: my mate.

Cait reached for my forearm, her eyes searing into me. We locked gazes, and I thought that would calm the rage tearing through me, but it didn’t.

No, just seeing her concern and fear pushed me over the edge. I hadn’t protected Cait, and I’d nearly lost her. How could she even look at me?

A howl ripped from my chest as I took a step back, pacing behind her. I was going to hunt my grandfather and cousin down and destroy whatever plans they had before ending both of their lives, no matter what it took to make that happen.