Chalk by Lily J. Adams

Chapter Eighteen: Karmic Repercussions




Chalk was coming over, and I felt like a lovesick teenager again. I was vacuuming, making the place warm and fuzzy, inviting, but not too clean. I didn’t want Chalk thinking that I cleaned up especially for him, when actually that’s exactly what I was doing.

My legs were shaved within an inch of their life, smooth and silky. I’d straightened my hair and then put it up and then took it down. Feeling flustered with myself, I chose to leave it down. I puffed up the cushions on the couch and fussed around until I realized I should just chill out and do something else until Chalk arrived. My nerves wouldn’t let me rest, so I ended up flicking through the TV channels to find a show I liked.

Chalk and I were dating now and the foundation we had was growing stronger, but we still had a ways to go. My resentment for Angie still existed, although I buried it, so I could keep the peace. When I saw her walk into the diner, I’d already mentally slammed her pretty little head on the vinyl countertop a few times without remorse. Those thoughts were tucked away in the recesses of my mind. It was a hard one to overcome, knowing Angie had nearly ripped my scalp from my head.

Nightfall had taken over Holbeck, and Chalk’s hesitant knock at the door made my heart skip a beat. I got up and opened the door.

Chalk’s rugged jawline and sexy bad boy masculinity greeted me.

“Hi, right on time. Come on in,” I said with a cheesy smile hoping he couldn’t see how excited I was to see him. Mental images of us making love flashed in front of my eyes, causing my body to flush from head to toe.

I hung onto the doorframe and let him in with a big grin.

“Hi,” Chalk whispered, and without hesitation his lips found mine for a quick peck.

Even the slightest of touches from him made my body tingle. I closed the door behind him as he entered. “Umm, drink?” I didn’t even know what to do with myself now that the love of my life was in front of me. How do I tell you that I love you? How do I let you know that?

“A glass of water. I’m not in the mood for drinking,” he replied.

Nothing was wrong in his tone but I asked anyway, “Everything okay?” I pulled a glass down from the kitchen cabinet.

“No, just don’t want anything. I do have something I do want though.”

I handed him the water.

His hands touched mine lightly as his ocean blue eyes traced over me. He gulped down the water.

“I missed that last part, what did you say, Chalk?” I asked for him to repeat it.

He set the water glass back on the kitchen counter as he stepped towards me, hands on either side of me.

My whole body came alive as Chalk’s red-blooded energy enveloped me. His eyes darkened in desire as I felt a throbbing ache pulsate between my legs. I was so turned on that I could hear myself breathing hard.

Chalk bunched up his knuckles and skimmed them along my jaw.

Scintillating heat scorched through my veins, and my legs were ready to collapse under me. My hands moved around Chalk’s waist as I raised his shirt, sliding my hands around the back of him to give his butt a squeeze.

Chalk smirked then dipped his head to my waiting mouth.

All of my doubts melted away, all the negativity, all the judgements.

We were two lovers, reunited, trying to pick up the pieces we’d lost over the years. His lips were gentle, inviting at first. Lulling me to ebb and flow with him like the tide, but that changed as his mouth begged for more, taking it in small sips as I gathered my breath after every kiss. I matched his kisses.

His hand moved to grip the side of my face as he drove his tongue deeper. “I want you right here,” Chalk said roughly as he flipped me around to the kitchen bench.

“Uh-huh,” I moaned as he tucked one of his fingers under my camisole straps and pulled one side of it down. He stung me with light kisses to my shoulder and the ache in my core rose to a level where I thought I couldn’t take it anymore. He gravitated to the other side and pulled down the other strap while cupping my breast in his hands.

A low, craving moan fluttered from my lips as his touch electrified my body.

He responded to my moans by pulling my top all the way down and releasing my breasts from my bra. His head replaced his hand cupping as his mouth covered my sensitive buds.

It felt like the sweetest form of torture as I held my head back. Chalk moved to my jeans with a look of concentration stripping me down to my underwear as he opened my legs. It felt so good to have his hands on me. He bobbed his head down to ease the ache inside my core with his probing tongue, causing me to cry out.

I propped myself up with my hands behind me as he dipped in and out of me, igniting a volcano inside of me until I could take no more. I released, yielding to the exquisite pressure his lips caused.

A flurry of movement came next as Chalk removed his clothes and laid me back on the table. Exposed. “Got any condoms?” he asked.

“In my room, top drawer,” I gushed. I had a few scattered in there and hoped he found them. I watched Chalk’s perfect tight butt move to the bedroom and come back with one on.

“Now, we’re good to go,” he grinned then entered me, thrusting slowly, grinding as my legs wrapped around his back. He pounded into me while pushing his warm tongue into my mouth, nearly matching his thrusting rhythm. Slow, breathy grunts left my lips as Chalk fell off the cliff with me in orgasm. He fell forward as he kissed my stomach.

“This gives new meaning to cooking in the kitchen,” I said with a chuckle.

“I’m happy to cook anytime,” Chalk said as he kissed the top of my pubic mound.

“Chalk, Chalk, Chalk,” I said with a self-satisfied grin.

He chuckled softly in response and lifted me off the counter gently.

I found my underwear on the kitchen floor. I wiggled back into my panties as I watched Chalk biting his bottom lip. The muscles in his arms were straining, his veins standing out. The man was sexilicious and I wanted a second round. He pulled his boxer briefs back on, and I counted myself lucky because he reminded me of a Calvin Klein model.

His eyes were watching me, appreciating the curves of my body. “I think we’ve worked up an appetite now. Order take out?” His brow knitted together.

I fell into heap on him. I cuddled into him, enjoying the afterglow of us. “Sure. I could eat,” I said softly.

Chalk pushed my hair back with a sentimental look in his eyes. His fingers touched mine as he ran feather light strokes over my arm. There were words begging to be spoken, words that would lead us to a new way forward.

Goosebumps formed on my arms as I listened to the timed rhythm of his heart.

“We found our way back, Lucy,” Chalk stated in a hoarse voice.

Chalk was home to me. An anchor in the storm of my topsy-turvy life as I struggled to hold back the tears from the journey we’d endured. I nodded my head in agreement. “We found our way back to one another. We did it.”

Chalk’s grin told me we were in the sweet spot. This was us. “I’m staying, Chalk, I’m not leaving my family again. If I was going to spiral down again, I would have already done it. I want a life with you and my baby girl,” the crucial words I’d been wanting to say rolled off my lips with sincerity.

Chalk’s cobalt eyes sung their sweet lullaby to me. “I believe you. I can see it. I don’t want anybody else but you baby. Just you. Just my family. I wanna make it official. You, me and Sarah. Our family back together again,” he proclaimed.

One of my tears splashed onto his arm. I couldn’t help it because I didn’t know if this moment would ever, ever happen again.

“I hope they’re tears of joy,” Chalk asked in mild shock.

“They are. They are.” My world was all right now as we finally came to the point where we needed to be.

Chalk smiled as he wiped my tears away with his thumbs, so lovingly, so softly. Our life was coming full circle and we were right where we needed to be.

Our night passed blissfully. I couldn’t wait until this was every night.



I was at the nurse’s station the next day.

One of my co-workers was giggling at me. “I know that look, you got lucky. You’re all glowing and stuff.”

Heat flushed to my face as I widened my eyes at the ladies. I wasn’t one to kiss and tell with my partners. I ignored them and looked at my roster. “New patient Room 201C. Who is that? Gunshot wound. Hmm. In Holbeck, my god.”

“Hmm. Yup. Left shoulder graze, flesh wound, just keeping her for observation for now. Just a dressing of the wound, nothing serious,” Nurse Klein added.

“Okay,” I added. I headed to the next room on my list of rounds. I always liked to introduce myself to new patients, so they would feel comfortable with me during their stay.

I walked in and my heart sank.

Laying on top of the hospital sheets was Angie Carmichael with an arm sling on and a foul look on her face.

“Angie? What – what are you doing in here?”

“Welp. I’m not here for milk and cookies that’s for sure.” She sighed as she winced and tried to slide herself up the bed.

I quickly intervened and propped the pillow up behind her, so she could sit up.

“I got shot by Rocky. I was out in town and he must have followed me. Apparently, he didn’t like my article,” she said, her tone matching her gloomy disposition.

“Shit. I’m sorry to hear that. Did you report it?” I wasn’t happy she was shot and I felt like the most horrible woman on earth because deep down, I was thinking I told you so. Smart mouths get people in trouble sometimes and Angie was no exception.

“I did. I don’t know what they can do, because he fled. Such is the life of an investigative reporter.”

How the tables turn in life. Oh boy, don’t they turn.