Shameful by May Dawson



Rhett and Westmust have heard my scream, because they came running, found me there against the wall still pinned by Killian.

West hit him, and Killian went down. West followed him, trying to pin him—I could just picture that big body landing on Killian’s, and West’s fists slamming into his face over and over—but Killian rolled out of his way. The two of them were almost an even match, and I tore myself away from watching them as Rhett’s tall, angular body loomed in my vision.

“Are you all right?” Rhett’s gaze took in my ruined clothes, the blood marring my throat, and his eyes widened in fury. But his tone and touch stayed gentle as he reached for me. “Legacy?”

If I knew Rhett, he was already planning a long, miserable death for Killian, with more finesse than West was capableof.

“I’m fine,” I managed. I rubbed my hand across the blood on my throat. “He didn’t hurt me. I…”

I couldn’t entirely explain what had just happened. “He just markedme.”

But only mates—married mates—marked each other in ourpack.

I came off the wall, grabbed West’s shoulders and rolled him off Killian—he wasn’t expecting it and I managed to leverage him off—then slammed down on top of Killian myself.

My knees found the hollows where Killian’s shoulders and arms joined, and I shoved my bony self down into him mercilessly, using all my weight.

Killian had been in the midst of popping his hips, preparing to throw West, but he stilled. “Legacy?”

“What the fuck did you do?” I slammed my hands down to either side of his face, trapping him the way he’d trapped me earlier. “You markedme?”

His deep brown eyes met mine, full of certainty. “You’remine.”

“You didn’t fuckingask!”

“So say you’re not.” His voice had taken on a mocking tone, the kind that just begs for a fist to theface.

But nice girls don’t hit our mates.

The second that thought flashed through my head, Killian’s fate was sealed.

I punched him across the jaw, and his head snapped back into the concrete. The smug look on his face turned to shock.

I regretted it as soon as Killian raised his hand to his head, groaning.

But Rhett cheered. Of course he did. “Did you knock himout?”

“What is wrong with you,” Killian groaned, a question for all of us, and Rhett made a face of disappointment.

“What’s wrong with you? You marked me.” I might feel a little sorry for hitting him, but not thatsorry.

“And one day you’ll mark me too.” Killian’s confidence had somehow returned in all-new levels of punchable.

“I don’t want any mates, and I don’t want any marks. I want to be my own person.”

West offered me his hand, and I took it, even though maybe I shouldn’t when I was trying to be independent. He helped me off Killian’sbody.

Killian rolled to one side, fingering his jaw. “You can have all those things. Be your own person with a mate and amark.”

“Or three,” Rhett offered, which didn’t endear him to me at the moment. I glowered, and he shrugged. “What? I’m the one who’s always thinking three steps ahead. I can see where this is going.”

“No, you can’t,” Isaid.

“She has a hell of a punch doesn’t she?” West sounded proud.

Killian only had eyes for me. He stared at me, his brow furrowing. “Can we talk? You and I need to work thisout.”

It was a little late for the two of us to work out the mark. I glanced around us at the shitty motel parking lot, the dark and starless sky, at the horizon above a grimy city that was beginning to glow pink and orange with the sunrise. The three of them watched me in confusion, no doubt wondering what I was lookingfor.

My gaze went to Killian. “Man, I swear that was an exhaustive search, but bad news. I didn’t find any fucks.”

Killian’s eyes widened, as did Rhett’s grin which I glimpsed from the corner of my eye. I stuck my finger in Killian’s face. “I’m not interested in what you have to say when you just marked me against my will but hey, maybe one will turnup.”

Killian stared at me, his jaw tightening.

“In fact, maybe one’ll turn up in the bag if you bring me a breakfast sandwich and an iced coffee.” I clapped his shoulder and headed down the hall toward my room, but I couldn’t quite swagger the way I wanted to, because I could feel my clit throb with every step. I’d felt so full when he fucked me, and the truth was I’d been turned on like hell by that bite. I could feel his mark, burnt into my skin, and it feltgood.

But he shouldn’t have marked me. I was done with men making decisions that impacted my life, even if they loved me, even if they were well-intentioned. I was my own damn person.

I waited until I’d turned back into my room to reach up and roll my fingers over the mark. I moved to the mirror to studyit.

When I dropped my gaze, I realized the marble that marked Tobias Bentley’s place had rolled.

The vampire was on the move, and he was headed myway.