Shameful by May Dawson



In the morning,I got out of bed while the guys were still sleeping, then immediately crossed the room to check on Tobias Bentley’s position. The marble was still stopped.

My heart dropped. What if he wasn’t chasing me after all? I needed him to find me before Killian.

Because I had no doubt that Killian would track us down, despite all the precautions we’ve taken. There was something fierce and unyielding about Killian, something I loved even though he made me crazy.

Rhett sat up and stared at me sleepily. “Come back tobed.”

“In a minute. I’m going to the vending machine.” My stomach growled. Rhett and West had left me satisfied and spent last night. I’d fallen into a deep, pleasant sleep afterward, feeling like even this dark world was a safe place when my men were aroundme.

The two of them started to get up, and I gestured at the map. They didn’t need to worry about me. “I could use five minutes of fresh air on myown.”

“Regrets?” Rhett asked lightly.

“Not at all,” I promised. I trailed my hand across his shoulders before I headed for thedoor.

His words hit me once I was out in the cool air though. Should I have regrets? I was supposed to save myself for my fated mate. If he didn’t want me, did that free me to do whatever—whoever—I wanted? For some reason, my mother’s disappointed face swam up in front ofme.

I fed quarters into the vending machine and tried to convince myself that I didn’t feel any shame. It was such an ugly emotion, poisoning the giddy excitement of goodsex.

The machine thumped my bottle of Coke into the tray, and I could have sworn I half-heard, half-sensed another movement, cued to the noise of the vending machine. Every nerve was suddenly on high alert, my ears straining, my heart beating a little toofast.

I leaned down to get the Coke, feeling the prickle of unease along my spine, and used the reflection in the glowing red machine to look behind me. It was not a perfect mirror. But in the reddish reflection of the walkway behind me, there was a glimpse of movement, quick and furtive.

I turned and launched the Coke bottle, whipping it at them full speed. The soda-pop missile wouldn’t do anything to stop them, but it was a distraction. I was already moving, covering the distance between the two ofus.

I realized my attacker was Killian a second too late. He juked to one side, avoiding the bottle which hit the cement wall behind him and exploded, splattering Coke everywhere.

All I could do was soften how hard I hit him. I was already committed. His eyes grew wide that second before I plowed intohim.

But it was Killian. As my body drove into his, my shoulder slamming in just below his esophagus to knock the air out of his lungs, he was already twisting. He slammed me against thewall.

His forearm rose, searching for the hollow under my throat, but I dropped my chin. Were we fighting? I knew Killian would come to look for me, but I’d thought he might be on myside.

If he wanted a fight, though, I’d give him one. I liked Killian. But if I needed to escape him to get my chance to catch Tobias, that was what I woulddo.

“Sorry,” I said, right before I leveraged all my weight back against the wall and drove my knee straight up into his darkest place.

He grunted, his eyes taking on a feral gleam, lips peeling back from his teeth just for a moment. But his grip didn’t loosen like any normal man’s would—and it didn’t tighten like a monster’s, either.

“It’s me.” His voice was strained, but he spoke as if I hadn’t recognized him, and I felt an instant surge of guilt.

“Ah,” I managed, his forearm still against my throat, and he pulled away—but not faraway.

“What are you doing?” His arms penned me in on either side, his gaze fixed on me intensely.

“Are your nuts made of steel?” I tilted my head to one side, studying his face, trying to buy myself some time. “Or… non-existent. I can’ttell.”

“Charming,” Killian said. “Don’t worry about my nuts. You don’t deserve to think about my nuts. Answer the question, Legacy.”

“I’m waiting for Tobias Bentley to find me.” I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him away, knowing that I wouldn’t move him unless he was willing to be moved.

But he shifted back, allowing a fraction of space between us. “That seems ill-advised, given that he’s almost killed you twice.”

“Are you really going to pretend you haven’t been watching me?” He had to know that West and Rhett were my backup.

His face shifted—was that guilt?—and the memory of the open curtains, the glass, slammed into my gut like an elbow. I drew a fractured breath and stared up at him in shock.

“You absolute asshole,” I said. “You were watchingme.”

Despite that earlier flash of guilt, he shrugged shamelessly. “You were showingme.”

“I wasn’t thinking of you. Or anyoneelse.”

His eyes hooded, as if something I’d said had angered him…or hurt him. “You haven’t been thinking in the last twenty-four hours.”

“Why are you here?” I demanded. “To bring usback?”

“Why did you leave me behind?”

The question shocked a half-laugh from my lips, which only made the furrow between his brows deepen.

“You wouldn’t have let us escape from the island.”

“Not with a half-assed plan like give the vampire a third chance to kill me and hope fighting him goes better this time. Nope.”

“Not with anyplan.”

“You wouldn’t know, would you, Legacy? You didn’t give me a chance.”

“This is my future,” I said. “I let everyone else decide my future before, like a good girl. From my parents to the alpha to the moon goddess. And you know what? Fuck that all. Fuck themoon.”

I could never say that about my parents, who I loved. But the way I’d tried to live up to their expectations? The way I’d lived for their pride?

Fuck all that, too.

“Sure,” he said. “Fuck the moon. Fuck mates. Go after what youwant.”

I stared at him, not understanding.

Then his lips descended onmine.

Killian’s kisses were full of fury. I’d never been kissed quite like that before in my life. He stole the breath from my lungs, and I clung to him, sinking my nails into his deep shoulders. I kissed him back the way he kissed me—like we wanted to hurt each other and couldn’t get enough of each other all atonce.

Killian’s hands were hot against my body as they raked up my shirt, covering my skin in his warmth. He enveloped me, pressing me against the hard brick behind me but careful at the same time. The long, hard length of his body swayed against mine, but didn’t trapme.

He pulled away, and his chest rose and fell too quickly as if he’d been breathless himself.

“I want you,” he confessed, his voice rough.

“What about your own fated mate?” I demanded.

“I don’t know if I believe in that anymore,” he said. “I believe in you, Legacy. In how you make mefeel.”

I ran my hand up the hard planes of his chest, feeling his heat through the thin material of his t-shirt. “And how isthat?”

His jaw tensed as if he didn’t want to say the words, then he growled, “Like I’m going to die if you don’t want meback.”

I stared up into that handsome face, those smoldering eyes for a long second.

“Well, today is not the day you die, Killian.” I grabbed the front of his t-shirt with one hand and pulled him close.

The two of us stumbled back against the coke machine. His arms pinned me in. His lips were hot and unyielding against mine, which was Killian in a nutshell anyway. I smiled against his lips but only for a second. He was so demanding, so insistent, that he commanded all my attention.

His hands pushed my jeans down urgently, and I reached for him just as desperately, unbuckling his belt, then drawing him out of his pants. He was already hard, and I gripped his long, stiff cock in one hand, reaching the other to grip his balls through his fly. His lips parted at the sensation of me fondlinghim.

But Killian couldn’t spend long being the one out of control. He took over, spinning me around. His lips were on my throat and his hand was in my hair, and then his cock brushed against mycore.

He grabbed my hips and angled me closer to him, forcing me to bend forward slightly. And I did, rocking my ass against his hips to hear his groan of desire.

He buried his cock deep inside me, rough, eager, and I loved the way he felt filling me. I pushed my hips back against his as he fucked me, hard and wild. He felt so good, so satisfying.

“Killian,” I whispered.

“Say it again,” he ordered. His hand in my hair pulled my head to one side, commanding but not painful, his lips finding the spot I loved at the side of my throat just below my ear. Hot pleasure swept through me at the way he pulled my hair, the way his lips caressed and sucked that spot. “Say my name. It sounds so fucking good on your lips. It feels so fucking good to have you want me… to haveyou.”

“Killian,” I moaned, as his hand swept down my lower abs then found my core. He toyed with my clit as he drove into me over and over, the tip of his cock hitting my g-spot until liquid warmth seemed to grow from my core and spread through my limbs.

I was on the verge of climaxing, and my toes curled.

He growled against my throat, the sound low and primal, vibrating through my chest. His hand was still working furiously against my clit, and he pumped into me over and over, slamming home against my g-spot over and over. That growl did mein.

I let out a long moan, low and breathy but louder than I should be. I couldn’t stop myself as I shattered. The world around me seemed to blur into nothing but lights and color, and the sensation of Killian’s hard body against mine as he paused, his hard body cradling all ofmine.

“I’m glad you found us,” I breathed. “I missedyou.”

“I missed you too. So fucking much. You’re mine, Legacy. Don’t ever run away from me again.” His voice was commanding, but no matter how rough he sounded, need bled through. And I was sure he meant what hesaid.

“Yours?” I asked archly, but I was thinking of West and Rhett. Would he be content to share?

“Mine,” he confirmed, and there was the faintest growl in his voice that made me think of the growl that every alpha had, tinged with power. It made my body clench, but not in a badway.

I was about to turn to face him, to tell him how much he was minetoo.

And then he buried his mouth in my throat. At first, I thought he was kissing me and I tilted my head up, inviting him in. His lips plundered my neck, sending an ache to mycore.

His growl rumbled through his chest, vibrating both of us with its power. I looked up at him in confusion, not sure why he was growling now, just before he sank his teeth into my skin. I squirmed at the sudden pain, which was accompanied by a white hot jolt of pleasure.

For a second, I couldn’t even register what had just happened.

He’d markedme.

I let out a scream. It hurt, it burned, itsang.

I was panting hard when I raised my gaze to his and found that he looked just as frantic, just as undone.

“You’re mine,” he ground out. “Always, always mine, Legacy.”