Shameful by May Dawson



Medicsfrom the main island finished strapping the last of our bloodied, defeated pack members onto a stretcher. They were being taken to the main island for treatment.

Gibs stared at the bodies on the floor. He was probably pondering whether to arrest me or not. “You’ve really fucked this one up, Killian.”

“I did what I had to do,” I said. “Cyrus wasn’t the real alpha, Gibs. He was a hybrid, using vamp powers. He had no right to rule the Northwood.”

“And now you’ve made yourself the king of the Northwood.”

I shrugged. “I don’t care about being alpha. I care about protecting them.” I didn’t turn to look at Legacy, who was protected by Rhett and West. “Sean. Mypack.”

Gibs studied me with a long look, then said, “That’s exactly why you’ll make the best alpha.”

“I don’t know aboutthat.”

“I do,” he said simply, and even though I sometimes had my doubts about Gibs, his words still echoed forme.

“Can I borrow your phone?” I asked. “I want to callSean.”

“I can do you one better than that.” Gibs nodded at the departing stretchers. “Apparently, Cyrus brought himhere.”

Icy fingers wrapped my throat. When Cyrus had told me Sean would stay here until he died, I hadn’t realized my brother was in such immediate danger. My voice came out flat when I said, “Where ishe?”

Gibs clapped my shoulder and pointed toward the library.

I took the stairs two at a time up from the basement into the massive stone entryway. I ran into the library.

There was a man facing away from me, his hands in his pockets.

“Sean,” I said, my voice laced with tension.

He turned. Sean had been sixteen when he got into trouble. He was taller now, his shoulders broader, his jaw bigger. But he was still my little brother.

“Killian.” He choked, then rushed across the room tome.

He hugged mehard.

I hugged him back, unable to believe that my battle with Cyrus was over, that my little brother was reallysafe.

I pulled back, gripping his shoulders, so I could get a look at hisface.

“I’m sorry,” he told me. “For all the trouble I causedyou

“You didn’t do anything to me. It was all Cyrus.” I said firmly. I wouldn’t let him carry any of the guilt for my exile these past four years. “And he’s gone now. You’resafe.”



The relief on Sean’s face made everything I’d been through worthwhile.

“Who’ll be the alpha now?” he asked.

“I guess I will,” I said. I still couldn’t believe it. “Come on, I’ve got someone I want you tomeet.”