Shameful by May Dawson



My elbow connectedwith Cyrus’s face, in a blow that drove his head back, but he barely seemed to register it. My second punch didn’t land. He managed to get around me, moving impossibly quickly, and his arm closed around my throat. I barely managed to break his grip, knowing that if he got me into that vice-like lock, I wouldn’t draw another breath.

I managed to twist, drove my fist into his iron stomach, and he barely flinched. He punched me, so hard that I flew across the room and landed on my back. He advanced toward me, a grin spreading across his face, as if he was excited to stomp me to death.

Rhett broke away from the crowd and repeated the spell that Fiona had prepared. Then he threw the bottle at the floor, where the glass shattered.

Nothing happened.

Cyrus stared from him to me, then laughed. “You’re turning to magic because you know you can’t beat me, boy?”

“You turned to vamp blood,” I pointedout.

Cyrus’s eyes glinted with homicidal rage. “I’m going to keep Sean here for the rest of his life. He’ll die here. Just likeyou.”

Cyrus darted toward me, and he was fast, but he was no longer superhuman fast. He frowned, confused, although that didn’t stop him from slamming intome.

The two of us hit the groundhard.

“Cyrus, I challenge you for alpha,” I managed to gaspout.

“You’re going to regret that,” he growled. “I was just going to kill you. But after you submit, maybe I’ll make you watch while I tear Sean apart piece-by-piece.”

As the two of us grappled, I began to turn into a wolf. Cyrus snarled, his human face transforming to the wolf’s face in a matter of seconds. As an older, dominant wolf his shift was faster thanmine.

He had me pinned by the time my wolf surfaced. That wasn’t the way we were supposed to fight for alpha, but then Cyrus never cared about fightingfair.

A dark blot zoomed toward us both, and Cyrus jerked away, startled. I slipped free of hisgrip.

I managed to get my jaws around Cyrus’s throat.

He started to try to submit, but it didn’t matter.

He’d hurt Legacy. He’d hurt Rhett and West, and he would’ve hurtSean.

I ripped his throatout.