Saints of the Syndicate by Natalie Nicole

Chapter 9



I must be dreaming as I hear that familiar pounding on the door. The one where one of my momma’s friends came over and had to wake her up for their fun. I roll on the familiar small uncomfortable bed when the pounding keeps going.

“Momma. Someone’s at the door. Get up,” I groan.

The pain radiates through my body from when one of her buddies got mad that I interrupted. I was hungry and not quite big enough to make my own food. That got me thrown into a wall a couple times before he shoved me back into my broom closet of a room and barricaded my door closed from the outside.

“Momma...Get. The. Door. Please!” I yell out before the door damn near busts off its hinges, throwing myself out of whatever sleepy haze I was in.

I shoot up in bed, groaning at the pain racking my body. Dizziness hits me like a ton of bricks as I grasp my head to stop the spinning when voices start assaulting my senses.

“Kitten!Baby B, what’s wrong?”

Their loud noises made my brain pound like my skull was being crushed between a set of vices.

“Too loud.”

“Fucking idiots. I’m sorry, Tesoro.” I assume Giovanni, just by the nickname I’m somehow remembering, apologizes.


“How in the-? What in the-?” I stammer.

Taking a deep breath to gather my thoughts, I finally settle on the one coherent thought I can formulate. The desperate one that needed to be answered from these asshats. Releasing that breath, I say, “I’m only asking this once. If I don’t like the answer, you all need to get the fuck out of here, regardless of your bullshit hero complex. K?” As I finally open my eyes just enough to get the point across, I’m reminded of how fucking handsome these three are. That slightly pisses me off, causing a glare to be pointed their way. When all three finally nod in understanding, I start to open my mouth, but Giovanni stands up next to Declan and Sinclair.

“I have a feeling I know what you are going to ask already. It is how we figured out where you live, right?” Giovanni correctly guesses.

Stunned slightly, I nod.

“Yeah…” he starts. “I’m gonna just take the blame. Last night when doc was taking care of you, I may or may not have taken the liberty to slip a GPS tracker between your phone and phone case. I wasn’t quite sure how you’d take to waking up with us around, and I wanted to know you were safe,” he confesses with a boyish half smile that highlights his beautiful features.

All three of them have their own distinct square angular jaws, but Giovanni is definitely the boyish one of them. His face is clean shaven, if he really even grows a beard. His eyes are a bright cyan in color, the color of them popping against his tanned Italian skin tone and dark brown hair.

I remember how all of them were incredibly ripped like a weird mix of a boxer and football player. All three have broad shoulders, well tapered waistlines with those sexy V cuts. Even in my sore exhausted haze from earlier, I remember their narrow hips, thick thighs, washboard abs, and sexy dusting of hair that led down into their tight sweatpants.

They are tall, well, all three of them are freakishly tall compared to me. They range from 6’2” to probably 6’6”, at least. But sitting here on my dorm room bed, studying them, deciding on a proper answer, I can see that I’m the one with the actual power. Their eyes are all giving away varying degrees of remorse over tracking me without my knowledge. The concept of these powerful guys showing remorse makes me snort comically, then wince as the pain reminds me of last night’s events. They all flinch and attempt to move, before I hold up a hand to stop them in their tracks.

“So let me try to get this straight. You put a GPS tracker on my phone and have been what, watching since I stormed out of your fortress of luxury earlier? Like I’m some sort of science experiment or whatever the hell else was running through your entitled minds? The fuck?”

With a snort, Sinclair’s handsome face hardens as he pierces me with his emerald eyes. “No. You’re not a fucking science experiment, kitten. You were assaulted last night by some fucked up ex-boyfriend that spiked your goddamn drink. He was going to do whatever the fuck it was he wanted to do while you had no way to fight back. So yeah, after saving you, Giovanni made sure we knew where the fuck you were in case that bastard tried to get to you again. Then, of all mother fucking things, we find you here. In some fucking shit hole of a place that isn’t worth a fucking fuck, like you are a stain that the university needs to be hide away. How fucking long have you lived here, Bethani? How. Fucking. Long?” he heaves out.

His chest is rising and falling, and waves of venom are dripping off him the longer I don’t answer. Looking down to my knees, afraid of the coming reaction, I whisper, “August of last year, before freshman year started.”

“FUCK!” he roars, making me flinch while storming out of my shoebox room.

The next thing I hear is the obvious breaking and flipping of furniture outside in the common area. He thankfully avoids my room as he takes out his rage at what exactly, I’m not sure of. I chance a glance towards Declan and Giovanni, wondering what is going to happen next. Declan’s eyes are closed, and his fists are clenched so tight that his knuckles are ghostly white. He’s taking deep breaths through his nose and exhaling through his mouth, almost like he is trying to avoid going out there with Sinclair and joining in on the utter destruction.

Giovanni is sitting in my desk chair, with elbows on his knees and his head hanging in his hands. It’s almost like he is disgusted and ashamed by the scene. All of their reactions are equally confusing, and they are making me start to regret my actions earlier.

“A-are you guys going to clean that up out there? I really don’t feel like, you know, cleaning up a giant mess just to be able to get into my room.” Both of them open their eyes simultaneously and look at me like I just spoke to them in Russian. “What? I really don’t feel like tripping and falling in that warzone out there.”

“Your stay in this room is over, baby B,” Declan finally speaks. His voice is void of emotion, while those turbulent gray eyes pierce my soul. The finality of his voice with that statement shocks me.

“Excuse me? My stay in this room is over? What does that even mean?!”

“It’s a pretty self-explanatory statement. You. Are. Done. Staying. In. This. Room.”

Over-reaction fills my body, as I propel up off the bed and storm over to him. My hands hit his strong chest as I try to push him back but fail miserably. So, I settle on just hitting him repeatedly.

“You can’t throw me out of school for living here. It wasn’t my choice! This isn’t fair! Why am I being punished for this? What gives any of you any right to throw me off campus?” I start sobbing again, pissed that everything I’ve worked towards is being taken from me. When Declan’s strong arms wrap around me, I collapse into his arms. The warmth of his body brings on a turbulent range of emotions from me, causing my sobs to grow even harder. “T-this i-isn’t f-f-fair.” Somehow the words stumble out of my mouth.

I’m not even sure how long I’ve been sobbing shamelessly into his hoodie when I feel Sinclair and Giovanni’s bodies step up behind me. It’s almost like they are in a protective stance as I let loose on my emotions.

“Tesoro, why would you think we are expelling you from the college?” Giovanni asks to the left of me.

I shrug, not knowing how to answer. It’s just something that would happen in my life with the way it’s played out so far. Sinclair’s hand comes up to cup my chin, and electricity pulses through my body, causing me to gasp as my eyes slam open from the feeling. He slowly tilts my face towards his, almost cradling my head like it’s some precious jewel. I avert my eyes to his chest, looking at the Nike logo on his black hoodie, terrified of my future if I look into his eyes.

“Bethani, look at me.” When I start to shake my head no, his grip tightens slightly. It’s just enough pressure to let me know I’m not in control right now, but not enough to physically hurt me. “Now, kitten,” he demands, his voice taking a slight edge. Knowing my moments are numbered, I glance up into the churning storm of his emerald, green eyes. When he is obviously satisfied that I’m not going to look away, he speaks. His voice is firm, but not hateful or scolding. “You are not being kicked off campus. Do you understand that?” I nod, just enough for him to see I understand. “You are just not staying in this absolute shit hole of a fucking place anymore. All of your belongings are going to be packed up, and you are going to move into our place with us. Tonight.”

Looking into his eyes, my mouth hangs open momentarily before I find my voice. “No. I’m not.”

“Yes. You. Are.”

“And who do you think you are to decide where I fucking live? Surprisingly, this isn’t the worst place I’ve ever lived. So no, I’m not leaving.” I push out of Declan’s arms to gain some traction and, his and Giovanni’s hands both brush along my arms. More electrical currents pulse through my body from their touches, but I ignore them. Mustering up enough courage, I pop one of my hips slightly and settle my hands on each side of my waist. “You have no right to break in here, bust my door down,and then demand I leave it like a Neanderthal. That’s not how shit works in the real world, and I’m not going to just let you think you can make the fucking rules and expect me to follow them like some obedient little pet.”

With a hand running through his thick black hair, shoveling it around into a sexy mess, Sinclair steps towards me. With a smirk, he quickly picks me up. His hands are on my ass as he tilts my hips just right to make my legs wrap around his trim waist tightly so I don’t lose my balance and fall onto the disgusting carpet of my room. Turning just slightly, he backs me up into Declan’s chest, whose hands replace Sinclair’s and slightly squeeze. I can feel my pulse picking up and arousal flooding my veins at their caveman actions.

“Kitten, while on a normal day your fiery personality is nothing but a sexy little turn on that makes me want to do nothing more than shove my cock up in between your sweet sinful little lips to shut you up... right now it just makes me want to bend you over my knees and spank your pretty ass until my handprints are imprinted all over it.”

He pushes slightly closer to my center, and I can feel his erection pushing up against me. Behind me, I can also feeling Declan’s hardening cock against my ass. The pressure from them both causes a breathy moan to fall from my lips unwillingly, which makes them all chuckle slightly at my rapidly turned on state.

“That’s better, our sweet little Bethani. So let’s get one thing straight. This isn’t the real world, this is the campus of Blackwell University. Weown this campus. We make the fucking rules here, sweetness. And there’s a new rule that’s been established. You are not living in this god forsaken hell hole for another fucking night. I don’t give a flying fuck if this is the TajMahal in comparison to what you are used to. Either come stay with us, or Declan here can light this place on fire. Which given the state of it, and the fact that our moronic fathers have obviously orchestrated this as appropriate for someone to live in, may happen anyway. What do you think D?” His venomous eyes finally tip towards Declan’s face, which has somehow settled on my head.

A dark chuckle falls from his lips, the reverberations sending me into a further tail spin. Their giant cocks create more friction from the laughing, when suddenly Sinclair’s dick pressures just slightly against my clit. My eyes widen, and I bite my bottom lip to stifle the moan, but my expression tips off Giovanni.

“Think you hit her clit just now Sin,” Giovanni chuckles.

As he comes closer to this damn Bethani sex sandwich the other two oafs have me in, Giovanni leans in as the other two are still slowly rocking me up and down against them. I’m completely overwhelmed by them and their dominating presence. It’s turning me on more than I’ll ever care to admit but my body betrays me as my hips join in undulating against them.

Also Tesoro, all three of us have our dicks pierced. And one of these days, you are going to be begging for each of us to push into you. You’ll feel the indescribable sensations that come from them while screaming our names as we fuck you long, hard, and all fucking night long.”

He flicks his tongue against my earlobe before nipping my ear while Declan and Sinclair grind their hips against me. Sinclair’s shameless grinding against my clit sends an unsuspecting orgasm rocketing through my system. My back arches, pushing my stomach closer to Sinclair and my head falls back on Declan’s shoulders at the same time. The moans escaping my body sound nothing like myself as my vision blanks and blurs.

After what feels like an hour, but I know is maybe only a minute or so, my vision clears enough to look into the faces of the savage kings of campus. I don’t say anything, as I try to regulate my breathing and heart rate back to a normal function after orgasming from barely any stimulation. Good god a person could only imagine what these three beasts are like if given a proper chance to fuck a person. The thoughts that race through my mind make me shiver.

“Are you going to let us take care of you, baby B?”

I tilt my head to look up towards Declan’s face, and I can see the pleading look in his eyes. Why they don’t want me staying here, I’m not exactly sure. But the thought of staying somewhere nicer than here, even if it's just temporary, is enough of a positive that I just close my eyes.

“Yes. I’ll go. For now.”

I find myself suddenly yawning as an after wave of orgasm wonder washes over me.

“Sleep sunshine,” one of them says as I’m shifted into Declan’s arms. Then they all give my semi-conscious sleepy sated self a kiss on the cheek, and I float off to sleep. Unusually content for the first time in years.