Saints of the Syndicate by Natalie Nicole

Chapter 10



Staring down at Bethani as she falls asleep in my arms, my dick is still rock hard. It’s pulsing and begging to be let out, but a rare peacefulness settles over me, and honestly, my dick can just deal with it. I carefully turn to sit on her tiny junk ass bed, posting myself up against the wall and using the few pillows she has to prop them under my arm where her head rests. Hopefully minimizing how quickly my arm falls asleep.

“So what’s the damage out there? Anything left for us to destroy at a later date? Or did you fuck everything up beyond recognition?” I ask.

Sinclair is obviously still trying to will his cock to behave, same as Gio, because it takes him a few before he answers me. “Fuck no. Demolished everything, which didn’t take much effort either. Pissed me off even more before the smart mouth there had to go be a bossy ass and turn me on with her attitude.” Grumbling, he opens one of the doors in her room and finds a small bathroom that isn’t much bigger than my shoe. “Thank fuck. Figure out what we are doing. I gotta fix this before I can goddamn think straight again.” Then slams the door to ‘fix’ his dick problem.

Snickering away, Giovanni and myself laugh as we hear his grunts and groans that he is horrid at hiding, which earns us both a “fuck off”, causing more laughter.

“So you got a plan G?” I ask.

“Yeah. Sin goes to get the Tahoe, since it's the most normal looking vehicle we have, then drives it back. I’ll go upstairs and try to empty out some extra boxes; you stay here with her. If you decide to not be a lazy fuck, start trying to pack her stuff up if she has any luggage here.”

I mull over his words for a second, deciding which asshole comment is going to come out of my mouth.

“First of all, suck my cock,” I say with a wink, which I know will rile him up. I know it does, by the obvious stifling of his groan. “Second, since you decided to be the dumb twat that insulted me, I’m going to keep my tall ass on this small, uncomfortable as fuck bed cuddling with Bethani until both of you are back.”

Sinclair chooses to come out at that moment, finally not looking like a complete and utter asshole. However, he’s still pissy assed that he had to get himself off.

“Third, get to moving assholes,” I order with a giant grin plastered on my face. They already know I’m not moving my big ass in the slightest. And they won’t dare fuck with me either, because that could hurt Bethani, and she is already in enough pain as is.

That thought alone has me scowling as I glance around this toaster waffle sized shit hole. “How in the fuck is she staying here in this?”

Sinclair grumbles a response, “We will fucking find out, then torch the fucker after. That bathroom is the most unsanitary thing I’ve ever seen. It’s unfathomable how she is living here at all.”

“Worse than the hallway?” I tentatively ask, not quite sure how I’m going to react to the response. A resounding scowl from him gives me all the answer I need, but he proceeds to tell us anyway. Most likely to bestow the anger fueling him onto us. Fuck stick.

“Everything she owns is in Ziploc bags. There’s mold all inside the vanity, mold on the ceiling, and it’s starting to travel down to the walls. The exhaust fan doesn’t work. I’m not even sure if I’d consider her water even passable as water. There’s a strange tint to it and it gets lukewarm at best. Once we get home, I’m burning these fucking clothes, taking the hottest fucking shower of my life to scrub the shit off me, and paying to have everything she owns professionally cleaned. Or maybe just saying fuck it and buying everything new. Our vehicle is going to get a deep clean after this too. And we should possibly make her a fucking doctor’s appointment for mold exposure.”

“Jesus. How is she not sick as fuck?” I ask. “Just sitting in this place makes me want to throw up.”

I glance down at her sleeping away in my arms, wondering how in the hell she has survived in this god forsaken place. “Damn fucking warrior she is, and we don’t even know the half of what she’s went through.” I look up at the other two. “We aren’t gonna like the rest either, if we ever get her to trust us enough to tell us. I already know our arsenal is gonna need to be stocked up before we go on that revenge mission though.”

They both nod, probably thinking up just as many different forms of torture or revenge as I am for those that have wronged her.

“Time?” I ask.

G looks at his phone. “Got 3 hours to get this shit packed and moved back to her place before we have to go to the sanctuary for counsel. Sin go get the Tahoe real quick, Deck give me your lock pick shit so I can break in up there.”

As Sinclair steps out, he flips us a usual bird as his form of asshole endearment, so we flip them back. Then I try to dig my shit out of my pocket. When I finally have them, I hold them in my hand out to G but not before asking, “Your ass, my mouth, a little later for some stress relief?” I finish off the request with a deviant smirk.

“Dude...I just got my shit to go down, then you say something like that?”

He quickly snatches the shit from my hands, but throws me for a loop when he uses his free hand to wrap around the back of my neck and smashes his lips against mine for a punishing kiss. When his tongue darts out as a demand, I open my mouth and plunge my tongue directly into his mouth. I’m surprised when my tongue catches his tongue ring, bringing a groan from my lips. The snarky shit smirks as we continue to fucking destroy each other’s mouths, so I reach my free hand down to his fully erect cock and wrap my hand around it through his sweatpants. Slowly and firmly stroking it until I reach his apadravya piercing and flick it just right, like I know he loves, to elicit a throaty groan from deep in his chest.

When he suddenly pulls away, both of us are hard as steel and ready to tear each other apart. Our breathing is shallow and ragged, lips swollen, lustful hazes across our eyes.

“Yeah. I’m gonna take you up on that offer. Stress relief sounds fan-fucking-tastic right about now.”

All I can do is laugh. It’s a much needed laugh after the past 36 hours. But thinking about sinking my dick in his greedy ass right now has me groaning in frustration.

“Go find some fucking boxes, asshole. I’m gonna move her and attempt to get my dick to cooperate before Sinclair gets back with the Tahoe. You know his panties will be in a fucking twist if we don’t have shit packed and ready like the bossy bastard he is.”

G snorts a response, “Yeah, yeah. Be back shortly.” And he’s gone, dashing away and cursing through the mess Hurricane Sinclair made.

I slowly shift Bethani off my lap to keep her asleep while praying she doesn’t spook and kick me in the dick, because the moody fucker doesn’t want to cooperate and behave. No, he is currently standing at his long and thick attention in my sweats over the promise of getting action. Between rubbing my dick between B’s sinfully voluptuous ass cheeks and twat faces domineering kiss, my dick is swinging for the fences for release.

As I find a few black trash bags to put shit in, I’m thinking every dumb thing I can conjure up to get rid of my erection.

Business 405? Nope.

My Trident initiation? Nada.

State capitals? Ha.

Cleaning the bathroom after a rough night? Still standing bitch.

“Think of your dad having sex with your mom. It’s what worked for me,” Giovanni says as he comes into the room with some plastic totes.

Thinking of my fuck face dad having sex with my stick-up-her-high-society ass mother? Gross. Nasty. Worst. Fucking. Thing. Ever. I need someone to pour bleach in my brain to rid myself of the horrific image that my twisted ass head comes up. A violent shiver rips through my body as the whole thought process.

I look down to my cock to see the demon is completely flaccid and unhappy at how turned off I am now.

Ding dingding. We have a winner.

Thank fuck.

“It worked. But fuck you dude.” I shiver at the thought again. I’m going to go slam my head against a brick wall and pray for temporary amnesia.

A sardonic chuckle comes from him as he starts placing books and shit in the totes while I’m tearing a hole in the bottom of a trash bag to slip over the hangers in the closet. Just one of the useless tricks I’ve picked up over the years when traveling and forgetting shit everywhere.

It only takes us about 10 minutes to pack everything up, which is unsettling. We pack more for a 2 week vacation to Vegas than she owns all together. If any of the shit she said was true about being a charity case, then what is in this roach motel dorm is really all she owns. It’s infuriating that our school treats her like this when she is in the top 5% of her class. Of course, G had to look that up, regardless of the social standing differences.

“You really think she is gonna be ok with living in the guest room?”

G leans back against the joke of a desk and it gives a noise of protest in the process.

“Doubt it.” I give a noncommittal shrug. “Not really gonna give her a choice either though. This all here is a mental fuck up of a psyche game if I’ve ever seen one. ‘Hey we are going to give you the opportunity of a lifetime, but still treat you like a leper.’ Fuck that.”

The flare of anger in G’s eyes was evident. None of us are enthused about this situation, but none of us mind it either. Bethani is a magnetic, fiery force field of wonder and awe that is drawing us all into its wake. There are zero fucks given as to the consequences, and we are all the dumb struck bastards not looking when we cross the street both ways to reach the wondrous center.

Our phones go off, reminding us that our favorite sadist can’t be left out of the conversation. Fucking drama king.

Sinclair: Be there in 5. Shit better be ready to go.

I roll my eyes and type out a reply.

Me: Of course master. Your wish is our command.

Sinclair: *middle finger emoji* Fuck off.

Me: You already did.

Giovanni: Shit’s packed. Taking it up now. Chill out.

Sinclair: K

I glance up from my phone, pissed off at G for ruining my fun. “Fuck was that for?”

He starts grabbing boxes and heading out while completely ignoring my ass. I grab some shit and head out to follow him. As we are heading back down for the last of it, he finally responds, “Got enough shit going on. Don’t need you fucking poking the damn dragon and setting him into one of his moods because you enjoy being an instigator and acting childish.”

Scoffing, I bite back, “Do fucking not.”

“Doing it right now, dickhead.”

I go to counter back, then shut up as Sin pulls up and pops the trunk. “That everything?” he asks.

“Yeah. That’s it,” I reply.

“She still asleep?”

“Was a minute ago.

“Finish loading everything, I’ll go get her. Gio, you drive back,” he orders.

I bow to him like a smart ass. “Yes, master. Anything else, master? Do we get cookies for being good boys, master?”

“Jesus Christ,” G mutters while shaking his head.

Clearly I’m all about acting my age right now. Not.

Obviously even more unimpressed with my shit weasel antics, Sinclair just hits me with one of his looks, flips me off, and then turns to go inside.

Hopefully Bethani can appreciate my unique and wonderful sense of humor because my friends have the sense of humor equivalent to a toad. Buzzkills.