Saints of the Syndicate by Natalie Nicole

Chapter 31



Pulling back into the guys’ underground parking, a wave of sadness washes over me. This weekend was perfect. I didn’t want it to end. From the bossy butts forcing me to shop at a bunch of stores I never thought of stepping into and spending insane amounts of money on me like it was nothing, to spending their time with me in the Latin district. It was amazing.

“What’s wrong, sunshine?” comes from Declan beside me.

Sighing, I just lean my head on his shoulder. “Just wish this weekend didn’t have to end.”

His arm wraps around me as he leans down to kiss my forehead. “Yeah. It was pretty awesome huh? Especially you taking our cocks like a fucking champ.”

Snorting, I say, “Stay away from me right now. I’m so sore it’s not even funny.” I emphasize it with a wince as I move. “My body needs a full body massage and about a week's worth of rest after the way you guys destroyed me.”

My eyes float to the rearview mirror as a snicker from the front seat grabs my attention. “Anything to say asshole?” is my scowling response to Sinclair, as usual.

His eyes flicker with dominance. “Watch it, kitten. I’ll play nice and give you a few days since you were a perfect fucking siren in the bedroom this weekend. But there are still a few things you will be punished for. Soon.”

His tone sends a shiver down my spine, and I feel my body quiver in response to his domineering attitude. How am I turned on again already?

“Yes, sir,” I grumble, knowing that if I push my luck, that punishment will come sooner. No thank you.

He pulls the Tahoe into its spot and turns the vehicle off as we all slowly make our way out to gather the crazy amount of things we packed. I’m groaning when the back hatch opens. “This is gonna take forever to organize.”

Giovanni just comes up behind me to wrap his arms around me and settle his chin on top of my head. “I’ll help this week. Don’t worry about it today.”

Tilting my head up, I smile at him. “You are always the sweetest.”

His smile flashes across his face as he leans down for a quick kiss. “Always for you, Tesoro.”

After 10 minutes of unloading everything onto the carts, we roll everything to the service elevator and make the slow ascent to the penthouse. Another 20 minutes later, everything is disbursed between our rooms, and I quickly head to the kitchen for some snacks and bottled water.

“I’m gonna shower and work on that paper due Tuesday. Do you guys want anything from the fridge?”

“Water.” “Gatorade.” “Both, sunshine!”

Rolling my eyes, I set my stuff down to grab their drinks and make my way to the living room where they are all lounged out like they aren’t moving anytime soon. Passing their drinks to them, I lean down to give them each a kiss before going to get my stuff. As I head towards my room I stop to turn around.

“Thank you guys again. I mean it. This was the best weekend of my life.” My eyes become slightly blurry but I blink the bastard tears away.

When my vision refocuses, I’m met with three pairs of shining eyes with the matching megawatt smiles that I am so crazy in love with. The sight of pride shines brightly through each of them at my words.

“Welcome, kitten. You deserve it.”

“Anything for you, Tesoro.”

“That smile on your face makes it worth it, sunshine.”

I just nod and quickly turn away before my emotions get the better of me.

Stepping back into my room and closing the door, I quickly dump my stuff on the desk when the flashing of an email catches my attention. Sitting down, I’m knocked off my ass when I read it.


From: Server UnknownTo: [email protected]

Subject: Dirty Whore

Fucking three men at the same time? What a dirty little slut. Don’t worry. Soon enough you will atone for your sins. What sweet revenge it shall be to see you put in your proper place like the crack whore slut you are. You think life with your mommy was terrible? This shall be worse, and I cannot wait to see you break.


Quickly standing up, my chair falls back and I jump at the noise.

“You alright, kitten?”

“Yeah!” I yell with a little more gusto than normal. “Just stretching and knocked my chair over!”

It’s silent for a moment, and I rush to close the email before they walk in at the shaky sound in my voice.

“Alright. If you need anything let us know.”

The breath I was holding comes rushing out of me as I close the laptop. “Yup!”

Retreating to the bathroom, I quickly strip down and step into the shower to wash away the sudden grime that feels plastered over my body.

Who keeps sending me crazy shit like this?

My nerves are completely frazzled as I sink down to the shower floor to steady my breathing before a panic attack hits me like a freight train. Using the techniques I’ve learned over the years, I’m thankfully able to prevent another fainting attack.

I let the water rush over me asI clear my head. Is Peter really that butt hurt over my rejection that he feels the need to act like a petulant child and harass me with threats? My eyes open as the emotions settle over me. He can fuck right off if he thinks I’m just going to go running back to him because he wants to be a little shit. For the first time in my life, I’m so unbelievably happy. Like a true happiness that only some people are lucky to experience. I’ve got three amazing men that I know would do anything for me, and I’d do anything for them.

While I may not be considered a standard pick in the elite world they live in, I’ll be damned if I won’t hold my head up high in the process. I will not back down against some idiot that thinks they can bully me because of my upbringing.

While I may not be saying shit to the overprotective cavemen in the living room, I’m also not backing down either.

Stepping out and quickly drying off, I go back out and open the laptop to see if I can reply. I do a quick happy dance when it actually lets me, before I sit down with a fire in my eyes as I type out my scathing response.


From: [email protected]To: Server Unknown

Subject: Ha!

Seriously Peter? Resorting to bullshit keyboard threats. Go fuck yourself and stay the hell out of my life. I know it’s you. Just because a person doesn’t want to be with you doesn’t mean you have the right to threaten them.

And searching my personal history? Wow. Good for you. Do it again and I’ll file a lawsuit against you. My shit is sealed for a reason. I earned my freedom and independence while you are nothing but a mommy/daddy tit sucking bitch.

Do NOT contact me anymore. Grow up and find someone else to put up with your antics.


Fuck. You.


As I click send. I sit back and smirk at my laptop. He thinks he is something because he has family money.

Deciding my homework can wait after that little blip of drama, I change and hop into bed for a well-deserved nap.