Saints of the Syndicate by Natalie Nicole

Chapter 32


First week of December


“Bethani! Are you almost ready? We’re gonna be late!” I ask as I’m standing in front of her closed door.

It took a solid week of begging from us, but we finally convinced her this morning to join us at the annual Blackwell University Christmas Gala that’s hosted for the top donors and the rest of the mega rich. It’s a stuffy bullshit event we are forced to attend along with every other Syndicate member.

To most, it looks like a gracious thank you for supporting their alma mater or just their love of the school. But really, it’s a secret networking event where us Trident members cozy up to the pretentious fucks and preen their feathers. Some gather intel, others seek possible options for future members depending on how a person’s family can benefit the Syndicate.

The main role of Sinclair, Declan, and I is acting like the picture perfect sons to be flaunted around like marionette puppets. Only speak when spoken to. Speak highly of the university. Do not under any circumstances, embarrass them.

Well this year we have a plan to shake up the boredom a bit, if only our cranky ass girlfriend would hurry the fuck up.

Raising my hand to knock again, I don’t even get the chance when the door swings open and my jaw hits the fucking floor.

“Holy mother of God,” I whisper as my throat closes, a giant lump forming as I struggle to find a proper string of words that could correctly describe the total goddess standing in front of me.

Wearing a strappy pair of simple silver shoes that sets her about 4 inches taller than her usual 5’6”, Bethani stands there looking like pure perfection. She is wearing a long, figure hugging navy dress with elegant silvery beadwork throughout. A sweetheart neckline accentuates her ample breasts, pushing them up just enough to almost cross a dangerous territory. A long slit flows up to her mid right thigh, giving away just enough of her shapely athletic tanned thigh to tease the most saintly of men. Her long hair flows in loose waves around her. Elegant without trying too hard. Smokey eyes and long lashes frame her gorgeous aqua eyes, making them steal the show. A simple pink gloss paints her beautiful full lips while she has the whole ensemble polished with platinum dangling wind chime style earrings and a matching necklace.

She is the perfect cross of elegance and sexy. A truly unique and beautiful individual.

“What the hell is taking…

Steps behind me halt in their tracks as we are all enamored by the beauty in front of us.

Bethani blushes deep as we all stand stock still in front of her like gaping idiots.

“Do I look alright? I can change if this is inappropriate or anything.” Her bashful tone brings me out of my trance and my words come out harsher than they should.

“Do not fucking change out of that.” Her eyes go wide at my tone and I shake my head. Clearing my throat I clarify, “Sorry, Tesoro. That came out a little rougher than I meant. You look perfect.”

Her eyes shimmer, and I’m suddenly confused by her reaction. “Sorry. I’m just nervous about this. I’ve been stress eating all week. This is the only one that fits right and I don’t look like I’m about to bust out of.” She huffs in frustration.

She has been eating more in the past couple weeks, but we all have honestly. Keeping up with three men that are hopeless in love with you means a fuck ton of sex. Be it all of us as a group or something random. Like the other day when she laughed at something I said, and we ended up in an empty lecture hall with me balls deep in her as I bent her over the chair until she milked my dick screaming my name.

Plus the stress of finals. We have all been up with boxes of pizza studying until our eyes were crossed, only to fall asleep reading and waking up an hour later to do it all over again. Classes ended yesterday, and we are all officially on winter break until after the New Year. Thank fuck.

“Sunshine. I don’t know how I’m gonna make it through this fucking party without finding a spot to have you ride my cock. Fuck. Now I’m hard,” Declan groans, and I’m now well aware of the erection straining in my suit pants.

I adjust in an attempt to will my dick to behave, then groan, cursing Declan. “Dammit, dude. Why do you have to say shit like that? Christ, do we have to go?”

All I want to do is slide her floor length dress straight up her tanned thighs and pin her against the wall while my dick is buried deep inside her perfect heat.

A grunt comes from behind me as I’m entranced by Bethani. “We need to get going,” Sinclair demands.

Sighing because he is probably the only one thinking without his dick the whole way, I reach out for Bethani’s hand. “Come on, Tesoro. We have an event to attend, and I’m not going to miss the chance to show off our gorgeous girlfriend.”

She blushes again as she reaches out for me, and I give her a devious smile while taking her hand. Spinning her around for a twirl, deep growls ripple from all of us when we realize her whole dress is backless with a wicked plunge that gives a teasing glance to the dimples above her ass.

“How the fuck do you even have this demonic torture device secured, Tesoro? Cristo!”

A sinister smile crosses her lips. “Body tape. Lots of body tape to secure myself in this. So no ruining it, boys, or I’ll be flashing a bunch of pervert old men.”

My blood runs cold thinking of any man, especially our fathers, seeing her naked other than us. Scowling at the thought, I go to speak but our resident grouch beats me to it, “If any of those dusty mother fuckers even think of touching you, kitten, I’ll rip their fucking limbs off and shove them so far up their ass they come out their throat.” He stops and methodically steps forward until he has her back against the wall. Her eyes flair with fear and lust, and I watch in awe as the blood rushes all back to my cock again. Tipping her chin up with two fingers Sin says, “You are fucking ours, kitten. Ours to fuck. Ours to touch. Ours to punish. No one else. If any of those destitute fucks go to make a move on you, tell us and they will be taken care of. Do you understand?”

She stands there in shock, and I watch as her throat dips as she swallows. It makes me wish she was swallowing down my dick as it floods her with my cum. “Y-yes daddy,” she whispers.

Sinclair’s eyes shut as he hisses. His eyes flash open with heat behind them. “Fucking hell, kitten.” Then slams his lips against hers as he claims her.

It’s all of 30 seconds before he has her quickly wrapped around his hips as he is slamming his dick deep inside her for one of the quickest fucks ever. She knows calling him daddy spirals him into wild sex. Maybe that was her play.

Soon enough he is roaring his release as she screams hers. Somehow Sinclair was able to keep them both looking like perfection as he slides her down to the floor.

“Be a good girl, kitten.”

Then he pecks her lips before righting himself and strolling towards the elevator.

She is sexy and dazed as she glances towards Declan and myself. “Either of you going to assert your dominance next?”

I chuckle as a belly laugh falls from Declan.

“Nah, sunshine. I’ve got a couple places I can take you atthe gala for a quick romp. I’ll wait for now.” He leans down to give her a kiss before heading off.

Making my way over to her, I place my hand on her lower back to guide her towards the elevator.

“What about you, mister?”

All I can do is smile as I think of exactly where I’m having my way with her.


Giovannniiiii!” her voice echoes through Sinclair’s G-Wagon as her head falls back. Her pussy walls encircle around my dick like a perfect glove, and I’m railroaded by my orgasm.

Cristo,” I grit through clenched teeth as our mixed juices settle on my legs and drip all over the seats. “You are a fucking dream, Tesoro,” I whisper before kissing her. Her tongue tangles with mine and yet again, I’m flooded with the emotion to tell her I love her.

“Were fucking here, asshole.”

Laughing, I snatch one of the spare shirts from the back to wipe Bethani down before righting her dress for her, then move to fix myself. The back door opens and Sinclair reaches out to help Bethani before grumbling at me, “You are paying for this to be cleaned, motherfucker.”

I don’t even have a response. I’m just a happy fool currently and will gladly take his wrath.

This is the first year any of us have willingly brought a date. It has mostly been a forced pairing where someone has been ‘recommended’ to us, and we are forced to accept. Thankfully our grandfathers have been of great assistance to us lately in our quest to figure out what exactly our fathers have planned.

We have filled them in on certain situations, like a simple once over of what Bethani has been through and her unusual acceptance to our university. We have made it abundantly clear that we are thrilled that she is here and do not wish her to stop attending. They have agreed, stating they have never seen any of us happier in our lives and do not wish to destroy that happiness.

They even brought our grandmothers to the penthouse last weekend. My Nonna fell in love with Bethani instantly, enamored with her tenacity like Nonno and the others. Our kitchen was turned into a disaster as the women cooked up a feast fit for kings while us men went to the study to talk shop as best as possible. We explained some of Bethani’s childhood events without going into too much detail. We also explained our little truce with the Carina Cartel. They were not exactly thrilled with that notion, but when we explained further about how their sons were involved, they relented and agreed. There is also more security floating around campus than what covers a president, all in a silent attempt to keep tabs on Bethani.

A shrill thought crosses my mind knowing our fathers are going to meet her tonight. Then my thoughts turn dark knowing they will be so close to her, and I’m ready to smash their skulls in. I prefer to use my technological skills to destroy a person, but times like these make me eager to use my hands.

“We have her, G. I know what you’re thinking. We won’t let anyone hurt her.”

As usual, Declan reads my thoughts as he smacks a hand to my shoulder, nudging me along to follow.

Grumbling, “I don’t like how close she is going to be to them.”

“Me either, dude. But it was either we brought her, or she would have to chance seeing us with women forcefully wrapping themselves to us like leeches. At least here we know she is safe, and we don’t have to face her fiery rage.”

Chuckling, I nod in agreement as the thoughts of our girlfriend threatening murder flash through my brain. “Yeah. Our dicks wouldn’t be safe if she was pissed over something like that.”

We make our way to catch up just as we hit the obnoxious red carpet that is lined with photographers due to the high profile nature of this event.

“Nope. No fucking way,”Bethani says in a firm tone.

“Kitten. We don’t have a choice. Let’s just pose for a few photos then get the fuck inside. Trust me, we are not thrilled about this either.”

She pouts and looks back to us for some sort of reprieve, but sadly we have nothing for her.

“Sorry, sunshine.”

I just give her a look. “Sorry, Tesoro. No other option. Let’s just get through it and go inside. I promise we won’t stay here forever,” I placate, hoping to garner some points.

Her eyes are laced with venom as she stares us all down. “Fine,” she says through gritted teeth. “We get through this bullshit, make nice for a bit, then we get the fuck out of here. You are lucky your grandparents will all be here to keep me from kicking all your asses on the spot.”

Excuse me?

“Our grandparents are all here, sunshine? Since when? They haven’t been to one of these in years.”

Our little hellfire just winks. “Oh I just had a conversation with them last week. Who else gave me the idea to ‘cave’ last minute to coming here, making you boys think you won a battle? They agreed to come when I gave them my number, and they video chatted me a few of the times you guys tried to ‘convince’ me. They loved watching you all grouch and grovel.”

I’m in pure stunned silence at how wicked our girlfriend can be. I’m also shocked our grandparents are here and Nonna, Grandma, and Momo all gave our girlfriend the idea to be a little shit.

“You are fucking ruthless, kitten. You know that? Fucking hell, we are never leaving you alone with those hecklers again.”

Her deep throaty laugh fills the air as we bump into line to finally step on the carpet of hell. She is thoroughly enjoying our pain, and I can’t even fathom an ounce of anger. Her love for our grandparents, and their love for her, is apparent.

We slowly make our way down the carpet as camera flashes blind us. Questions are being thrown our way left and right asking about our mystery date and where the other two women are. Sinclair obviously takes the provoking comments as long as he can before stepping forward to shut them up. “She is our fucking girlfriend. There’s no other dumb snot nosed spoiled whores nor will there ever be any. So shut the fuck up, take your stupid pictures, and leave us alone.”

My eyes roll. I can feel the headache forming at his blatant expose of our relationship with her, and I can already see the headlines I’m going to have to track and squash.

We finally make it through the gates of hell as we enter the opulent space. Bethani’s eyes go wide at the showcase laid out in front of us. “Woahhh.”

“Yeah. It’s pretty crazy,” I chuckle as I glance around the space.

The massive ballroom here at campus is decorated like a Christmas wonderland. Simple blues, whites, silvers, and shades of purple have transformed the usually bland space into a place of opulence. A 25 foot tree is the star of the show. There are so many decorations and lights on it you can barely tell there is a tree underneath it all. As usual, the decorators have somehow still made it look tastefully done. This ballroom gives those Kardashians a run for their money with how it's adorned. Our fathers have most likely hired the same company they use, which would explain how everything flows together in a seamless perfection that screams extravagance in an understated way.

As we stroll through the room, a server comes up with drinks for us. We all take a champagne flute and thank the person while Declan throws a few bills on their tray.

“For dealing with the bullshit,” he mumbles, chugging his glass and snatching another before the person walks away.

Finding our grandparents, we all exchange hugs as our grandmothers dote on Bethani.

“Ay, child! You look fabulous!” comes from Momo, Declan’s grandmother.

Sinclair’s grandmother just clucks at Momo. “Fabulous? Crazy woman. She is flawless. The belle of the ball. Have you seen how everyone’s eyes are on her! Showstopper. Our boys did well. While maybe slightly unconventional, they all radiate joy with her around.”

Taking extreme pride at grandma’s comment, I can’t help but steal a glance around. What she said is true. All eyes are on Bethani. I can feel the heated stares being thrown our way as they take in the woman who has us under her thumb in the best way possible. It’s almost silent through the room as they take in grandma’s loud words.

My collar suddenly feels tight at the whispered scrutiny we are encountering currently over our relationship. Just as I’m ready to bail, my Nonna chides the room. “Oh, go back to your boring conversations and leave us be. Trust me, I can find something more damning on each and every ones of you to talk about than the state of my grandchildren here and their amazing woman. So go fuck off.” Then she simply turns to Bethani as if she didn’t just school a room of almost 500. “Ignore them, dolce. You are happy, no?” Bethani just nods slightly, embarrassment burning through her face. “Nothing to worry about then. You are happy and our boys are happy. That is all that matters at the end of the day. In the words of you younger ones, fuck’em!”

Champagne rockets out my nose at my grandmother's brazen phrase. “Nonna! Cristo! Staicercando di uccidermi?” I’m choking and sputtering in an attempt to gather my senses.

The heckler just laughs at me. “Nonsense, my love. Just keeping you on your toes.”

I go to give her some smartasses retort, but the air suddenly feels stifling as everyone around me stills. The deep churning in my belly roars back to life, and the urge to vomit has me wishing I could find the nearest bathroom.

I close my eyes to give myself a second of reprieve before opening my eyes and spinning on my heel to shield Bethani from the onslaught that is coming to us.
