Saints of the Syndicate by Natalie Nicole

Chapter 6



As the doctor closes the door so we don't 'disturb' him, whatever, I turn and head to my room to quickly change into some basketball shorts and Nike's. I don't even bother washing off yet. What's the point when I'm going to be sweating my balls off for the next few hours? Seeing the few drops of B's blood on my arms just fuels my anger and aggression, and I desperately feel the urge to numb the chaos running through my veins.

Also, B? When the fuck did I come up with that?

Stopping and thinking about it for a second, it makes a small smirk break on my face as I imagine her cute little ass all pissed off about it. Yup, gonna call her that once she gets better.

I can already picture the eye rolls coming my way.

Fuck. She better recover.

Focusing back on the hate I have towards the sack-less cunt bag that put his hands on her, I finish changing. Quickly, I grab one of the few Percs I have left for my knee pain, grab the bottle of water, and chug both down before grabbing my headphones, phone, a joint, and lighter. Everything in hand, I head towards our custom gym on the lower level of our penthouse.

Note to self...go get more Percs from one of the doctors so you can walk normal, dumbass.

As I'm heading down the stairs, I glance towards the hallway and already see Gio sitting there on the floor opposite of the hallway with his laptop on his lap. "Are you combing through footage from the club?"

Without moving his eyes off the screen he snorts. "Fucking trying. The guy is smart."

"Huh? How so?"

"Only found him on two cameras out of the countless we have throughout the place. The guy is either sneaky, or somehow knows where a bunch of our shit is. Don't like either option. Just answered Bethani's phone also and got a little info from her friend that was with her...Not that it's helping either, which pisses me off more."

That sours my mood even more and I scowl. "And the friend said what exactly?”

"Apparently he goes to school with us and is a senior, but all she knows is his first name because she only met him a couple of times. Peter. Bethani told her she broke it off with him when he tried pushing for more between them. Guess he wanted her to become his 'yes sir trophy wife' and wanted her to quit school. Only dated spring semester for maybe 6 weeks...." he trails off.

"But?" Sin says as he steps up behind me, obviously waiting for the wrench we know is about to be thrown our way. Because shit can never be fucking simple.

G sighs. "But...I can't find the guy in the school system. Anywhere."

Pretty sure Sinclair's face looks eerily similar to the slack jaw expression I have. Since when can Giovanni not find something on our school server system?

"What do you mean exactly by that statement Giovanni?" demands Sin.

With a pissed as fuck look as I've ever seen directed our way, he grits out, "I mean exactly what I fucking said, Sinclair. Facial recognition, nothing. The senior roster of students, no one by the name of Peter. I even checked the underclassmen. The guy is fucking attending our school somehow as a ghost or under some false identity. So don't get all shitty with me about it. If you think without your dick for a second, you might be able to guess how the guy is here, which is the only goddamn theory I have currently. And if its right, finding the twat is gonna be hell."

I mull over his words for a second when realization flashes across my face and I groan a response. "Fuckkkk...Arthur Blackwell, Robert Carter and Lorenzo Martinelli. Do you really think there is Syndicate business going on that we don't know about? And why in the fuck would something like that be going on here where we have control?"

"Think you just proved the point to your questions, Deck. If our trash ass sperm donors are involved, we are royally fucked ten ways. By the time they were seniors here, our granddads had basically stepped down towards retirement. What control do we have other than the school?" Sin states, which I can't disagree with.

Our fathers would rather be dead than let any of us have any power.

Giovanni nods in agreement. "Exactly. We are nothing but circus acts to them, and they are the ringmasters trying to keep their control. It's been that way for years, and we all know it. They hate us solely for the fact we don't ask them 'how high master?' when they demand we jump." He stops, clearly something breaking through his mind as he furiously types on his computer. "If anything I bet this 'Peter' bitch actually goes here under a false identity as a way to watch us. He then reports back to our fathers somehow. It all makes sense with the stuff from earlier and the arranged marriage bullshit they tried throwing our way. If they can make us completely miserable and break us that way, then they can turn us into their little drones that don't ask questions, just do what they say." Another pause as he types more. "If that is the case, I'm gonna need my full setup in my room to find out what I can. We may need to play along slightly to throw them off if I find out this shit is true." He finally stops, clearly done talking to us as he flips his hand in the air to dismiss us.

Sinclair and I finally head towards the gym, and I light my temporarily forgotten joint on the way down, needing the calm it brings me so I don't trash the gym like the last time I was this all over the place emotionally. After taking a big hit, I pass the joint over to Sin, but he grunts a 'no thanks' as he puts his headphones in and cranks the music while wrapping his hands for one of the bags. I make my way over to the treadmill, needing the added burn to my lungs on top of the weed to really purge the adrenaline flowing through me.

I throw my headphones on, hit one of my playlists, and set the treadmill to about a 9.5. I love the excitement that flows through me as I can finally zone out and let everything fade away in my mind. There is only the music and the feeling of my muscles burning as I push my body for the next hour, never stopping or changing my pace.


An hour later, my mind is clear, and I am absolutely fucking exhausted from running 10 miles at whatever bullshit hour of the night it is. But as I stop the treadmill and step off to grab a bottle of water and towel to dry off the tsunami of sweat running down my body, I remember to finally look at my phone and curse. There are six messages from Giovanni.

"Fucking helllll."

I groan because I know what is coming my way. I sit down on the bench to look at the shit storm coming my way from him.

G: Update from Doc, you coming up?

G: Declan?

G: ......

G: You rat bastard. I fucking TOLD you to answer your phone. Let me guess. Treadmill? Nevermind. Don't fucking answer that.

G: Idiots. You are both idiots. Anyways, Doc said the gashes on her head weren't as bad as we thought. The alcohol and drug in her system thinned her blood too much, which is why it looked worse than it actually was. Glued them up. Took blood to figure out the mystery drug in her system. Obvious concussion. She is gonna feel like shit for a week, but will make a full recovery.

Thank fuck!

G: Also, she is sleeping in my room since neither of you morons can answer a goddamn text message. Sucks to suck fuck sticks!

That motherfucker.

Me: Fucking hell man. Let me grab a shower and I'll be there.

G: Huh? You DO know how to use a phone? Interesting.

I send him 7 middle finger emojis.

Me: See you in 15 cock sucker.

G: You wish I was sucking your cock right now. Doors unlocked. Just be quiet.

I don't even bother responding as I pocket my phone and speed past Sinclair. He was still as zoned out as I was, until he catches me hightailing it out of the gym towards my room.

As I dash into my room and strip out of my clothes while turning on the shower, I glance down and see my dick is hard as fuck. Mostly from G's text, but now that the water is running down my body, I think of Bethani here with me.

Fuck it. Gio isn't in here to make this go away, so I might as well fantasize about B's pussy taking my thick, long, pierced dick.

Giovanni and I are both bi-sexual. But once we both realized our sexual orientation, we agreed to keep it between us, and we only fuck around on occasion. Condoms only with each other or any of the bitches we fuck until we commit. Don't need any of that nasty STD shit.

As I grab my dick and slowly start stroking from base to tip, I flick the Prince Albert piercing and let out a groan. My head falls back into the shower wall that I apparently backed into to stabilize myself. My mind fully goes into the fantasy as I add pressure to my dick and start stroking faster.

Bethani thinks she is being quiet and sneaky as she tries to slip out of her clothes before getting in here with me.

"Baby B, I know you're out there. So get out of your clothes and get your sweet ass in here."

"Damnit Declan, how do you always know?"

I smirk. "Always know when you are close by, sunshine."

As she opens the door, steam billows out, and before she can react, I reach out to grab her hand and pull her into my arms. "You always smell so good, baby."

She giggles. "Ew. I just got done working out. I'm gross."

That only makes my cock grow harder between us and pulse, making her breath catch in her throat. I tilt my head down to her ear and whisper. "You are never gross, sunshine. Knowing you were just all hot, sweaty, and sexy turns me the fuck on. It makes me want to bury my dick in that sweet tight little pussy of yours and pound into you until you are screaming my name over and over baby." Then I nip at her earlobe and slowly work my way down her neck, nipping and sucking and kissing until I hit that sweet spot where her shoulder and neck meet.

She moans long and loud as she pushes her body closer to me.

"Already desperate and needy for me baby B?" I ask as one of my hands slowly skates down her body, cupping one of her full beautiful ass cheeks. Then giving her a firm smack, which only makes her yelp and moan more.

"Greedy girl. What do you want, baby?"

She slowly looks up at me, eyes flaring with heat, lust, and a carnal desire for me that makes me moan. Fuck she is so damn sexy like this.

"I just want you Declan. Please. Fuck me baby," she whispers.

I can't fucking take it anymore. Bringing my hand behind her head, I slam my lips into hers for a punishing kiss. As I push my tongue past her lips, a deep growl escapes me, and her sweet taste envelops me. It only serves to ramp up my desire for her.

I suck and nibble her lips, most likely bruising them a bit, but she loves when I mark her like that. Forcing myself to pull away, I cradle her face in my hands. "You are so unbelievably beautiful, sunshine. You know that right?"

As her eyes finally open a bit, she answers under hooded lashes, "Like you three would let me forget it, even if I tried." Then she rolls her eyes.

Hmm...Wants to be a sassy little shit, does she? Well, that can be rectified.

I smirk. "Turn around. Hands on the wall. Legs together. Now. Little miss smartass."

Little shit just stands there. Well, we can play that way if that's how she wants to be.

I quickly spin her around and place her hands against the wall, trapping them there with my left hand while my right quickly lines my dick against her dripping pussy. I quickly thrust up into her, burrowing my dick completely to the hilt and moaning at the added pressure to her already tight pussy from keeping her legs together.

"Hang on tight sweetheart," I whisper in her ear as I pull almost all the way out then slam back into her as hard as possible.

"Declannn,” she pleads. "Don't. Stop. Please"

I laugh. "Not a fucking chance in hell."

I let go of her hands, and I grab her hips and resume with our hard and fast fucking. I’m loving the sensations rolling through the both of us, and I pound into her over and over and over, never losing the power behind my thrusts.

As our moans and groans pick up pace, I know we are both close, so I quickly move my hand to the front of her and find her clit. I press on it, hard, and circle it at the same time; all while keeping pace.

Not even 30 seconds later, her body starts to shake as she screams my name out. Her pussy clamps down on my fucking dick like a goddamn vice grip, instantly sucking my balls up into my body as my orgasms blindsides me. My body is locked up tight as my dick pulses deep inside her.

"Fuck fuckfuckfuckFUCK!" I shout as black spots distort my vision.

"Unghhhhh! Mother of shit!" I pant as I see my now semi-hard dick still in my hand and the remnants of my cum washing down the drain.

That was the most powerful orgasm of my damn life, and I haven't even been with B yet.

As I slowly gather myself, I finish taking a shower then dry off so I can throw on some sweats and a cutoff. Running the towel through my hair to get rid of most of the water, I glance at my bed before walking over and grabbing a few pillows and my comforter. I already know I'm not leaving her side tonight, so I might as well accept the fact I'm going to be shoving my tall ass on one of Gio's tiny fucking couches. Unless I beat Sinclair to the futon.

Dashing down with all my shit, I slowly step into G's room and glance around. G is on the bed next to Bethani, still working on the laptop. I look towards the futon and see Sin isn't there yet.


I quickly pull it flat and toss my shit on there and make my ass comfortable as Sinclair walks. He’s scowling at me while giving me the middle finger. I give him a big cocky ass smile and a loving middle finger back. "Guess we both had the same idea huh?"

"No shit sherlock. I'm not sleeping in my room knowing she is in here with Dr. Know-it-all up there."

"Bitch, whatever. Neither of you paid attention in our anatomy classes in high school. The only reason you two passed is because you both cheated off my work, and you both fucked the teacher. Jackasses," Gio retorts, glaring at us while closing his laptop and then rubbing his hands over his face. "Fuck it. I'm tired and can't think straight with that thing anymore. If any of you hear any weird noises from her in the middle of the night, there are trash can's on both sides of the bed. She starts throwing up, we need to rush her into the ER because the concussion is worse than we thought. Doc gave her meds and antibiotics for all the scrapes. Can't give anything else until she wakes up and we can assess her though," he finishes while closing his eyes and laying back against the headboard.

Sinclair and I both glance over at Bethani's sleeping figure, the mood quickly turns somber as we take her in.

Her hair a complete mess, and her skin shiny from whatever the doc rubbed on her arms. The bruising around her neck is getting more pronounced. The whole scene makes my stomach churn, and acid works its way up my throat. I quickly look away before I have to use one of those buckets myself.

"Shit," I mutter, I take deep breaths, willing my stomach to not betray me.

"We will find this slimy bastard. We will make him pay, and we will keep her fucking safe from here on out. Regardless if she wants it or not."

I glance over at Sin, taking in his clenched fists and dark expression. This whole thing has all of us completely fucked up. Over a chick we don't even really know, but are obviously all pulled towards like moths to a flame.

"Yeah, man. Pretty sure from the sorry-ass state we all look right now, that's pretty damn obvious that we all agree with that." I smirk, attempting to lighten the mood.

With an eye flick and smirk my way he responds, "Doesn't fucking matter how sorry we all look right now with this." As he waves his hands around our sorry asses in our grown-up slumber party state. "Still needed to be said. If someone else touches her without her permission, or even looks at her wrong, I'll burn this fucking campus to the ground with no fucks given."

"Agreed," Gio says before rolling over to B and gently giving her a kiss on the forehead. He then mutters something in her ear before laying back down, which prompts Sinclair to do the exact same thing before he grabs his shit and damn near shoves me off the futon.

"Move over fucker. Not sleeping on that tiny ass loveseat shit fancy boy there likes."

With a middle finger and ‘fuck off’, I jump up to go give B a kiss on the forehead but wrap my giant ass bear paw around her little hand. It’s so fucking soft and delicate.

After I kiss her forehead, I lean down and whisper, "We got you baby B. You'll never feel alone again sunshine. Wake up soon baby. Can't wait to officially meet you."