Their Mountain Captive by Kayla Wren



Honestly, stop fussing. You’re worse than a grandmother. I’m fine.” Despite my complaints, I take the mug of coffee eagerly from Alec’s hands. I’m propped up in his bed, leaning against the headboard, a new laptop balanced on my knees.

My article is half-written on the screen. The Bear on Lonely Mountain.

The bear has taken on an exaggerated role in my account of this trip. I left out the stuff about Dante and Alec. Anything that could cause them trouble. Guess I’m soft.

“How’s it coming?” Alec nudges me to shuffle up, then sits on top of the covers next to me. He leans close, reading over my shoulder, and I suck in an eager lungful of his scent.

Woodsmoke and pine trees.

My belly tightens.

It’s been a week. A week, and he’s barely touched me.

Neither has Dante, even though he’s spent more time here than sorting out his own wrecked cabin. He’s been sleeping on the sofa, while Alec stretches out on the rug. Never mind that it’s a double bed, and I keep offering to share.

Do they not want me like that after all? But then why ask me to stay?

“Listen, Alec…”

The cabin door pushes open. Dante stomps his boots on the deck outside, then ducks through the doorway into the warm glow of the log burner. Over his shoulder, thousands of tiny pinprick stars glitter from an ink black sky.

“What?” Alec murmurs, but I clam up. Sip my coffee as the other man shuts the door and shrugs off his jacket.

I can’t ask if they still want me in front of Dante. It’d be like dangling a baby seal above a shark.

“How’s the ankle?” Dante calls.

“Still attached.”

“Ho ho ho.” He strolls closer, his mouth twisted in a smirk. “Such a funny lady.” The light from the fire and the small lanterns that ring the cabin cast his skin in a golden glow. It accentuates the harsh cut of his cheekbones; his deep, soulful eyes.

I look at Alec instead, but he’s just as bad. So pretty I could cry.

“It’s fine, honestly. You should let me walk on it again.”

“No,” they say together.

I throw up a hand, and slosh coffee on my wrist. “For god’s sake! Have you forgotten I hiked up the mountain on it?”

Dante opens his mouth, eyes sparking, but Alec speaks across him, low voice soothing. “Of course not. All the more reason to rest it, Roxy.”

“Dante got shot! You haven’t tucked him in bed!”

They fall quiet. Too quiet. And suddenly I’m sick of this—always dancing around each other. So many things unspoken; never saying what we really feel. I grab a handful of Alec’s gray checked shirt, holding him on the bed, then meet Dante’s gaze. Dip my chin at the mattress.

He comes over gamely. Sits in that cocky way that tells me it’s his choice.

Yeah, whatever.

I take a moment to check him out shamelessly. Dante’s in a dark red shirt and faded black jeans, a two day beard dusting his jaw. Beside him, Alec looks scrubbed and wholesome, but we all know that’s not true.

And I’m sick of all the pretending.

“Do you still want me?” I blurt. “You know, like before. In the motel. Or are you keeping me here as a friend?” My cheeks heat as I talk, but my voice stays level. I’m proud of that, at least.

Alec clears his throat, shifting awkwardly, but Dante’s eyes have drifted shut.

“Ah, Roxy.” Dante’s mouth tugs up. “Always the brave one. So much braver than us.”

I’m not sure that’s true. They’ve both dodged bullets and raced trucks down the mountainside, but I don’t argue. In this way, at least, they’re both so cautious.

“Well?” I can’t believe they haven’t answered yet. If I weren’t pinned by the bed covers, I’d make a run for the door.

Dante gusts out a sigh, like I’m the most frustrating creature he ever met. His eyes open again, holding me in place. “Of course we want you, bella. Don’t play stupid.”

“And each other?” He scowls, but I set my jaw. “Say it.”

Alec scrubs a hand down his face, but when Dante speaks, he turns to stone, his palm plastered to his nose.

“Yes. Of course I want Alec too.” Dante huffs. “You are both incredibly stupid.”

It’s the worst declaration I’ve ever heard. “Are you kidding me?” I splutter, but then Alec slides a hand around Dante’s neck and they’re kissing, gripping and swaying on the bed, all teeth and groans and harsh sighs.

“There it is,” I whisper, sliding further under the blanket. I sip my coffee, watching the hottest live show I’ve ever seen.

Alec is on one side of my legs, Dante on the other. They meet above me, clashing like two wild animals on a nature documentary, and I’m so small beneath them, they’d crush me if I got in the middle of that—

God, I want to get in the middle of that.

They break apart, panting.

“Fucking finally,” Dante rumbles as Alec runs a hand up my thigh. They both turn to me as one, pinning me under their gaze, pupils blown wide, and I squeeze my legs together.

“Oh my god.”

Alec huffs a laugh, leaning forward and plucking the mug from my hands. He places it on the bedside stool as Dante tugs the laptop away, saving my article quickly and closing it with a snap.

“Oh my god,” I say again as all my props are taken away. As Alec peels the covers off me, tossing them to the bottom of the bed. There’s suddenly nowhere to hide, nothing to distract myself with, and I seriously wish I’d worn cuter leggings. These ones have a tiny hole in the crotch—one of the pairs rescued from my retrieved backpack.

“What’s wrong, bella?” Dante sits back on the bed. Traces a fingertip up my calf, sending sparks skittering over my whole leg. “Are you all talk after all?”

“No,” I croak. “I’m not—I’m—ah…”

“Give her a chance,” Alec murmurs as Dante trails his fingertip across my knee and up my inner thigh. It’s so light, a ghost of a touch, and it makes me squirm worse than if he’d tickled me.

“No.” Dante reaches the seam of my leggings. A dark smile tugs his mouth as my legs fall open, widening for him automatically. “No, I don’t think I will.”

He continues his maddening, featherlight trail. Up and down the seam of my leggings, until I’m huffing and rocking my hips up to his hand. I don’t even notice Alec crawling up the bed to lie beside me until his warm palm slides over my stomach, up to graze my nipple through my tank top.

Searing hot lips press against my throat.

“Oh my god,” I mumble.

“Yes.” Dante smirks. “So you’ve said.”

It’s so much. Two pairs of hands; two warm, sturdy bodies; two sets of glittering eyes. They each focus one hundred percent of their attention on me, and it steals my breath. Leaves me giddy and overheated.

“Please.” I squirm as Dante touches me firmer. Strokes the nub of my clit through my thin, holey leggings. I wait for him to mention my crime against fashion, but he just winks at me then hooks his fingers in my waistband. Peels my leggings down my thighs, down my calves and ankles, and kneels between my legs. He prowls forward, leaning on top of me, crowding me back into the mattress, and god, I love him like this.

Vicious and primal and dripping with lust. I want him to break me apart. Then I want Alec’s soothing hands, piecing me back together.

“She’s ready.”

“So eager, look at her.”

They speak over my head, like I’m not even here, and that heats my blood too. Leaves me squirming and breathless. I scrabble for Alec, hooking one arm around his strong neck. He licks a stripe up my throat, and it’s so unexpected from him, so base, that I let out a ragged moan.

“Take me. Shit, take each other. Please, let’s just do this.”

Alec snorts. “Your dirty talk could use a little work.” But his eyes are heated when he shifts, looming over me, pushing Dante out of the way. Then his hands are on my ribcage, plucking me off the mattress, and I’m being rearranged. Settled down on top of his hips.

Alec leans back against the headboard, brushing my hair from my eyes, and Dante’s heat washes over my back as he crowds in close.

“I had Roxy. Stop stealing the show.”

“You both have me,” I gasp. And it’s true—on so many levels. They both send sparks raging across my skin where they touch me. They both make my blood pump hot and my sex clench.

But they both calm me, too. Settle my nerves and soothe my aching heart.

I don’t want to leave them.

Not now. Not ever.

“Hey.” I scrabble behind me for Dante’s neck. Tug him forward, over my shoulder. “Stop hiding behind me. Kiss him.”

“I’m not hiding—” Dante’s outraged splutter is cut off as Alec surges forward, bringing their mouths together. And this was hot before, but being crushed in the middle of it…

My cheeks heat to a thousand degrees.

Alec’s hard beneath me, his cock rubbing against my sex. Dante’s length presses against my back. I’m pinned, skewered, and I can hear every hitch in their breath. Every ragged exhale.

“Happy?” Dante grinds out when they break apart, but he’s not fooling anyone. His eyes are luminous, his hands roaming greedily up and down my sides.

It’s so easy. Falling into a rhythm together. Pulling off clothes and stealing kisses. Sure—there are a few bumps and fumbles. Dropped condoms. Spluttered laughter. But it’s so natural, so right, like we’re slotting together. Exactly where we belong. And I’m suddenly so glad that it’s Alec facing me, when he slides inside me and moisture brims in my eyes.

He winks—I won’t tell—and I beam at him. So goofily happy, as he fills me. Makes my head tip back on a gasp.

“Dante,” I mumble, my tongue thick and clumsy. I can’t think straight, not with Alec so hard and deep inside me, gripping my hips and rolling me over his length. But Dante knows what I need, what I’m trying to tell him, and he trails a fingertip down my spine.

“Are you sure, bella?”

“Oh my god,” I wheeze. “Yes. Come on. Do it.”

I don’t stop rocking my hips. Not when Dante cracks open a bottle behind me, something slick dripping between the cleft of my cheeks. Not when his fingertip circles, rubbing at the pucker of my asshole.

Not even when he slides in, up to one knuckle.

“Holy shit.” I drop my forehead onto Alec’s shoulder. Rocking harder, my body moving on pure instinct now, my brain completely offline. Dante teases me, gets me ready with such patience, and the whole while Alec smoothes his palm in steady circles on my back.

I’ve never been held like this.


There’s a momentary pause. Then Dante nudges against me too, the broad head of his cock so much bigger than his finger. I groan brokenly, my hips pumping harder, faster, and the pressure is so much I can’t breathe—

He slides in.

Just a little way. Then he pauses; lets me adjust.

“Roxy,” Alec murmurs. He brushes my hair off my forehead.

I thought it would be overwhelming. Being with both of them at once. And it is overwhelming, but not in the way I’d thought. Sure, my body is a whirlwind of sensations, nerves skittering and pleasure thrumming. As Dante thrusts deep, I’ve never been so full. But the part that really cracks my chest open, that steals my breath—it’s their tenderness.

Even when Dante’s hand cracks against my ass, it’s perfect. The precise sensation I need.

“So perfect,” he snarls, like he’s pissed off about it. And he leans over my shoulder, stealing another biting kiss from the other man. I join in, too out of my mind for finesse, sucking a bruise onto Alec’s clean-shaven throat.

“We’ll mark him,” Dante rumbles in my ear. “Let everyone know the boy scout is ours.”

“He’s no boy scout.” Alec’s grip on my hips is iron. Enough to bruise.

“No?” Dante grabs a fistful of my hair. Tugs my head to the side and licks my throat. “I suppose not.”

It’s perfect. Rough and tender and wild. A sudden release of pent up feelings. And when I break apart, shuddering and pressed between two chests, when they still and pulse inside me, following after—

For a horrible second, I think that’s it. All we’ll ever get.

But then Alec pulls out first, sliding out from beneath me and strolling across the cabin. He comes back with a damp cloth as Dante slides out too. And they rearrange me in the bed, curling up on either side, their hands tangling together over my stomach.

Silence falls in the cabin. An owl hoots outside.

Then: “I can’t believe you two idiots haven’t been doing that for years.”

Alec chuckles, but when Dante speaks, he’s serious.

“Bella. We were waiting for you.”