Their Mountain Captive by Kayla Wren



Two months later

“Is it up?”

I climb the steps to my cabin, a hatchet gripped in one hand and a stack of firewood balanced on one forearm. Dante and Roxy are sprawled on the deck, laid out like emperors on a nest of blankets and cushions.

The mountain breeze ruffles their hair. Scatters crunchy golden leaves over the wooden boards. And my mobster and hiker cuddle closer against the chill, the movement automatic, grinning down at the laptop held between them. The pink evening light coats their skin. Softens them.

“Yes. Now the whole world knows Roxy cannot work a canoe.”

She smacks Dante’s arm, but she’s grinning. “Shut up. The blog has to be honest. I can’t pretend to be some worldly perfect traveler, or people will smell the bullshit.”

“Let me see.” I place the hatchet and firewood down on our stack, then pluck the laptop from the blankets. The site loads easily as I scroll—we upgraded the internet here as soon as Roxy said she’d stay. There was a strict understanding—no more trading artwork. Only the travel blog.

We don’t want there to be any reason she’d leave. She’s the best thing that ever happened to us. Our mouthy captive.

“Looks good.” I smile at her over the screen. It’s a great article—a detailed account of a national park one state over. Her photos are gorgeous, too. Raging rivers and towering stacks of red stone.

I’m unsettled to see my face in a few of them. Dante’s lucky—Roxy’s always careful to keep him out of view.

“They’re going to think we’re a couple.” I hand the laptop back and nudge Dante with my boot. “Just Roxy and I.”

He lurches upright, cursing loudly like I knew he would.

“Fuck that. Fuck you! Roxy is mine. So are you. Stupid internet—” he breaks off when he feels Roxy shaking with laughter. He turns to her, eyes sparking. “Oh. I see. Is Alec funny, Roxy? Do you like his little jokes?” She shrieks as he pounces on her, tickling under the blankets.

I watch them for a moment. It’s so easy to set them off. And when I turn to carry the laptop into the cabin, they’re already kissing.

I’ll join in a moment. Better to let Dante stake his claim. He gets so territorial.

The cabin is quiet in comparison. Still and shadowed, but the echoes of old conversations hum between the walls. We could leave any time. There’s nothing keeping us on Lonely Mountain. But…

It’s not an exile anymore.

It’s the place we found each other. The place we are completely free and unjudged; lost to the rest of the world. And the place Dante feels closest to his brother. Even now, he misses Angelo.

Maybe one day we’ll go. Move on. But for now…

I toss a log in the wood burner. Better warm up for winter.

* * *

Thanks for reading Their Mountain Captive!

Curious about Roxy’s tangle with a canoe? Check out a bonus epilogue with the trio here. Peaceful was never their style…

Also by Kayla Wren

Year of the Harem Collection:

Lords of Summer

Autumn Tricksters

Knights of Winter

Spring Kings

Standalone titles:

The Naughty List


The Office Hours trilogy:

Extra Credit

Bonus Study

After Class