Chasing Frost by Isabel Jolie



One year later

“What’ve you got there?” Sadie’s biting the tip of her tongue as she twists a pink ribbon around a bouquet of flowers.

“I thought we’d take flowers over to congratulate Anna on the engagement.”

“You know he’s had that ring for ages, right?”

“So you’ve said, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less of a reason to celebrate,” she reprimands.

“Hey, I know. I’m happy Jackson finally made it happen. I bought champagne.” I open the refrigerator to grab the bottle of bubbly, then snag Sadie from behind and kiss the curve of her neck.

One day, I’m going to follow in Jackson’s footsteps and make this one mine. Officially. We’ve been living together for a year. She finally found someone to take over the lease on her tiny studio. All my friends are living with their significant others, and most everyone’s engaged.

“Did Maggie and Jason end up coming into town?” Our friends from Chicago were hoping to make it in, but word on the street is Maggie’s expecting. She miscarried a few months ago. Sam told me if Jason has anything to do with it, Maggie will be locked in a padded zero infection chamber until the baby is born.

“No, and remember, we’re not supposed to know yet that she’s expecting.”

“Yeah, we’re not supposed to know, and yet she told Anna. Anna who gabs to everyone. How’s that work again?”

Sadie smiles as she continues finessing the ribbons.

“Well, I suppose Delilah and Mason are next?” Unless you want us to be. I watch her facial expressions closely, looking for any hint she’s wistful. My old girlfriend dropped hints daily about getting engaged, but Sadie hasn’t said anything. We’ll talk about the kids we want to have—two—and how we’ll care for them—I’ll take the lead, given I’ll have the most job flexibility—but she’s never once held her left hand out and mentioned it needs decorating. Jackson says Anna was the same way. Olivia didn’t drop any hints to Sam either. I never thought I’d say it, but I wouldn’t mind a little pressure. Then at least I’d know she’s ready.

Maybe I’ll pull Mason aside this evening and get some advice from him. He’s proposed twice, to two different women, and each woman declined. He can at least tell me what not to do.

“Do you think this is enough?” she asks, disregarding my question about who is next.

I glance down at our kitchen counter. We’re just going to Sam and Olivia’s for a group dinner. Yes, theoretically, it’s to celebrate Jackson and Anna’s engagement, but we all get together for dinner regularly.

“Flowers and bubbly? Works for me. Remember, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to shower Anna with gifts. Bridal shower, engagement party.”

“This is the engagement party.”

“Tonight? No. It’s an engagement party. It’s not the engagement party. You wait. There’ll be more. I wouldn’t be surprised if we have to haul it to Virginia too. There’s no way Jackson’s parents aren’t going to want to throw a party.”

“Would your parents throw a party?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely.” I slide my fingers through her hair and pause until her gaze meets mine. “When we get engaged, they will most definitely throw us a party.”

Again, I watch her closely. She registers no surprise.

“Would your parents want us to come out?” I ask.

“To Russia?” Now she registers surprise.

“I speak Russian.” My reminder has her rolling her eyes.

“I haven’t spoken to Dad in months. Are you sure you want to marry into a family of spies? There will be no engagement parties. My parents might not even show for the wedding.”

“Sadie, I don’t need the fluff. All I need is you. For all I care, we could make it legal at the courthouse.”

“I thought you didn’t want a ball and chain?”

“That was the old me. Before you.”

“Ah. And the new you?”

“I love it when you tie me down. I especially love tying you down.” My fingers graze her breasts on their journey to caress her neck. I rub my thumb over her plump bottom lip, and she bites.

“Hey.” I pull my hand back, shaking it, completely turned on.

“Tell me more,” she teases with a sexy come-hither smile. “I rather like the handcuffs you used last weekend.” God, I love this woman. I’d do anything for her.

Her fingers explore my chest, something she loves to do. Then she plucks at my t-shirt. I picked it out especially for tonight’s event. Same Penis Forever. I wouldn’t wear it if there were going to be parentals there, but it’s just friends tonight. Anna will laugh.

“I’m not so sure about this.” She scrunches her nose. I exhale. I can’t say I’m entirely surprised. I love this woman, but her humor doesn’t always align with mine.

“What about the ‘To the Disco’ one?” I ask.

“With the unicorn on it?”

“Yeah.” My girl knows my t-shirt collection. I kiss the tip of her delectable nose.

“That’s a better choice.” She nods her approval. “With the black sports coat?”

“Yes.” I twist her hair around my finger then slide it behind her ear. “You know, if you’d prefer, I could wear a black crewneck. I don’t have to wear a funny shirt.”

“I don’t want to change you. I simply think tonight’s saying should focus on the positive, not on the negative.”

“Wait a minute, now.” I spin her around, tickling her. “What’s that supposed to mean? There may not be a ring on your finger, but the shirt applies to you too, Ms. Frost.”

I continue accosting her with my fingers, tickling until she’s crouched down, laughing hard, begging for me to stop.

“Stop, stop. You have me. You’re right. It's positive. Not negative.” She gasps for air, and I drop my arms, giving her a reprieve. She straightens and wipes the corners of her eyes. She grows serious and places her palms flat on my chest. “Keep the shirt on. It’s definitely a positive.”

And just like that, all doubts are gone. It’s time to go ring shopping.