Chasing Frost by Isabel Jolie


Chasing Frost wraps up the West Side Series. It’s with mixed emotions that I write this. This series is an exploration of romance tropes and I’ve had a blast writing it. Of all the books, Chasing Frost was probably the most fun to write. I know that Chase can come across as a bit of an ass, but I love him. I also thoroughly enjoyed researching the FBI.

I read Jerri William’s Armchair Detective, then had the great experience of talking to her on the phone and listening to her podcasts. If you’re a podcast person and you like hearing about FBI true stories, I strongly recommend her FBI Retired Case Files. She’s also a writer and you can find her books at

AmyClaire Majer, as development editor, helped tremendously with Chasing Frost. My beta readers had great insights and helped point out when I needed to pull Chase back a bit and also when I needed to soften Sadie. Evan Dave proved helpful with all things guns. Evan and I met in a class years ago, and I’m grateful we’ve kept in touch. He’s a Sci-Fi writer with a side thing for romance. Jennifer Pezzano, Kia, Allison Miller, and Keri D. James, my critique match partners and beta readers extraordinaire, thank you. And a special thank you goes out to Lori Whitwam from Furwood Forrest for editing this entire series. When I write, I can now hear her comments in my mind. And I’d like to thank Heather Whitehead from Capstone for line editing and for eliminating any and all errors.

Chasing Frost is also the first book of mine my husband read. And he actually liked it. I think he might have been more surprised than me. His exact comment was something along the lines of, “Wow. This is like legit.” Not a stunning endorsement, but I’ll take it. I’m sort of jesting. If it wasn’t for my husband, I would have never even attempted this venture or rolled the dice to see what happens. They say that your partner in life should be someone who helps you to be the person you want to be, and he does that for me in immeasurable ways. I haven’t dedicated any of these books to anyone (it didn’t even register until mid-way through the series that sometimes authors do that). The fact is, I should dedicate this entire series to him in gratitude for his support and love. In so many ways, he melts my frost.