I Dated a Mob Wolf by Viola Grace

Chapter Nineteen

The weekend went by in a blur of organizational details she wasn’t allowed to focus on and laughter with Lii and Baola. Denner was on shift and need someone to watch Lii. After the Thursday test, it was determined that being trapped on an island with armed guards and horses might be a good place to store preteen girls.

School was now out, Lyric had a night shift, and her sisters were busy. So, they worked on making a quilt for Khytten.

Baola smiled. “Aunty Val, can you help me sew a kitten onto the quilt?”

“I can. Pick a fabric from the ones on the table, and I will show you how.”

They sat and did the centrepieces for the quilt over hours until Lady Daycross came by. “Goodness. What are you up to?”

Baola smiled shyly. “Making a quilt for my birth mother.”

“A quilt?”

Baola nodded. “My mom already helped me make a book to tell her where I have been all these years.”


Baola explained while Vallu cut the kitten out of fabric and sewed it onto the block. Lady Daycross’s eyes welled with tears.

She ran the tack stitches and then used a zigzag stitch to hold everything down. She embroidered the soft hazel eyes that flared to green. Khytten was a woman of very specific edges, and all of them were soft unless she was irritated.

Today, they were making the quilt top, and tomorrow, they were quilting it. Lyric had the next weekend off, and she was going to take Baola to Aksalla to meet her mom. Khytten was way too pregnant to travel.

She brought the piece to Lii when it was finished, and Baola was showing Lady Daycross how to load the backing layer on the machine. She had done it at Vallu’s place a few times, and the new machine was high-end but still familiar. Baola used it with calm competence.

Lady Daycross asked, “Can I do something?”

“Can you hand sew or machine sew?”

The woman’s shoulders drooped.

Lii said, “Can you iron? Aunty hates ironing.”

Lady Daycross said, “I can iron.”

“Then, I will show you which way to press the seams, and you can start pressing.”

The woman nodded, learned the ins and outs of the cordless iron, and got to work.

* * * *

Etgar walked by the solarium, hoping to lure Vallu away because he missed her. It had been ten hours since she had been in his arms, and he was lonely.

The solarium was full of girls and women, all talking and handing pieces of fabric around, laughing and chatting. Etgar paused when he saw his mother laughing and talking with them. They seemed to be discussing the weather in Aksalla and what Baola was going to do when she visited.

He caught Vallu’s eye, and she smiled at him. He beckoned to her. She set her fabric down and walked out of her small gathering and into the hall. “Hey, Etgar. Care to join us?”

“No, I just wanted to touch you again. I missed you.”

She smiled, and he kissed her, tasting the cupcake that she had eaten earlier, as well as the minty tea that she favoured. When she kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck, he lifted her and pressed her against the wall, rocking against him until he wanted nothing more than to take her right there. She parted from him, and he returned to his senses. He lowered her back to the floor of the hallway.

She stroked his cheeks. “Later, but thanks for coming to say hi. See you at dinner?”

He nodded. “We appear to be having meatloaf in the shape of daisies.”

She grinned. “It seems that folks are enjoying the idea of having children around here. I have to say that it sets my mind at ease more than I thought it would.”

He nuzzled her neck, inhaling the scent of his mate, his scent, and the scent of her pregnancy. All three were wrapped around her, and they gave him the settled feeling of being home.

She rubbed him back. It didn’t do much for her, but it did everything to him. His mate wanted him. There was nothing more intoxicating.

She stroked his neck and ran a hand down his chest. Fire bloomed at her touch. He groaned. “You had better go. I like Lii very much, but I will be happy when I can have a whole day with you.”

“Tuesday is the trip into the city to go to for my scan. We will definitely be alone then, aside from the bodyguards and driver and med staff.”

He snorted. “There will be time after... and before.”

“It is a seven-thirty appointment.”

“Then, we will be awake at five and on the ferry by six-thirty.” He chuckled.

She groaned. “That sounds really good. Let’s go for a four-thirty wake-up. I wouldn’t want to rush.”

“I will start waking you at four-thirty and plan to be inside you by five. Can you pencil me in?”

“I don’t have a pencil, nor do you.”

He chuckled and kissed her again.

A young voice said, “For folks out of high school, you kiss a lot.” Lii was grinning. “Sorry soon-to-be-uncle, but I need Aunty Val for some sewing. You can have her later.”

He stepped back and kissed her palm, licking slightly to taste her. “That is my plan.”

She flushed hot pink but went to attend to her niece. Her focus on her family was admirable. He would be family soon, and he could hardly wait.

* * * *

Baola had headed home with her quilt and was getting ready to meet her half-siblings, both adopted and newborn. The babies weren’t in the world yet, but it wouldn’t be long.

Vallu went through Monday getting fitted for things that she wasn’t allowed to see, and Zera had contacted some of the other escorts to see who would enjoy attending the wedding.

With Denner, Lii, Baola, Lyric, Ylara, and Brittany... she had her six out of forty seats at the wedding. She needed some butts in the seats, and Zera promised to do it. Arcady was on the list to ask, and she had three people with her, so that brought it up to ten. She was on her way to her guest count. Hopefully, Zera could get her trio to come along, and things would start adding up. If Susara and a plus one could make their way, it would go faster. The problem lay in that she wasn’t supposed to contact any of them directly. In Ylara’s case, it didn’t matter. They were friends first.

Lady Daycross looked at her and scowled. “Is something wrong? Are you all right?”

“Yes, I am just wondering about my wedding guests. I have asked a friend to try and lure some of them in, but I have no idea how many will agree or how many will be working that night.”

Lady Daycross scowled. “Can’t you invite others?”

“I... uh... don’t know that many people. I haven’t been very social in the last few years. So, I just know the folks that I have been working with at my night job.”

“You want to populate my son’s wedding with escorts?”

“Well, as I thought I was invited as well, you are right. We don’t need any of that sort there. I will send my apologies to Etgar. I hope he can get his deposits back.”

The lady sighed. “You know what I mean.”

“They are not going to be on duty. They are coming as guests to enjoy the party. That’s all. They aren’t going to try and bed anyone, though if there are any single fellas, I can’t say the same. These women are stunning.”

“Hmm. If you are sure they won’t make a scene.”

“No more than any other guest. They like dancing, and we rarely get to hang out together without some man demanding our time and attention.” She paused and corrected herself. “Well, they do. I don’t do that anymore.”

“What do you do, dear?”

Vallu blinked. “I volunteer. Make blankets for the neonatal unit. That kind of thing. Every baby deserves warmth, and I have enough of a fabric budget to last for eternity. I first bumped into Khytten there, and I recognized her description when Zera got her on the roster.”

She didn’t tell her about the party for Khytten’s birthday nearly eight months ago. That wasn’t the kind of thing you told a mother-in-law.

The designer and seamstress nodded and took their leave. They had two and a half weeks to pull off whatever Etgar had planned.

“Lady Daycross, what do you do during the day?”

“I manage Etgar’s appointments and meet with some of the other mob wives for tea. You will begin joining me after the wedding.”

“Oh. Good. As long as it doesn’t interfere with my Thursdays with Lii.”

“It’s usually a Monday. You don’t have to go to every week, just a few until they settle into your position in society.”

They have to settle in?”

“Yes, dear. You are doing a lovely job of dealing with my son and settling in with the staff. I haven’t heard a grumble about you, and folks are really looking for something to complain about.” She chuckled and left the room.

Vallu went to change into more comfortable clothing. She slipped into a sundress and relaxed. Humming happily, she headed back to the sunroom and warmed up her new sewing machine. It hummed to life, and she put on a work apron before she started to cut pieces for the quilt top she had in mind. Hours disappeared as she cut, sewed, ironed, and cut again. She smiled as the piece came together and giggled when the image began to take shape. This was a present for her and Etgar, and she had less than three weeks to finish it. It was a good thing that she could work on it full-time.

She heard something, and a hand touched her shoulder. A big, white, furry hand with grey markings. She looked up and pulled out her headphones. “Hey, sweetie.”

He crouched. “Did you eat lunch?”

She paused. “What time is it?”


“Oops. No.” she grimaced. “Is it dinner time?”

“It is. I think you need an alarm, love.” He had really embraced that word and used it every opportunity he could.

“I was having fun.”

He looked around the room at the neatly arranged stations and the covered sewn fabric. “Is this what fun looks like for you?”

“Well, when I am not with you, I have to make do.” Her shoulders were burning from the slow exertion of fixing her hands in one point and engaging in slow motion. Doing applique was always taxing.

She took off her apron and massaged her hands. “Am I too late for dinner?”

“No, we are holding it for you. Pot roast and potatoes.”

She grinned. “Chef is too good to me.”

He snorted. “I am not complaining either, but yeah, he has embraced your diet with gusto.”

Vallu grinned and brushed stray threads away before letting him pull her to her feet. Pins and needles of the figurative kind sparked all over her body, and he held her against him, his hands giving her a slow massage. His hands loosened her shoulder tension, and she hummed happily, curling close to him.

Her stomach growled in protest, and he chuckled. “Food first, I think.”

Her arm linked with his, they headed for dinner. “Do you often skip meals when you are playing?”

“Yeah. It just happens when I am having fun.”

“Either have less fun or set an alarm.”

She grinned. “Well, I was being measure all morning, and the only thing that kept me going was playing when it was over.”

He sighed. “Was my mother there?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“She is supposed to keep you on schedule if I can’t be here. After tomorrow’s scan, I would like you to be transferred to an OB here on the island. If you deliver in bad weather, I don’t want a delay in getting you medical attention.”

She wrinkled her nose as they walked into the dining room. “Fine. I am not particularly attached to my doctor. They didn’t approve of my previous occupation and kept warning about wear and tear on my lady parts. I am no judge, but have you noticed any wear?”

His shoulders shook as he settled her in her chair. “No, love. Each time we connect, it gets better.”

She smiled smugly. “Thought so.”

Lady Daycross had caught enough of that, and she sighed. “Are you going to discuss that kind of thing at your wedding?”

Etgar shrugged as their meal was brought in. “Probably.”

Vallu nodded. “If it comes up.”

He chuckled as he picked up his knife and fork, preparing to dissect his pot roast. “Isn’t that how we ended up here, to begin with?”

She chuckled. “Come to think of it... yes.”

On their first date, he had been nervous and eager in equal measure. She had given him hands-on instruction even knowing that he had gone through simulations before he had been accepted as a patron. It had been the most fun playing show-and-tell she had ever had.

She felt a soft smile of reminiscence cross her lips. She ate her meal, and he finished his before her, watching her. She set her cutlery down, and the plate was removed. She flicked a glance toward Etgar, and he was still looking at her. Lady Daycross was looking between both of them. “Don’t you two ever get tired of thinking about sex?”

Etgar shrugged. “Not really. It gives a nice break from murder and mayhem.”

Dessert arrived, and it was angel food cake with fruit and whipped cream on it.

She smiled at the sight of the whipped cream. The tenth date. That had been fun, and her first experience in showering with the mask on. She had been a mess. Tingly, sticky, and throbbing, weak as a kitten, but the grin had remained on her face for days.

Etgar chuckled. “I thought of that on the ninth date.”

She blushed. She ate her dessert. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“I think you do.”

Lady Daycross blinked. “What am I missing?”

“Your son’s inventive side and fondness for whipped cream.” He smiled smugly.

Vallu felt herself gradually turning pink. It was the event where she had truly appreciated his wide, flat tongue. Before that, it had been the cock she was after. “I don’t seem to have any memory of that.”

He gave her a narrow-eyed look and pushed his empty dessert bowl aside. “Hmm. I will have to see if I can refresh your memory.”

She kicked him under the table. “I am trying to not freak your mother out. She doesn’t need to know everything about our association.”

Lady Daycross blinked in surprise. “Thank you. You may want to know that I am thinking of moving into town after the wedding.”

Etgar frowned. “Not the dower house?”

“No offense, my son, but you two make a lot of noise. I am having a problem overlapping my little boy with that howl when you get off.”

Vallu covered her face. “Oh, lord.”

Etgar laughed his ass off.

The family dynamic was taking shape, but Vallu said, “How about soundproofing the larger bedroom? And the stable, the solarium... oh geez. We are incorrigible.”

He grinned. “And that is one of the things I love about you.”

She sighed and finished her dessert.

She got her herbal tea, and they sat around talking before she yawned and scowled at the tea. “What was that tea?”

“Just a little bedtime tea.” He chuckled. “You have been keeping odd hours, and you need a routine.”

“So, you gave me some sleeping herbs?”

“Just what can be obtained at a grocery store. If it is hitting you this hard, you needed some proper rest.”

She covered her mouth as she yawned again, and her fangs extended. “Uh-oh. Thith ithn’t gooth.”

He grinned. “So, that kind of hungry as well. Come on, love. I will carry you upstairs.”

She was miserable. Sleepy, horny, hungry for blood. It was going to be a sucky evening. She called out. “Gooth etheninth, Lathy Thaycroth.”

Etgar chuckled. “You will get used to them. I hope that you will keep them after the pregnancy.”

She covered her face and groaned. “Tho thupidth.”

He kissed her temple. “No, just a change that you need to get used to.”

He set her on the edge of the bed, removed her shoes, kissed each toe, and then eased her sundress up and lifted her hips to pull it up and over her head. She removed her underwear, and he paused to look her over. “I got very, very lucky that you are run by your appetites and that we like the same hotdog vendor.”

She felt her cheeks pink, and he shed his clothing like falling leaves.

He moved past her and settled against the headboard, then patted his thighs and the draw of the erection that she considered as a pet to be regularly tended. It looked like it needed attention right then, as a matter of fact.

She straddled him and leaned forward to bite. He tapped her forehead.

“Not yet, Vallu. I have to check something.”

His hand moved between her thighs, and he rubbed her folds. The slick moisture coated his fingers in a second. It had been waiting for him.

His smile was hot, and he murmured, “Aw... waiting to play?”

She nodded, and the throb of blood in his neck was calling her. She shivered, and he slid two fingers into her. “Did you cuth your clawth?”

He chuckled. “Just like I did when we started. I thought it might be nice to relax a little when I fingered you.”

His fingers reached deep and stroked her G-spot. She gasped at the strikes of lightning that ran along her nerves, and she shuddered, but her fangs throbbed. She needed to bite him.

He gripped her hips and slid into her. She was on him to the edge of the knot, and he whispered, “Now, take what you want.”

She clutched at his shoulders and started to move on him, narrowing her eyes as the friction spurred her toward more enthusiastic actions. He was hot inside her, and her hips moved steadily as she fought the urge to bite him.

His hands gripped her hips and slowed her frantic pace, and she mewled and twisted against his grip. He slowed the thrusts and arched his hips up and into her, driving deeper. The knot edged in and caught. He pumped upward and locked it; she lunged to his shoulder and bit him.

She heard the small frantic sounds she made as she sucked at his shoulder; the fur on his body didn’t bother her. He groomed himself daily, so there wasn’t a lot of loose fur. She didn’t care anyway; she was after his blood.

He moved a hand between them and rubbed her clit slowly. She sobbed with the burning tension and kept drinking more frantically until her orgasm struck, and she punched her teeth deep into him.

He grunted, and she clenched on his knot, milking him rhythmically. His hands flexed on her hips, and he reached up to stroke her marks. Her body clenched hard.

He growled and bit her shoulder and shuddered as he came.

The spasms continued, and she finally had enough from him and lifted her head. She was panting, and her body was still clenching around him. He was still locked on her shoulder, and the throb was intense.

She moaned and shuddered, and her body kept clenching around him until he was completely empty, and he slowly released her shoulder, licking the marks.

Vallu collapsed on him and waited for the knot to shrink.

“Ah, tired?”

She nodded sleepily.

“As soon as we are free, I will tuck you in.”

She nodded and cuddled against him. Etgar wrapped her in his arms and held her as they waited things out.

She yawned and said, “Is the alarm set for tomorrow?”

“Don’t worry. We will be on time. I have plans for the day.”

She shivered, and he cuddled her closer. His plans usually ended up with her naked or missing underwear. She wasn’t going to complain.