I Dated a Mob Wolf by Viola Grace

Chapter Seventeen

Wearing workout clothing and an oversized sweatshirt that she had stolen from Etgar’s closet, she stood and watched the vehicle containing Lii slow to a halt, and then, a grinning Rejik got out of the passenger side, and he held the door open for Lii.

Olim brought the small backpack into the house. He was grinning.

“Have you been talking about me?” She opened her arms.

Lii hugged her and grinned. “Of course. They are very curious.”

“Well, come inside, and we will call your dad.”

“Yes, Aunty.”

“And then, you will tell me what you told them.”

“They just wanted to know how fast you could eat a hotdog and other stuff about food.”

“Uh-huh. What else?”

“They showed me some pictures of sewing machines and asked which ones you really wanted.”

“Ah. Got it. Fine. Let’s call your dad and then get you changed. We can box, and then, maybe we can persuade Etgar to show you the horses.”

Lii grinned. “Did you know he was wealthy when you picked him?”

“Um. This gets into the realm of things that I will discuss with you when you are older.”

Etgar walked out of his office, rolling up his cuffs. “I picked her. There were ten other people to choose, and I chose her.”

It was true, but three of the others were male, and one was definitely not remotely compatible, two were water breathers, and the remainder had full dance cards.

She smiled. “I think I was the only one who matched what he was looking for.”

He smiled. “That, too. So, I asked to go out with her, she said yes, and here we are.”

“So, you started to date her when I was four.”

He blinked. “Um, yes.”

Vallu stepped aside and called Denner. “Hey, bro. Lii is in fine form today. She is grilling him on when we started dating.

Well, she is going to learn eventually.”

“It doesn’t have to be today. Etgar and I are very happy with how things turned out.”

Are you, Val?

She smiled softly at him. “Yeah. I am.”

He smiled. “I am glad. Not so keen on your choice, but he seems to be a better date than he was a criminal.”

She nodded. “He is changing the direction of his business.”

Oh, I know. Every informant we have is spilling information on the morphing of the Daycross empire.”

She shrugged. “Life is change if you do it right. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always moving you through time.”

Thanks. That stopped my mood from dropping.

“I know, Den. Well, I have Lii; what time do you need her home?”

She needs to be home by eight, with her homework done.”

“Aye. It will be done.”

He nodded. “Have a nice day showing Etgar what he is getting into.”

She grinned. “See you soon.”

You bet.” He smiled, and there was a twinkle in his eyes. It was nice to see him in a good mood.

She looked to Lii and Etgar, and they were in earnest discussion about something.

Lii looked at her. “Aunty, go and get warmed up. Uncle Etgar and I need to discuss things. I have to make sure that Dad’s calendar is clear for the wedding.”

“Can I invite people to the wedding?”

Etgar nodded. “We each get forty people, so you can invite whom you please. One person to stand up with you as a witness.”

She sighed. “I really want that person to be Lii.”

Lii beamed.

“I thought you might. Then, select your brother as your witness and have Lii stand up with you.”

She nodded and called Denner on her way. She asked him to be her witness and if Lii could be her bridesmaid. When she got affirmation, she grinned. It was time to go hit something while her fiancé and niece plotted against her.

She got to the barracks, and there was one person still there. Carl. “Hey, Carl.”

“I hope you don’t mind, Miss, but I actually am a boxer and trainer. I thought I could help.”

She pulled Etgar’s sweatshirt off and smiled. “How much of a punch can you take?”

He grinned. “You say that like it will land.”

She giggled. “Challenge accepted.”

She started to warm up, and he eyed her. “Miss, you are fitter than I imagined for an escort.”

“Certain things in my life have been classified as workouts. The dates are one of them.”

He laughed, and she raised her brows. “Wait. You aren’t kidding?”

“The boss and I spent about six hours yesterday interacting. If you think that doesn’t take some physical strength, you are woefully ignorant.”

He blinked and looked at her then in the direction of the house. “I hadn’t thought of that. He was with you frequently.”

She smiled as she did a plank. “Yeah. He was. Is.”

He blinked. “Right. You are now a member of our household.”

“Yeah. I am. I guess.”


She paused and stood with a bounce. “Thank you. Aside from Etgar and the chef, I think you are the first to actually mean it.”

“With you here, he is withdrawing more into less violent situations and possible arrests. We have the chance to start our own families now. It’s a relief.”

“You say that now, but I have a lot of odd friends. The ones that can make it will be here at the wedding.”

“Are they single?”

“Most of them are, but under contract to BDC, they are restricted from dating.”


“Yeah, the only dates you should be going on are via the company to stop jealous boyfriends or girlfriends from stalking or blackmailing.”

“Ah. Got it.”

She grinned. “But, they are up for a single night of casual sex on occasion. Just no dating out of the mask.”

“So, you actually didn’t know what the boss looked like when you started with him?”

“No. I only figured it out later when I saw images of him on the news. By then, I knew his body so well that when I saw his face, it was the most beautiful thing in the world to me.” She wrapped her hands.

“That is... good for the boss.”

She laughed. “What, you don’t want details?”

“I am a little afraid that you will actually give them to me. We hear quite enough from the kitchen.”

She blushed. “Sorry about that.”

“Don’t be. The boss is always in a good mood for days after he has seen you, and if he goes too long, we nudge him into having another date. Now that you are here full time, he is moving us into the future with a vengeance.”

She went to the speed bag and started warming up.

Her skin was glowing, and Carl was actually coaching her as she punched and kicked at the dummy he was holding up.

When a giddy Lii came in, she was dressed in her workout gear and ready to start kicking butt. Carl helped her get ready, and Vallu took a breather.

She opened the fastener with her teeth, pulled the gloves off under her arms, and went for a bottle of water from the dispenser. She hung her head down and breathed until she was relaxed and calm.

Lii was doing great, and Carl was being very careful with her. He took what she had told him about the hips being necessary to the kick and helping Lii pivot as she kicked.

They both took turns attacking Carl with his blocking pad, and then, they called it a morning.

Carl nodded. “I am impressed. You two have a lot of stamina.”

Vallu laughed. “That’s why they pay me the big bucks.”

He paused and chuckled. “Right. Oh.”

She grinned, and Lii happily drank her water.

When they had put their gloves in their bags and Vallu had pulled Etgar’s sweatshirt on again, they headed back to the main house. Carl escorted them and looked at the shirt. “Does he know you have that?”

“He saw it on me this morning and didn’t say anything. I wasn’t able to get a sweatshirt yesterday, and I didn’t want to cool down too fast.”

“Got it. You didn’t use your active strength on me today.”

“Nope. I am definitely not frustrated today, and I try not to use it in front of Lii unless she askes me, too.”

“Why not?”

“Because we don’t know what kind of active she is going to be, and using casual strength for no purpose is a dangerous habit. Yesterday, I was just showing off.”

“Could you have ripped the heavy bag off its moorings?”

“Easily. Though, I might have broken a nail.”

He chuckled. “I am going to have to ask a friend about women-specific training. It is a little different.”

She smiled. “It is. We punch from the hip.”

He nodded. “That is part of it. Lii also swears a lot more than I thought she would.”

Lii cackled, Vallu snickered, and they high-fived. “Girls’ day!”

They headed into the house, and there was a fruit plate waiting for them in the kitchen with lemonade.

Vallu sat with Lii and said, “Right, so it is ten-thirty; you have had your practice and gotten some pointers; what do you wanna do next?”

Lii smiled. “Do you think that Etgar is done with his work for the day?”

Vallu sighed. “I doubt it.”

“You would be wrong.” Etgar walked in wearing a riding outfit, and Vallu nearly came on the spot. The things that those tight trousers were doing should be illegal.

He looked at her and gave her a grin. She clapped a hand over her eyes and shook her head. Lii frowned. “Aunty, what are you doing?”

“Just blocking out something that reminds me of something I want.”

“Oh. Like pastries because you aren’t supposed to eat them?”

“Yeah, like pastries.” She mumbled.

A warm hand rubbed her shoulders. “You stole my shirt.”

“Borrowed. You were already down for breakfast.”

He chuckled. “It is my favourite shirt.”

She sighed, sat up, and peeled the sweatshirt off, handing it to him. “There you go.”

He paused and took in the woven straps that she was wearing as her top. It was part of her new wardrobe.

Lii was busy rummaging through the platter for pineapple when Etgar leaned down and kissed Vallu softly before whispering in her ear. “If I knew you were wearing nothing but string, I would have put more clothing on you, not less.”

She smiled. “I will get dressed in something more street appropriate. Ready to change, little miss?”

The pineapple was gone, and Lii’s cheeks were puffy. The chef looked over and nodded. “Noted.”

Lii nodded and chewed to make the evidence disappear. They got up and left the kitchen, nodding thanks to the chef, and Vallu studiously didn’t look at the man who made her pulse race, and other parts react in ways that she would discuss with Lii in a decade or two.

As they went to the guestroom Lii had been assigned, she asked, “Why didn’t you look at Etgar when we left?”

“Um, because I think he looked really good, and I don’t want him to get a swelled head.” And I wanted us to leave the bedroom today.

“Why not? He should know when he looks pretty.”

“Handsome. He looked very handsome.”

Lii smiled. “You think so, too.”

“Yeah, I do. But we want you to go riding, and if I tell Etgar how handsome I think he is, we will be stuck here while he wants to hear more.” Moans, sighs, screams, he would want to hear it all.

Lii got into her riding gear and sighed. “You should come riding.”

“I am not supposed to. I am the custodian of the little speck, and I am going to keep an eye on it for a few months more.”

“Cousin, you should let your mommy play more. She looks so good on a horse that Etgar would soon call her handsome and pretty.” Lii pressed her hand over the bump. There was a small flutter under her hand.

“This kid is working out in there. I am dreading when it gets bigger, and I waddle around.”

“I will help pull you out of chairs, Aunty Val.”

“Thanks, baby. Okay. Are you set?”

“I am. Are you going to change?”

“Yup. I just have to pry myself out of the sports bra, and I will be dressed in four minutes.”

“I will wait downstairs and talk to Lady Daycross. She’s nice.”

“If she is ever not nice, let me know. And if her eyes glow... duck.”

She opened the door, and when she stepped into the hall, she was snagged around the waist and pulled against a hard body. “Oh, hey, Etgar.”

He held her close. “Lii, we will see you downstairs in a few minutes. My mom is packing a lunch for us so we can eat near the stables.”

Lii grinned and bounded toward the steps.

“Um, I need to get changed.”

“Yes. I agree.”

She shivered at his tone.”

“Vallu, why aren’t you looking at me?”

She thudded her forehead against his white shirt. “Because I really, really like the way you look today.”

He pressed his lips to her ear and inhaled. “I can tell.”

“Yeah, I saw you catch that.”

He chuckled. “Let’s get you changed for a day in the dappled sun while I give your niece a riding lesson. You can wrangle lunch.”

“You are leaving me alone with the food? You have seen me eat.”

He laughed and walked her to his bedroom. “I have. There is an entire roast chicken in there with your name on it and plenty of napkins for cleanup.”

She inhaled. “You are just made entirely of temptation today.”

“Says the woman wearing woven strands over her breasts and very little else.”

“It is a sports top, and you have seen me in far less.”

“Yeah, but the staff hasn’t.”

“Your staff are like your family. So, I have just been spotted by a few cousins.”

He grumbled and closed the door behind them. “Now, how does this thing come off? I think you would probably shave my tail if I cut it off.”

She continued across the room, crossed her arms, and pulled it up and off. She sat at the edge of the bed and pried the fabric down her thighs, toeing off her shoes and then pulling her socks free. She was naked and reaching for her clothing when arms wrapped around her. He turned her and eased her to the bed. “I distinctly scented something happening here.”

She looked at him in his tight outfit, looking like a werewolf regency hero, leaning toward her and looming over her on one arm. He sniffed his way down her body, nuzzling as he went. When he made it to her groin, he paused. “Oh, that’s new.”

She covered her face. “I can’t help it.” It was a pathetic wail, and she knew it. He started licking.

She tried to press her legs together. “Oh, nonononono. Lii is waiting downstairs.”

“I will be quick. I just want to clean up after myself since this is my fault.” He chuckled.

She gasped when he worked with diligence, and a sharp shuddering orgasm struck her. He tsked. “Now I have to start all over.”

He lapped at her slowly, and she flinched as her clit throbbed at the abrasion. He rested his chin on her pubic bone. “Are you sure you can control yourself, Madam?”

“Um, still a Miss by modern usage. Or Ms. given that I am over thirty.”

“I have missed so many birthdays.” He sighed grumpily. “You didn’t miss one.”

She struggled to her elbows. “You aren’t going to make it to your next one if you don’t get off me so I can get dressed and go find the horses with my niece.”

“You would ditch me for Lii?”


He grinned. “I like that answer.” He leaned in and whispered, “And I like your enunciation of fucking. I am very aware of that word when you are in the area.”

“Uh-huh. Off.” She looked around.

“What are you looking for?”

“Well, I want you off, and you are still grafted to me, so I thought a tennis ball might distract you.”

His eyes flared with outrage, and then, she said. “Oh, don’t get outraged; it isn’t like I haven’t played with your fuzzy balls a time or two.”

His eyes crinkled. “You are incorrigible. Fine, I will let you go and get dressed, but I will redress the tennis ball reference.”

She chuckled.

“Why are you laughing?”

She stepped away from him. “It means I got away with the Frisbee comment.”

He growled and lifted her high in the air, setting his teeth against her left side. The gentle graze was deep enough that she could feel it and light enough that she could heal it in a few hours.

She frowned. “What was that for?”

“It will remind you that I am thinking about you as I take Lii for a trail ride.” He slowly set her down and held her against him, his hands running over her. “And that your niece will be heading home tonight and that I will be waiting to discuss your inappropriate sense of humour.”

“I like my sense of humour.” She lazily reached an arm up to grip the back of his neck, arching her back into his touch.

She knew he saw their reflection the moment he tensed up. Smiling, she stepped away and said, “Looks like I am not the only one with something to think about.” She grabbed her sundress and held it against her, backing away with it and her underwear, locking herself in the bathroom and getting changed.

There were two thumps on the door, and she got into her clothing quickly, flipping her hair back and striding out. “What?”

He was breathing heavily, and when she put her hands on her hips in an instinctual effort to make herself more intimidating, he laughed, but it was not a good sound. “If you knew how close he was to getting out again.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck, went up on her toes, and tilted her head to one side. He huffed and started relaxing as she remained limp in his grip.

She stroked the back of his neck, and his teeth didn’t bite; he snuffled and licked then set her on her feet.

“Manipulating your alpha is a spankable offense.”

“Who makes up these rules?”

He smiled. “There has never been a set like us before, so we are making the rules, and I want to feel what happens when I swat your ass while I am deep inside you.”

She shuddered. She looked at him, and she knew what he was seeing. Her pupils were dilated, her heart was pounding, and all his good work from earlier had been undone. “Definitely won’t be riding anything today.”

She stepped into the sandals she had chosen to go with the dress. All she needed was a wide-brimmed hat to complete the fifties’ look. She checked herself out in the mirror and nodded. Everything was where it was supposed to be.

“Right. Okay.”

“One thing missing.”

He pulled out a jewel case and handed it to her. Black pearl dangling earrings and a black pearl collar necklace that would rest on top of her marks. She put the earrings on and shivered as she turned her head. The caress on her neck reminded her of his mouth the night before. She tried to close the box, but he lifted out the pearl Egyptian-style collar, and it settled around her markings with only a narrow margin at the back of her neck. She exhaled in a gust and looked at him with her eyes squinted to hide the flares of arousal that she knew were visible. “Is this why you wanted multiple markings?”

He grinned, showing a lot of fang. “Yes. It took a long time to figure out that I could do it with jewels and clothing.”

“What, how to torment your mate?”

“How to make sure you are thinking of me as I am thinking of you.” He ran his finger over the pearls, and her knees wobbled as the touch evened out pressure and activated one and a half marks. It was like having the flat of a hand caressing her.

She swallowed. “Cheating.”

“Only the losers complain about cheating, and as we both win in this, it isn’t cheating, just bending the odds in my favour. Consider it payback for you taunting your alpha. This is a way of him getting back without needing to use his teeth in public.”

She blinked and nodded. “Yeah, that would work, but I would have to be pretty close for you to reach.”

He grinned. “Just another reason for me to keep you close.”

She swallowed nervously. “Shall we go?”

“Of course. Lii has waited long enough.”

They started bickering. “Hey, it wasn’t my fault.”

“Yes, it was, if you hadn’t looked in the mirror like that...”

She snickered, and they joined Lii and Lady Daycross in the kitchen.

Lii huffed. “Lady Daycross has made me repack the hamper three times, but she says it’s fine now.”

Lady Daycross smiled and glanced at the two of them. Vallu mouthed a Thank you.

To her stunned surprise, Lady Daycross winked.