Daddy’s Little Heiress by Lila Fox

Chapter Eleven


When he opened the bathroom door, he was surprised she hadn’t moved at all.

“Wait there.” He walked into his closet and came out a minute later dressed in faded jeans, a long-sleeved shirt, and his boots.

“Would you like another shower this morning?”


He rolled his eyes at her terse reply. “Fine, get in the bathroom, use the toilet, and brush your teeth before coming out.”

She jumped from the bed and rushed into the bathroom. A moment later, he heard the lock click in place.

He shook his head and grinned. He’d let her get away with it right now, but locked doors would never happen with them in the future.

The coffee was started, and he’d pulled out eggs when his phone rang.

“This is Cason.”

“Hey, man. It’s Eli. I’ve got some things for Lacey, and I’m downstairs. Can you approve me to come up?”

“Yeah, hold on.”

Cason called down to his security desk. Within a minute, he heard the elevator door open.

“Hey, Eli, do you want some coffee?”

“Yeah, I’ll take a cup. How’d it go last night?” Eli asked and set the bags he carried on the ground before sitting down on one of the stools.

Cason handed over a mug. “She had a pretty bad nightmare, but we got her through it, and she was able to go back to sleep.”

“Is she sleeping with you?”

“Yeah,” he said and grinned. “I’ll tell you how that happened later.”

Eli nodded.

Both men turned to the doorway to the hall.

Cason held a hand out to her and was pleased when she automatically took it and pressed close to his side.

Eli smiled. “Good morning, Lacey. The girls had me bring a few things for you.”


“Yeah. You’re their friend now.”

Cason squeezed her when she teared up.

“What’s the matter, honey?”

“I’ve never had friends before.”

Cason glanced at Eli and saw the same surprise and confusion that he knew was on his face. “I’ll want to talk about that later.”

“Eli, do you want some eggs?”

“No, I already ate. You guys go ahead while I talk.”

“Can you show me what to do?”

Cason glanced at her. “Have you ever cooked?”

She shook her head. “No. I was never allowed. When my parents were gone, Talia, our cook, would let me watch her, but I couldn’t help because she was afraid my parents would find out.”

“I’ll teach you what I know, okay?’

“I’d like that,” she said and laid her head on his arm.

“The girls like to cook, so they can teach you some things when you’re with them.”

Cason grinned when she shyly looked at Eli and thanked him.

He set two plates with eggs on them.

“Do you want coffee, honey?”

Both men chuckled when she scrunched up her nose.

“I think we’ve got some orange juice. But we’re definitely going to need to order groceries today.”

“Can I help with that?” Lacey asked as he lifted her onto the other stool before walking back around so he could face both of them.


Eli smiled. “The guys and I talked last night. We’ve got some information and guessed you also did.”

Cason nodded. “I do. I started a file last night.”

“We thought you two could come to our building. We could work on this, and Lacey can play with the others.”

“I’m worried about getting her out into the open.”

Eli chuckled. “The girls thought of that.” He leaned down and picked up one of the bags, and pulled a wig out. It had short curly brown hair. “She’ll wear this, and”—he pulled out a pair of gaudy pink sunglasses—“and these.”

Lacey squealed. “I love them.”

Cason and Eli smiled at each other.

“It will help cover your eyes,” Eli told her as he handed them to her.

Cason nodded. “I think that will work.”

“They have some other things. I think they’ve been watching too much TV. They have fake fingernails, fake earrings, bracelets, and sparkly barrette.”

“Oh, can I try them on?”

Cason pointed to her plate. “After you finish. You didn’t eat a lot last night. I also want your juice gone.”

She huffed but picked up her fork and finished eating.

“I’m done,” she announced and held out her plate for inspection.

“Okay. Bring your dishes to the sink, and I’ll show you what to do.”

He showed her how to rinse everything and then stick it in the dishwasher.

“See, you’ve learned a few things already.”

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome. We’ll leave in thirty minutes. Take the bags back to the bedroom, and I’ll be right there to pick out what you’re going to wear.”

She grabbed the bags and rushed down the hall.

“Thank you, Eli. I’ll make sure we thank the girls, too.”

“You guys look really good together, and she already obeys you without question.”

“She’s still in limbo and getting her bearings.”

“Oh, it has more than that. Remember, I have my own little?”

Cason nodded. “I tried to convince myself I didn’t want one because I didn’t think I’d ever find one. It scares me to think of a future without her, but we’ve just met, and there are so many obstacles.”

“And we’ll figure every one of them out. Don’t let fear keep you from having what you want.”

“I’ll try.”

“Good, I’ll head back. We’ll be in my condo.” Eli gave him the code and left.