Daddy’s Little Heiress by Lila Fox

Chapter Fourteen


Cason was unloading the groceries that were delivered when Lacey walked around the corner, rubbing her eyes. She looked so precious in her wrinkled skirt and blouse, with her hair tangled and her eyes puffy from sleeping.

He had a second to set down the cans he held before she walked to him and pressed against his chest. His arms went around her, and he held her tightly.

“Do you feel better after your nap?”

He grinned when she nodded, and he heard her yawn.

At that moment, he knew he was totally screwed because he just fell head over heels in love with her, and he’d never even kissed her.

“Are you hungry, honey?”

She nodded but didn’t lose her grip on him, so he leaned against the counter, pulled her in between his legs, and settled into a hug for as long as she needed it.

Two minutes passed, and she still hadn’t said anything or moved.

“Are you going to sleep again, baby?”

She snickered and shook her head. “No, I’m afraid to let go of you because I feel if I do, I’ll lose you.”

He used the side of his hand to tip her head up. “There is no way you’re going to lose me.”

“You don’t know that. There is still so much you need to know. I don’t know how to do anything. I’m useless…”

He pinched her chin and scowled down at her. “That’s bullshit, and I don’t want you ever to say that again. You’ve never had to learn, but I know for a fact you’re smart, and with my and your friends’ help, we can teach you everything you want to know. We have a woman, Roberta, come in five days a week to clean our condos and offices, so you don’t have to worry about that. As far as meals, I know how to cook so that we won’t go hungry. Or we can always call in carry-out.”

“I want to be able to take care of you, too.”

He smoothed her hair from her face. “Just by being here, you’re taking care of me.”

“But I’m not doing anything.”

“You’re making me happier than I’ve ever been.”

He grinned at the smile that grew on her face.

“I feel the same way.”

“That’s good to know. Why don’t you help me put everything away, so you know where I put it. If you want to change anything, feel free to do it. I’ll put together a quick casserole for dinner. You can watch and help me if you want.”

“I’d love to.”


The next hour they spent in the kitchen organizing and making dinner.

“While that’s baking, let’s go put some of your things away.”

She bounced onto her toes and clapped. “You should see the things they gave me.”

“When I went in to check on you and cover you up, I saw the top of the mattress filled with all sorts of things.”

“They are good friends.”

He nodded. “I think so, too. You all have a lot in common.”

They took most of the things into the office so she could play while he did work. The rest they put in one of the drawers in the bedroom closet.

“When things settle down, we need to make you your own office/playroom.”

Her eyes widened. “I get my own room like Kinley?”

He smiled and pulled her into his arms. “I want to give you everything you want. I want you to be happy here.”

“As long as you’re here, I’m happy.”

“Baby, I’m going to kiss you unless you tell me no.”

She tightened her arms around his waist. “I was afraid to ask for one. I’ve wanted one for a long time.”

“Anytime you need me to cuddle, be held, a kiss, or love, come to me immediately. Don’t hesitate to ask me for what you want. All right?”

“Okay, Daddy.”

“Oh, hell.” He bent toward her and took her lips. He groaned, and his heart lurched in his chest when she instantly opened her mouth to take his tongue. He framed her face with his hands so he could control the angle and depth.

When they were both breathless, he lifted his head.

“Fuck, baby. You taste so good. I need a little more.” He bent back down and sealed their lips together, going from gentle persuasion to hungry, demanding need within a second.

Her whimper of lust brought him back from the brink of taking her against the nearest wall.

When he finally broke apart from her, he stared down at her. The passion-filled look on her face made him feel ten feet tall.

“Baby, we need to stop. I need to feed you dinner, and then I have a few men coming up to talk. They are going to help with protecting you.”

“Are they nice?”

He smiled. “They’ll be nice to you.”

“What does that mean?”

“Normally, they are not very nice men. They are ex-military, and it’s turned them into hard, suspicious bastards.”

“They’re not going to be suspicious of me, are they? Because I’d never try to hurt them.”

Cason coughed to cover his laugh. “No, I’ll tell them they can trust you.”

She smiled up at him. “I’m hungry.”

“Then let's get you fed, honey. I can’t have my baby being hungry.”