Daddy’s Little Heiress by Lila Fox

Chapter Sixteen


“So, if you could bring in several other guys you trust implicitly, we’ll get them in and set up. Are any of them good at hacking and awesome about keeping off the radar?”

Brett nodded. “Yeah, I’ll call up Warrick. He started his own computer business in Santa Barbara.”

“He hates it out there. I think we can talk him into moving here,” Cooper said.

Cason nodded at Cooper. “Good. Tell him he can head the computer division of the business and/or become a partner eventually. Devon and I were going to talk to you two about it also.”

“He’d love that,” Cooper said.

“Devon and I talked about you two heading other departments, and maybe you’ll think about becoming partners eventually.”

Brett grinned. “Devon had talked about it a few times, and Cooper and I have discussed it. I say we deal with the issue we have and then talk after.”

Cason kissed the top of Lacey’s head. “I’d appreciate it.”

Cooper snorted and pointed to her. “I think she’s asleep.”

Cason looked at her. “Yeah, she’s pretty tired from her adventure the last few days.”

“Damn, man, she’s one of the prettiest things I’ve ever seen, and the first glance I had of her eyes stunned me.”

Cooper nodded. “Me, too. And she’s fucking sweet. You’re a lucky bastard.”

“Oh, I know it.”

The two men stood.

Brett glanced at her one more time. “We’ll meet back here in the morning,”

“Yes. We still have some questions to ask her, and we’ll see where we are at getting men here. We should really get on working on the other condos.”

“A few of the floors have kitchenettes. Coop and I can set up temporary housing on the floor above you. That way, we’re close.”

“Damn, the floors are pretty dirty, guys. Are you sure?”

Brett snorted and looked at Cooper. “We have to remember he’s a pussy cop. He doesn’t know what it’s like to live in a dirty place for any length of time.”

Cason laughed. “Fine, fuck you.”

The men grinned. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

Cooper stopped at the doorway. “The elevator is still locked, so we’ll go down the stairs and make sure the door is tightly locked.”

“Thanks, guys.”

Cason took Lacey to bed and held her tightly in his arms all night.

His phone ringing woke him early the next morning.

He answered. “Cason.”

“It’s me, dipshit. Unlock the elevator so I can get up.”

“You could have just come up the stairs, butthead.”

“Oh, and get my head blown off. No, thank you.”

“Fine, I’m coming.”

“Hurry, I’ve got guys bringing breakfast, and a few will have a table and chairs.”

“What the hell for?” Cason asked.

“You’re not going to want to take her out of the safety of the condo, man, and we need a place to brainstorm. I’m not going to squash together on the sofa or sit on the fucking floor.”

Cason carefully slid out from under Lacey and grabbed his clothes. “Fine. I’m coming.”

He closed the bedroom door behind him and pulled on his clothes as he walked to the elevator. Once the key was turned, he heard the thump as it headed down. He turned on the monitor that showed the inside of the elevator.

Devon and Brett stepped on with several boxes.

The smell hit him the moment the elevator doors opened.

“Hey, Cas, I brought your favorite.”

“Thanks, Dev. Did you guys realize it was only five in the morning?”

Devon and Brett looked at each other and shrugged.

“He’s just a pussy,” Brett said.

Devon burst out laughing. “I never would have thought of this man as a pussy.”

“Yeah, well, he’s getting older,” Brett said, shrugged, and started pulling food out of the boxes.

Cason rolled his eyes when Devon started laughing again. “Hey, shithead, you’re a year older than me.”

Devon stopped laughing, which made Cason and Brett smile.

The elevator dinged at the same time Devon’s phone rang.

“Yeah, head up.” He stuck his phone in his pocket. “The three guys are coming up with the table.”

Cason nodded. “I’ll get plates.”

Within thirty minutes, the introductions were made with the two new guys, Jonah and Dustin, that Cason had never met. Eight men sat around the long table with papers all over, mixed with breakfast sandwich wrappers and coffee cups.

Cason didn’t realize how long they had worked for when one of the others gasped. Cason turned around to see Lacey walking toward him, still half asleep. Two men got in the way, and she still didn’t stop until she got to him. She turned around and sat down on his lap, tucked her head under his chin, sighed, and went back to sleep.

“Holy fuck,” Devon said. “Is she sleepwalking?”

Cason wrapped his arms around her. “No, it just takes her a while to wake up.”

Brett grinned. “How in the hell did she know where you were? There are eight guys here, and she went by two guys without even stopping.”

Cason shook his head. “That. I can’t tell you. Her eyes are open a little, so maybe she saw me.”

“I wonder what would happen if you weren’t here?”

Cason glanced at Jonah. “I’ve no idea.” Hopefully, it wouldn’t be tested any time soon. Not until they’d been together a while and gotten closer.