Daddy’s Little Heiress by Lila Fox

Chapter Eighteen


Cason waited until he heard the office door closed.

“This is a clusterfuck. How in the hell are we going to pin her mom down and get that motherfucker off her back?”

“I’ll look into superstitions. Maybe we can use one of them.”

Cason nodded. “Good idea, Jonah. Thank you.”

“I’m calling all our contacts at Homeland. There’s an answer somewhere, buddy,” Devon said as he stood and slapped him on the back. “Don’t give up.”

“I’ll never give up.”

“Hey, before everyone leaves, I have an idea,” Cooper said and waited for everyone to sit down. “Cason needs to marry her. That will be a significant first step to crushing this problem.”

Cason sat back, stunned. Did he really want that? To be married to an heiress had to bring so many problems. But, fuck, if it saved her, he’d do anything.

“Does anyone know a justice of the peace?” he asked.

“I’ll take care of that and everything else,” Travis said. “You just be in a nice suit at five tonight.”

“What should I dress Lacey in?”

“I’ll send the girls over. One of them has to have a dress for the occasion. The girls will help her dress, and then we’ll all stay as witnesses. We’ll make it special.”

“Jeez, Travis. That’s a lot in a short amount of time,” Cason commented.

“I’ve got ways.”

Eli snorted. “Listen to the man, Cason. He’ll have everything ready. I’ll run to the jewelers and text you a picture of rings for you and her.”

“Thank you all for your help. I couldn’t do this without you.”

Travis grunted. “For God’s sake, don’t say that in front of Caleb.”

The ones who knew the man nodded and snickered.

“Now go and ask her to marry you,” Devon said and walked to the elevator with the rest of them.

Cason took care of the garbage and got the papers together before heading into the office. He was nervous as hell. He’d never proposed to a woman in his life, and to do so after knowing her for a few days was madness.

On the other hand, he was already in love with her and enjoyed being with her. He’d have to get used to people staring at her because of her light hair and unusual eyes. But that, he could overcome.

He opened the door to see her sitting on the sofa. After he set the papers down, he sat by her.

“Hey, honey, we’ve come up with an idea. It’s crazy, but it will help the situation.”

She set the book down and turned to him. “What?”

Fuck. He grabbed her hand and held it tight. “Will you marry me?”

There was no expression on her face but shock. He started to worry as the seconds clicked by, and she stayed frozen.

“If you want, we can get a divorce after you’re safe…”

“Will you want a divorce?”

“Well, no. But you’re kind of being forced to marry me.”

She climbed into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Do you know what my first thought was?”

“God, do I want to know?” he said, half-joking.

“I think so.”

“All right, give it to me.”

“My first thought was, why didn’t I think of that.”

He smiled. “Really?”

“Yes. And yes, I’ll marry you, and no, I won’t give you a divorce.”

He chuckled. “All right. Good. We’re engaged.”

She hooted, jumped off his lap, and started dancing around. She stopped suddenly. “Can I call my friends?”

“They probably already know.”


“I forgot to mention our wedding is going to happen tonight, here in the condo.”

She exhaled and then nodded. “The sooner, the better.”

“If you want a full wedding later, we’ll get you one.”

He grunted when she jumped back in his lap and started kissing all over his face.

He finally grabbed a chunk of her hair to hold her still and took her mouth the way he had wanted to.

It quickly grew into a need that took their breath away and had their bodies humming with desire.

He raised his head. “I’m not going to make love to you right now. I want you to read and relax for a while, then I’ll get a bath ready for you. After, I’ll wash your hair and help you blow dry it, and then your friends can take over about three thirty, so we get married at five.”

“I can’t wait.”

He smiled. “I can’t either.”