The Bet by Max Monroe


We could’ve walked the ten blocks to her place in Nolita, but the name of the game right now is speed.

The city lights flash past the taxi windows as our driver heads in the direction of Sophie’s apartment. It’s a little after one in the morning and I left the club about two hours earlier than I normally do on Friday nights, but it’s all because of the little temptress sitting beside me.

That green dress of hers skates dangerously high up her thighs, and every time I glance in her direction to take in the beauty that is her gorgeous body or her mesmerizing eyes or soft, perfect, red-painted lips, I feel like my cock grows longer by an inch.

Frankly, I’m so turned on right now I can hardly stand it. Give me some wood and a couple nails, and my sidekick could hammer the damn things clean through.

Her gem-colored eyes meet mine in the back seat of the dimly lit cab, and I don’t miss the way she bites down on her bottom lip.

Pointedly and without breaking eye contact, I reach up and rest my hand atop the right pocket of my suit pants, where Sophie’s silky black panties sit inside. And she sees me do it because I want her to see me do it.

Her body’s reaction doesn’t disappoint. Her teeth dig farther into her bottom lip, and she shifts her hips and thighs ever-so-slightly in her seat.

Her pussy is bare, my mind taunts me. Completely fucking bare. And wet. And just begging for your mouth.

The more I think about that mind-blowing fact, the more I itch to cover her up with my suit jacket. There’s no fucking way I want the cabbie to catch a glimpse of the gloriousness that sits between Sophie’s perfect thighs.

And without hesitation, that’s exactly what I do. Once my suit jacket covers her lap and legs to my liking, she looks up and meets my steady gaze with a curious crinkle lifting up her nose.

I lean closer to her and whisper directly into her ear, “There is no way I’m letting our cab driver see your gorgeous pussy. That view is mine and mine alone.” In addition to any and all of my somewhat proprietary feelings, I also know that by taking her panties and keeping them for myself, I’ve put her in the position to be exposed without her consent in a situation like this. As such, it’s my responsibility to ensure that doesn’t happen.

A small, surprised, and sexy laugh escapes from her lungs, and somehow, my eyes home in on the way it makes her perky tits bounce beneath her dress.

Is there anything about this woman that doesn’t turn me on?

The answer to that question is a resounding no. So resounding, in fact, that I can’t stop myself from discreetly sliding my hand beneath my jacket and up the smooth skin of her bare thigh.

I should stop. I know I should stop, but my fingers have a mind of their own, and before I know it, they’re skating across the spot where she’s wet and warm and ready for me.

Fuck, she feels good.

Her lips part into the hottest little “O,” and it only makes me more impatient to get this cab ride over with so I can do all of the dirty, delicious, wicked things that consume my mind.

Kissing her until she’s moaning against my lips.

My mouth on her bare pussy.

My tongue inside her.

My cock inside her.

I want it all, and I want it right now.

Sophie’s eyes flame with need, and she drives me wild by pushing her bare pussy against my hand, silently begging me to slide my fingers inside her.

I want to. I’m fucking desperate to. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to share the orgasm I’ve earned with the cab driver. This is New York City. His fare is high enough.

“Please,” she whispers toward me, her hips shifting in her seat again and her voice a compelling mix of needy and demanding, but I use all my willpower to toss a subtle shake of my head in her direction.

“Not yet,” I tell her quietly. “Soon. But not yet.”

A little pout turns down the corners of her mouth, and it’s this crazy mix of adorable and sexy. And when those mesmerizing eyes of her turn big and pleading, I’m so close to giving in to her demands, so close to sliding my fingers inside her and showing her what my cock will be doing the instant we get inside her apartment.

Luckily, though, not even ten seconds later, the cab driver comes to a stop in front of her building.

There’s a small part of me that feels like shouting Hallelujah!,but the larger part of me, the one that’s entirely focused on getting Sophie inside her apartment as quickly as physically possible, takes full control of the situation and has me tossing a fifty-dollar bill over the seat.

It’s about double the actual fare, but I’ve never cared about anything less.

“Keep it,” I call toward the cabbie as I hop out of the back seat when he shakes the extra money at me. And with a little jog around the back of the taxi, I make it to Sophie’s door in record time.

I help her out with a gentlemanly hand, toss my suit jacket over my shoulder, and all but drag her toward the entrance of her building.

“Slow down, please!” She giggles. “I’m in heels!”

Impatient with her shoes, I come to a dead stop just outside her building, lean down, and toss her over my shoulder, all the while making sure her ass and bare-and-glorious pussy remain covered by the suit jacket that was formerly over my shoulder.

Sophie squeals but, thankfully, understands where my head is at. And it takes hardly any time for her to get her keys out of her small purse and start shouting important instructions over her shoulder.

“Use the small silver key for the main door and the larger gold key for my apartment door!”

I smirk. “Got it.” The truth is, I watched her closely enough the last time we came barreling in here, hot for each other, that I already know what to do.

Once we’re in the lobby area, I head toward the elevator, and just before I hit the call button, she updates me, “It’s broken.”

“What? The elevator is broken?”


I spin on my heel, looking for an alternate option. “Where are the stairs?”

“At the end of the hallway over there,” she says and starts to make a move to get off my shoulder, but I keep her body firmly in place with two strong hands. “Jude! Let me down! There’s no way you can carry me five flights!”

“The fuck I can’t.”

And I do. Up five flights, I jog the whole way, silently thankful for the daily, hard-as-fuck gym workouts I’ve been doing with Flynn for the past few years.

Sophie giggles in disbelief the entire way up, but when I manage to unlock her apartment door and set her to her feet, those giggles of hers change to moans.

All thanks to the fact that my lips are on hers, kissing the hell out of her.

My suit jacket and her purse hit the hardwood floor of her still-dark apartment just as I kick the door shut with my foot. And in no time at all, I have her back pressed against the wall, and her hands are in my hair.

Fuck, she tastes good, and the sheer idea that her red lipstick is now smeared all over my face turns me the hell on. It also makes me desperate to kiss her somewhere else.

So, I do exactly what Jude Winslow does when he wants something—I fucking go for it.

To my knees, I kneel down in front of her, and she stares at me with wide, shocked eyes.

“W-what are you doing?”

“Kissing you.” I grin as I lift one of her thighs over my shoulder. The change in position is downright delectable, giving me a delicious view of her bare pussy.

I lick my lips and slide her dress all the way up and over her ass until she’s completely nude from the waist down. “Now that’s a fucking view if I ever saw one.”

Between one breath and the next, my mouth is on her. And the instant my tongue sneaks out to flick against her clit, Sophie’s fingers are in my hair, tugging tightly at the strands as her hips jolt forward to push her pussy harder against my face.

Yes please, baby.

She is a delicacy against my lips, and when I slide my tongue inside her, she clenches around me in the sexiest way that makes my cock stir beneath my zipper.

Fuck. I need to be inside her.

Soon. Not yet. But soon.

I suck and eat at her needy flesh, and every time another moan spills from her lips, I look up and am blessed with the sight of her exquisite tits bouncing with each panting breath that glides from her lungs.

And when her skin starts to flush red, showing me she’s close, I stop and rise to my feet.

Sophie looks at me with dazed, disappointed eyes, but I know that in about two seconds, she’ll understand why I had to press pause on her pleasure.

Pants unzipped and condom out of my back pocket, I pull my hard cock from my boxer briefs and slide the rubber down my length.

But I don’t take off my pants or shoes. Fuck no. I don’t have the patience or time to waste.

I need to be inside her. Now.

Sophie back in my arms and her legs spread around my hips, I push myself inside her entrance, and once I’m seated to the hilt, I have to clench my jaw because of how intense it feels to have her wrapped around me.

Tight. Wet. Warm. Fucking heaven. Just like the first two nights.

In that moment, I’m certain I could fuck Sophie Sage a million times and never have enough.

It’s also the reason this won’t be the only time I’m inside her tonight or anytime soon. She’s greedy and needy, and fucking her fills me with a satisfaction no amount of sleep ever could.

“First, I’m going to fuck you right here,” I whisper against her lips as I thrust deeper inside her. “And then, once you come on my cock, I’m going to take you right over there to the couch and make you come again.”

Sophie moans.

“Tonight, I’m going to make you come on as many goddamn surfaces of your apartment as I can.”

“Yes, please,” she whispers just before her mouth sucks at the skin of my neck.

Man oh man, I was definitely right when I said tonight was going to be a good night…

One for the damn record books.