The Bet by Max Monroe

Thursday, March 22nd


After a five-hour plane ride and an Escalade escort to our hotel, Sophie and I have officially made it to Las Vegas in the wee hours of Thursday morning.

The town is bright and lively, proving it truly is the city that never sleeps.

“Oh my gosh! This living room is bigger than my whole apartment, Jude!”

And the penthouse Billy Jones and the rest of Electric’s investors put us up in at the Venetian apparently doesn’t disappoint either.

I set our luggage down in the large master bedroom, and when I walk back out into the living space, I watch Sophie meander around the room, still taking in everything with big, gorgeous eyes.

“Damn, these investors must really want your help with their nightclub,” she says as she runs her fingers along a black leather sectional that sits in the corner of the living area. It faces both the large flat-screen TV hanging on the wall above the fireplace and the massive windows that give one hell of a view of the Strip.

“This is Vegas, babe.”

“I wouldn’t know because I’ve never been.”

“Wait…this is your first time?”

She nods and walks toward the kitchen area that’s decorated with all-black marble countertops and sleek chrome appliances. “That’s a fact, Jack.”

“First of all, I love that I’m popping your Vegas cherry,” I comment, and she giggles.

“Of course you do.” One glance over her shoulder, she eyes me with a knowing smile. “And secondly?”

“Well, you’ll find this is the norm here. I know they say everything is bigger in Texas, but Las Vegas sure as shit gives the Longhorn State a run for its money.”

“So…” She pauses and turns to rest her hip against the countertop, her gaze latched on to mine. “What kind of trouble are you going to get me in?”

“The entertaining kind.” I smirk, but before I can elaborate, three soft knocks sound against the front door.

Sophie furrows her brow. “Are you expecting someone?”

“Actually,” I answer, “I am expecting someone to drop something important off.”

Her nose crinkles up, but I just offer a mischievous smile her way before moving to the front door to answer it.

Just as I expect, a bellhop stands outside with a white gift box in his hands. “Hello, sir, I apologize for the late hour, but I’ve been instructed by the concierge to deliver this to your room as soon as possible.”

“No apologies necessary, my man.” I offer a thankful grin and take the proffered delivery from his hands. “I’m actually really fucking happy to see you.”

The young guy smiles, and I reach into my back pocket to pull out my wallet and give him a generous tip. Once the cash is in his hands, his smile grows tenfold.

“Wow. Thank you, sir. Have a great rest of your stay here in Vegas.”

“No problem, man. Thanks again.”

Once I shut the door and head back into our suite, I find Sophie standing at the edge of the entry hallway, looking at the white box in my hands with curious eyes.

“What is that?”

“Extra panties for you.”

“What?” she barks out, and a suspicious smile kisses her pretty mouth.

Her shocked reaction makes me grin, but I keep my mouth shut until I’m in the living room, sitting down on the sectional.

Too intrigued at this point, Sophie follows my lead and sits down beside me. And when I hand her the white box, her eyes move back and forth between my face and the gift in her hands at least ten times before she asks, “Is this really a box filled with underwear?”

“No.” I laugh. “It’s better.”


I laugh again. “Just open it, babe.”

Sophie’s smile is hesitant as she unties the white bow and lifts open the top of the box.

But in a matter of seconds, her eyes flash with what feels like a million emotions when she sees what’s inside. Surprise. Excitement. A little bit of confusion. And a few other things I can’t quite put my finger on.

“The Secret Club?”she reads the words from the Sophie-sized gray T-shirt that she pulls out of the box. “Hold up…are these freaking badges?”

“It’s time for Sophie Sage to be the Girl Scout she’s always dreamed of and earn herself some hella cool badges,” I repeat her words from our plane ride.

To be honest, I had no idea what Mona from the Venetian’s concierge team was going to be able to come up with in the department of badges, but I can’t deny she did an amazing job with my odd, last-minute request. I’m sure it helped that she knew my connection to Billy Jones and that I’m staying in one of the penthouse suits, but still, this request was pretty out there.

Truthfully, I didn’t know if she could pull off getting a T-shirt printed for me. But damn, clearly I owe Ms. Mona one hell of a thank-you tip because the woman came through.

Sophie’s jaw drops open farther as she picks up each of the badges, inspecting them one by one.

All different colors and sizes, and at least thirty of them sit inside the box. There’s a blue one with a tent surrounded by trees and mountains. One with a kitten holding a ball of yarn. One with a cute puppy with a stick in its mouth.

There’s even a pink one with a goddamn unicorn jumping over a rainbow.

They’re all girlie as hell, and I can’t be sure, but I get the feeling they’d be one-hundred-percent Girl-Scout approved.

“W-when did you have time to do this?”

“When you were taking a nap on the plane. You know, after you made me have Mile-High-Club sex with you.”

She snorts and eyes me with a knowing look. “Pretty sure that was your idea, not mine.”

“Actually, babe, if I recall, you brought it up.”

She just shakes her head, half amused at my words but also still pretty damn flabbergasted by the contents of the box in her hands.

“So…you like it?”

“I love it.” Her voice is a near whisper. And the way her eyes look into mine makes my chest feel all fucking gooey or something. “Thank you. This was…really sweet.”

For a moment, my throat goes dry, and I feel like I can’t push words out, but ultimately, I manage a, “You’re welcome, babe.”

Sophie stares down at the T-shirt and badges for another long moment, but eventually, she looks back up and tilts her head to the side. “So…uh…Girl Scouts have to earn their badges…?”

Now, that is the best part about this gift. “They sure do.”

“And how do I…earn these badges?”

This, right here, was my favorite aspect of the whole fucking idea when I thought of it on the plane.

“With orgasms.”

Her mouth gapes open like a fish. “Wait…I get a badge for every orgasm…”

“Exactly. You get a badge for every orgasm you have.”

“That I have?” She gulps. “Oh holy moly.

“You okay with that, babe?”


“Good. Because, my sexy little Girl Scout, it’s time for you to try to earn your first badge.” I wink and stand to my feet. “And it starts with you getting naked and me fucking you up against those big-ass windows over there.”

She glances over her shoulder to the windows in question. “Jude…but…people might be able to see us…”

“They might,” I acknowledge and start to unbutton my shirt and shrug it off my shoulders. “But do you really think you’ll be thinking about that when my cock is inside you?”

Her cheeks flush red. “No. I can’t say that I will.”

“Precisely.” I unzip my jeans, letting them fall to the floor. “So, like I said before, it’s time to earn that first badge, baby.”

Sophie giggles, but also, she stands up and does exactly what I’m hoping she’ll do—gets naked with me.

And the second her perfect body is bare of any clothes, I stride right over to her and run my hands all over her silky-smooth skin.

Damn. She’s a fucking goddess.

I lift her up into my arms, wrapping her legs around my bare hips, and take her sweet mouth in a deep kiss.

It doesn’t take long before my cock is hard and she’s grinding against me, and I have no choice but to lead us over to the windows, set Sophie back to her feet, and press her tits up against the glass.

The view from behind her is…incredible. Her arms rest above her head, her thighs are spread, her back is arched, and her firm, perfect ass is lifted high in the air.

It’s so good that I have to give myself at least thirty seconds to just stand there and admire her while taking about a hundred mental pictures to store away for a later date.

But once the urge to slide inside her becomes too great to deny, I stalk toward her, put my hands on her hips, and guide my now condom-covered cock deep into her warmth.

She moans, wiggles her hips, and clenches her pussy around me.

And it all feels so intense that I have to let my head fall back and inhale a deep breath of oxygen into my lungs just to prevent myself from coming right on the spot.

Because the goal for this little Girl Scout isn’t about my orgasm. It’s about hers.

Once I gain control, I start up a rhythm, and I relish the way Sophie just gives in to her pleasure. She’s not hesitant or holding back, and she sure as shit isn’t thinking about the fact that her naked body is pressed up against the windows that look out on to the Strip where hundreds of thousands of tourists could be milling about.

No.She just lives in this moment. And focuses on her pleasure.

It’s hot as hell, and for some insane reason, it makes a sense of pride widen my chest.

“Oh, sweet Sophie,” I whisper into her ear. “I gotta say, you’re the best damn Girl Scout I’ve ever met.”

A half whimper and giggle escape her pretty lips.

I push myself deeper and pick up my pace. “Get ready, baby, because you’re about to earn that first fucking badge.”

And damn, does she do just that.

Her orgasm doesn’t disappoint. It hits her hard and makes her pussy clench me so tight, I feel as if my balls might fucking explode.

This might be the best idea I’ve ever had.

Fuck yeah. Vegas just got a lot more fun now that Sophie the Girl Scout needs to earn herself some hella cool badges.