The Bet by Max Monroe


“We’re going to head out, guys. Lexi still has some homework, and I have to be at the stadium early because my boss is a real hard-ass,” Winnie declares and sends teasing eyes my brother-in-law’s way.

Wes just laughs and snags their check from the table.

Everyone follows their lead, my mom, Remy, Flynn, Ty and his random chick, all get ready to leave the restaurant.

“Thanks for coming out tonight to support Lexi,” Winnie says and wraps an arm around my niece’s shoulders.

“Way to kick some serious mathlete ass, Lex,” I tell her, and her face scrunches up in the cutest way.

“That’s a bad word, Uncle Jude.”

“Yeah, but remember what you told me last summer about people who curse a lot?”

“They statistically have a higher intelligence level.”

“Exactly.” I tap her nose with my index finger and am rewarded with her toothy smile.

Winnie, Wes, and my niece make their rounds around the table, saying goodbye to everyone, and when they reach Sophie and me, Lexi goes to Sophie first and gives her a big hug.

“Hey, now,” I tease. “Why does she get hugged first?”

Sophie smiles, and Lexi just giggles.

And when my niece finally decides to give me a hug, I stand up and squeeze her tight enough to lift her little feet off the ground. “Proud of you, Lex. You did awesome today.”

“Thanks, Uncle Jude.”

“Thanks for coming and supporting Lexi today, Sophie,” my sister tells her and gives her a friendly hug. “I hope we’ll be seeing more of you.”

At those words, she glances pointedly in my direction, and I do my best to ignore whatever crazy shit Winnie is trying to communicate to me with her eyes.

“I hope so too,” Sophie agrees. “This was really fun.”

I don’t know what I expected when I brought Sophie to Lexi’s Mathletes competition tonight, but I’m not surprised that my family appears to get along with her. Sophie is incredibly likable. She’s outgoing and beautiful and smart and kind. Her laugh is contagious, and she’s always fun to be around.

So fun to be around that you invited her here, knowing that the threat of prison as a registered sex offender made the possibility of sex less than nothing.

“I’m just going to run to the ladies’ room real quick,” Sophie whispers into my ear, pulling me from my weird-as-fuck thoughts.

“Meet me out front?”

She nods, and for some strange reason, I can’t hold back from leaning forward to press a kiss to her lips before she heads in the direction of the bathrooms at the back of the restaurant.

And I definitely don’t miss the way my brother Flynn eyes me from the other side of the table, but I ignore him and throw a hundred-dollar bill down on Sophie’s and my check—more than enough to pay for our dinner and tip the friendly server named Raymond over thirty percent.

Once I’m out of my seat and heading toward the front of the restaurant, Flynn catches up with me and claps a hand over my shoulder.

“Have a good night?” he asks, and I glance at him out of my periphery as he holds open the door for both of us to step out.

“Yeah…Sure…” I pause, getting the vibe that there’s more he wants to say.

Which there is. Right off the bat, red flags wave all over the place.

Once the door shuts and it’s just me and Flynn standing outside Marco’s, he takes three steps closer, and his eyes are narrowed in skepticism. “What are you doing, man?”

“What do you mean?”

“Bringing Sophie tonight. What’s that about?”

“I don’t know…” I run a hand through my hair and scoff. “She’s nice. Why are you acting like it’s such a big deal? Do you have a problem with her or something?”

Flynn rolls his eyes. “No, I don’t have a fucking problem with her. But bringing a girl to a family event is a big step.”

“Get real. Ty brings chicks to family events all the fucking time.”

“But that’s Ty. That’s not you.”

A shocked laugh vibrates my throat. “And what? He’s somehow excluded from lectures? What the fuck? Why are you in my business? My dick’s business, really. Soph and I are just fun.”


Yeah. Fuck yeah. Just a lot of fun.

“Look, Jude, I’m not trying to be a dick. I’m just trying to understand where your head’s at. I’m trying to look out for you,” Flynn clarifies. “And considering you never bring girls to anything, ever, whether you want to admit it or not, this was a big step for you.”

I have no idea what to say to that. Or what he wants me to say to that. And when his eagle-like eyes become a little too much, I look down and fixate on the concrete beneath my boots.

I have no fucking clue what he’s trying to get at here. I mean, I didn’t really think through all of the whys when I asked Sophie to meet me at Lex’s school. I just knew I wanted her to be there…for whatever reason.

“Are you ready to get serious with someone?” Flynn asks, and I jerk my eyes back to his.

“What?I don’t get serious. With anyone. You know this.”

“Yeah, but does she know this?”

“Of course she does. I’m not a prick. Any woman I’m with knows the score.”

Flynn shakes his head, and his far-too-wise eyes observe me. “Sorry to break this to you, man, but even if she did know at one point, I’m not so sure she does now.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“It means, if you have no intention of getting serious with her, you just gave her a real fucked-up mixed signal by introducing her to your entire family.”

My head feels like a top, fucking spinning around in circles.

“Just…be careful, man. Think about what your actions are showing, you know? That’s all I’m going to say, and now, you can consider me officially out of your business.” Flynn claps his hand on my back before lifting the motorcycle helmet tucked in the crook of his arm over his head. “See ya tomorrow morning at the gym?”

I just nod. “Of course.”

But as I watch my brother retreat to his Harley, I can only stand there, frozen to my spot in front of Marco’s.

Did I just screw shit up by bringing her here tonight?

Well, Vegas did get pretty intimate. And you had her to come to your place the other night, even though you’ve never invited a woman to your place. Add in the meet-the-family stunt you just pulled, and it’s a big fat cluster of what-the-fuck, dude.

I scrub a hand down my face. Shiiiit. Flynn is right. This isn’t me. This isn’t what I do.

Why the fuck am I doing all this shit?

Because you’re actually starting to feel something for her…

Yeah. Now, I’m feeling terrified.

The drive from Marco’s to Sophie’s apartment isn’t far, but I’m so lost in my own damn head that I don’t register the fact that I didn’t even turn on the radio until I’m pulling onto her street in Nolita.

It’s a little after ten, and the streets are what I’d call calm for a New York evening. So calm that I could easily find a spot to parallel park in, but I know it wouldn’t be a good idea to actually go up to her apartment tonight.

The only thing I can do is drop her off and try to get my head straight.

“Tonight was fun,” she says, and I hate the uncertainty that lies in her voice. No doubt, my weird mood since we left the restaurant, in combination with the reality that we’ve been driving for the past ten minutes in absolute silence, hasn’t gone unnoticed.

Which is sad because, deep down, I’m glad she came.

And you also want to go upstairs and lose yourself in her, too.

I ignore that reckless thought, and when I come to a stop in front of her building, I don’t bother cutting the engine. I just shift into park.

“Thanks for coming, babe. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“Of course I enjoyed it. Your family is great, Jude,” Sophie says, her voice soft and kind and stirring my heart in ways I shouldn’t be comfortable with. “And Lexi is one special little girl.”

And you’re special too.

When my smile touches my eyes, I try like hell to not be so affected by her. Sex and fun and playing around is one thing, but feeling something for her? It’s not what a guy like me is supposed to do.

I unbuckle my seat belt and hop out of my car, rounding the hood to open her door.

She uses the hand I offer to ease herself out, but when she notices that the car is still on and I’m illegally parked in front of her building, her eyes turn hesitant.

“You’re not coming up?”

“Not tonight, babe.” I shake my head. “I have to run by Craze to check on a few things.”

I don’t have shit to do at the club. But I definitely need to quiet my fucking head and get myself right again. Back to the Jude who doesn’t let himself feel anything more than fun.

Her brow furrows. “Oh. Okay.”

She looks disappointed, and I hate it. Loathe it, actually. The urge to lean down and kiss her is strong, but instead, I settle for a soft, gentle, very chaste kiss to her mouth.

Don’t leave her hanging like this, dude. It’s cruel. You know you still want to see her.

“But you can expect a text from me soon,” I tell her and force a smirk to my lips. “With some instructions.”

Sophie searches my face for the longest moment, but eventually, a curious smile slides across her mouth. “Instructions?”

“Uh-huh.” I nod. “Get ready, babe. Because we’re about to experience something wild together.”

“More wild than an orgasm on a roller coaster?”

I chuckle at the reminder of our Vegas sexcapades. “Ten times wilder.”

“Holy smokes.” Her eyebrows damn near rise to her forehead, and I just wink at her.

“Oh yeah, sweet Sophie, it’s going to be a good time.”

“Can’t wait.” She stands up on her tippy-toes and presses her full mouth to mine. And the temptation to deepen that kiss, to prolong, to savor it, begins to build to an almost uncontrollable level.

Thankfully, Sophie is the one who pulls away, and with a little wave and a soft “Good night,” she walks toward the entrance door of her building.

I watch her the whole way, making sure she gets in safely, and once the main door clicks shut, I hop in my car and grab my cell phone.

The first text I send to Sophie is an address that very few people even know exists in this city. It’s an underground kind of place that I’m certain will provide the kind of wild, erotic experience that will get Sophie and me back on the right track.

Away from feelings. Away from more.

And solely focused on just fun.

And my next and final message is a simple one.

Me: Wednesday. 7pm. Wear the hottest dress you own.