Merciless Union by Faith Summers



When I step out of the car, the first familiar face to greet me is Alexei’s.

Seeing him shifts the numbness in my soul somewhat, although we’ve hardly spoken to each other.

“Mrs. Dyshekov,” Alexei says with a respectful bow. “Good to see you. I hope you are feeling better.”

“Hi, Alexei, thanks. I’m not too bad.” I don’t have that weird dull feeling anymore I thought was part of my anxiety. But my blood pressure is stable, although still on the high side. I was given medication to take home, but I really think the doctors would have preferred for me to stay with them a little longer. I just wanted to come home because I hate being in hospitals. I was in one for so long that when the choice arose to go home, I jumped at it and promised I’d do everything they said. Not only that, I wanted to see Lucca too.

“Is my husband here?” I ask. I don’t remember ever calling Lucca my husband, at least not to one of his guards.

“No, there’s a chance he’ll be away for the day, or he might not return until tomorrow.”

“Oh.” I really try hard not to sound so disappointed or look it, but I fail.

“He’s left some things in the house for you.”


Alexei gets my things and leads me into the house.

I was hoping Lucca would pick me up from the hospital. I guess, though, after the other day, he’s keeping his distance.

I was told he came to check on me last night while I was asleep. The medication I got put me in a deep sleep, so I was none the wiser of his presence.

Instead of Lucca, three bodyguards I’d never seen before escorted me home in a Bugatti, and now I see there are more men unknown to me accompanying Alexei. They stand by the entrance to the door on guard, similar to the way the men guard Aiden’s house.

Something has changed. Nobody has said anything to me, though.

Maybe Lucca instructed them not to. We’ve never had this many guards at the house. And not so visible that you’d feel the fear of God just for seeing them with their machine guns.

I’m aware the threat of the Bratva coming after us is over. That was the only thing Lucca told me the other morning before Dr. Belmont got here.

He’d explained that things would be going back to normal in some kind of way, although we still needed to be careful. He said his men would be coming back, and Aiden’s leaving. But this feels different.

I pray nothing too terrible has happened. I already feel lost. Lost like a vital piece of me is missing, and I can’t feel whole again.

I’ve felt this way since I last saw Lucca, and he set the new terms of our relationship in motion.

Just thinking of what he said hurts my heart.

All these days have passed, and I was thinking of my exit route. Now I have it, and much more, it doesn’t feel right.

Idon’t feel right. How can I feel right when my husband told me he loved me and let me go in the same breath?

The significant thing about everything he’d said, however, was he was right.

There wasn’t anything he said that wasn’t correct. I just don’t know what to do, and with the new memories I got while playing the violin, I don’t know how I could just forget him.

There’s a hollow in my soul that makes me feel unhinged when I think of accepting my freedom from him.

Alexei leads me into the living room, where there’s a box with a letter on top. Through the living room window, however, I see more guards patrolling the house outside.

“Alexei, has something happened? There are more guards than usual here.”

An uneasy look washes over his face. “Mrs. Dyshekov, I think it might be best if your husband tells you the reason for that.”

I purse my lips together. “Alexei, please give a lady a break. I just came out of the hospital, and I was told to stay away from stress. I don’t think my husband would be happy with you if you added to that stress in any way. And not when you have the answer I need.”

He considers this and nods. “Okay, I suppose there’s no real harm in telling you. Grigori was assassinated two nights ago. Lucca is our Pakhan now.”

My bottom lip drops, and I bring my hands together to steady me. “What?”

Lucca is the Pakhan? And poor Grigori killed?I wonder how the hell that happened.

The second I think that Pasha’s fucking face fills my mind. I expected retaliation after the secret was leaked, but I didn’t think this would happen. Besides, it’s only logical that Pasha would have been the next leader. If he’s not, then it must mean he was responsible for killing his father.

“Was it Pasha?” I find myself asking even though that might be asking for too much I should stay out of.

Alexei obliges me with a nod, and there is undeniable sadness in his eyes. “Your husband is the new Pakhan of the Yurkov now. The guards you see here are the elite force who are always on guard at the Pakhan’s house. I’m sure you can understand the need for extra protection. They will be here to protect you and the grounds as long as the boss orders it. I am now your new bodyguard.” He gives me another nod. “I’m sure Lucca will explain more when you see him. In the meantime, he left this box and a letter for you. Both are from your mother.”

I gasp. “My mother? These are from her?” I glance down at the letter and the box.

“Yes. And your cousin is also outside in the courtyard waiting for you.”


My heart lifts. My God, I haven’t seen Sienna in so long it feels like years have passed. It’s been a month.

I want to see her, but damn, do I ever want to see what Mom left me too.

“Thanks. Could you do me a favor and carry these up to my room?” I ask with a polite smile. “I’ll go see my cousin.”

“Of course, that’s not a problem. If there’s anything else you need, please don’t hesitate to send for me.”

“Thank you.”

With that, he leaves me, and I head to the courtyard.

My legs feel like jelly, and my head light, but I move with as much strength as my body will allow.

I always thought low blood pressure could make you feel this way. Sienna’s mother has it, and during my awake phase, I’ve known of her fainting in public at least ten times. The doctors told me high blood pressure could be the same.

The risks are so much worse because I’m pregnant. They were worried I’d get a stroke because mine was in the danger zone.

I get to the courtyard and see my gorgeous cousin sitting amongst the roses.

How I would love to truly remember her.

When she notices me, she runs toward me with outstretched arms, and I move to her too with tears in my eyes for everything.

When we hug, the weight of everything comes tumbling down on me, exhausting my heart, mind, and soul.

It’s so good to be with someone who I can talk to about everything. But first, I break down and cry a year’s worth of tears.

We both cry. It’s only when I calm my battered heart that I’m able to talk, and I tell her everything. I tell my cousin absolutely everything. I doubt there are any restrictions on me now that certain things have been revealed, but even so, I wouldn’t care.

So, I tell her how Dad and Damien killed my mother. I tell her the big secret Dad covered and how disgusted I am. I tell her about Pasha and how he abused me when I was little. Then I finally tell her about Lucca and our unique story that’s about to come to an end.

By the time I tell her I’m pregnant, Sienna’s in tears again.

Tears of joy, and I wish I could have shared that news first.

“God, my God, Aria. I can’t believe it—any of it. I can’t even say no wonder you were kept in the dark because your father kept us all in the dark. And Lucca, what are you really going to do?”

“I don’t know. I was too weak to argue yesterday, but he looked firm in his decision. That’s what he’s like. He’s the boss, and even I have to follow orders.”

“But you don’t want to. I can see you don’t.” She brushes away a strand of hair from my eyes as the wind picks up.

I shake my head. “I don’t. Even though a big part of me who loves him is still missing, the new version of myself fell for him. But I don’t know if maybe he’s right. I wanted to leave him at first because I felt trapped, and I wanted freedom from the situation that so many seemed to be taking advantage of. But then I realized all too quickly that I wasn’t sure I wanted freedom from him. Maybe he’s right, though. Maybe we weren’t meant to be, and if we weren’t, then we shouldn’t bring a child up together in this type of environment. We have a choice to make things different from the way our parents raised us.”

“Aria, do you really think that’s the right thing to do?”

“There’s too much going on for me to work out what my heart truly wants, and I don’t know what the hell is going to happen with Dad.”

“He’ll be planning something. Things are chaotic at the office, with everyone not knowing what’s going on. Of course, I’m not going to say anything. I’ll leave that to you.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that, and I appreciate you too, Sienna. I have told you many things over the last two months that you could have told others.”

“I know, but if I were to do that, you’d never trust me again. I don’t know how best to help someone with amnesia, but I figured the most important thing you could have is someone to trust. I knew if I were to ever be part of your life the way we used to be, I’d have to gain that first, even if it meant not telling my parents or my brother's certain things.”


“Go see what your mom left for you. We’ve been out here for hours, and I’m sure you’re eager to find out what it is.”

“I am. I have no idea what it’s going to tell me, but it will be great to have something from her to hold on to. I never got to say goodbye.”

“Call me if you want to talk after.” She smiles.

“I will.”