Pit Stop by Joanne Ganci



Ihonestly didn’t realize Prim was James's sister. That wouldn’t really have made a difference in the way our conversation went, but I may have tried not to eye fuck her. Keyword: tried. A man can only hold back so much. When the first words out of a woman as gorgeous as Mia MacTavish are, “You’re really hot,” what the fuck else are you supposed to do?

Considering she just took her sweet time staring at my dick, I’d say checking her out is fair game at this point. My eyes roam down her body, taking in every detail as I slowly work my way back up. I make note of the shiny black heels, and the way they make her shapely legs look about a mile long. The tight black pencil skirt hugging her hips. Fuck, I bet if she turned around, I’d see a fantastic ass—probably not the best idea to ask her to… yeah, that might get me slapped. A cream-colored flowy shirt with black polka dots covers her ample chest. There’s a little oval cutout at the top that shows just a hint of cleavage, even with the decorative bow hanging over it. With tits that big, there really is no hiding them, especially with the way they rise and fall as her breathing increases with my perusal. She’s wearing a black blazer over her shirt, and the entire ensemble is so very prim and proper. But the final detail, her dark brown hair in a tight bun at the top of her head, was what earned her the nickname. Between that and the way she carries herself, I’ve never seen someone so well put-together.

Don’t get me wrong, the look is sexy as fuck. The outfit and the heat in her eyes make me want to take her hair down and lay her out on the hood of my black ‘67 Shelby GT 500.

“So, what’s it gonna be, Prim? You gonna let me take you out?” I step closer to her, leaving only a few inches between us. With those heels, we’re almost the same height, and it takes a lot of self-control not to just grab her waist and pull her into me. Leaning just a bit closer, I let my breath fan over her ear, watching as she shivers, before whispering, “Or we don’t have to go out at all…”

The gasp she lets out goes straight to my fuckin’ balls. When I lean back, her mouth is open in a little ‘o’, and I can’t help but picture those red lips wrapped around my cock. I don’t know why, but getting her on her knees in the fancy outfit she’s wearing… shit.

I know I come off as an asshole, but I really wouldn’t normally speak to a woman this way. There’s something about her that’s just so... enticing. I really can’t help myself.

She’s breathing heavily and staring at my dick again. I was already painfully hard, but the way she’s examining it… fuck. When I reach out to adjust myself, she lets out another little gasp. I don’t even think she realizes she’s doing it, which somehow makes it hotter. If she turns me down, it’s going to be a long night full of cold showers.


When I say her name, she seems to snap out of it. Her gaze quickly darts back up to my face. “Wh-what?”

Smirking, I ask her, “Seriously, will you go out with me?”

“Wh-why would you want to do that?”

My brows twist in confusion. “What do you mean, why?”

She scrapes her teeth over her plump bottom lip as she averts her gaze. “Whether or not you think you were, you were ridiculously rude when I came in here. Now you’re asking me out? You don’t even know me. I just… I don’t get it.”

“Well, I’m pretty sure the point of going out is getting to know each other. You don’t know me either. If you got to know me, you’d know all of that was just my winning personality. I asked because I want to go out with you. Either you want to go out with me or you don’t.”

“I… I’m not looking to get into a relationship right now.”

“So option B? I’m down if you are,” I tell her, winking.

Her face flushes, and she opens her mouth to speak, then shuts it. After a few times doing this, she finally blurts out, “Okay!”


“Do you not want that? Oh, God. You were just joking, weren’t you? Fuck. I should have known better.” She continues to ramble on, pacing back and forth.

When she steps within reach, I snag her by the waist and pull her into me. “Would you shut up, woman?!” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, my lips are on hers. One of my hands presses into the small of her back, pulling her even closer, while the other drifts to the nape of her neck.

There’s nothing prim and proper about the way she kisses. She runs her fingers through my hair and beard as she kisses me with an uninhibited passion. I knew there was a lot more to this woman than her stiff appearance would lead you to believe. I’m not sure I was expecting the wildcat I’m kissing right now, but I’m not fucking complaining.

My palm slides down the curve of her back, down to her ass. Holy shit, it feels even better than I imagined it. Lifting my hand off of her, I bring it back down for a good, hard smack. I’m really pushing the boundaries here, and I know I probably shouldn’t press my luck, but it doesn’t piss her off.

She fucking moans.

Fuck, yes. I walk her backward until her ass hits the Mustang. Pulling away from her lips, I trail kisses across her jaw. “Lay back, gorgeous.”

She shivers again, and I make a mental note to keep whispering in her ear. I stand up to my full height, unwilling to miss the opportunity to get the full picture of her laid out on the hood of my car.

Reaching down, I stroke my cock through my pants to try to alleviate some of the ache. “Fucking perfect,” I murmur, loving the way she looks spread across the hood.

She presses up on her elbows, half-lidded eyes peering up at me. I coax her back down, grabbing her wrists to guide her arms over her head. Then I slowly glide my hands down her body, stopping briefly to knead her full breasts.

I slip off her heels one by one, and place a kiss on the top of each foot. With her feet bare, I place them on the hood of the car, then spread her legs wide enough for me to fit between. Running my hands up her perfectly tanned legs, I thank all that is holy that she’s not wearing any pantyhose. I don’t have the patience for that bullshit.

Her skirt is bunched up around her hips, and I can see a flash of red between her spread thighs. My thumb circles her clit through the fabric, making her back arch. She’s coiled so damn tight, even the slightest touch causes the hottest fucking moans to slip past her lips.

I can’t wait to be inside of her.

But first, I need to taste her.

As I drag her panties down, I realize they’re not just red, there’s also blue and gold with a Wonder Woman symbol right in the center. “You’re a Wonder Woman fan, huh?”

It takes a second for my words to register. When she realizes what I asked, her eyes go comically wide, before she covers her face with her arms. “Kill me now. I did not know I’d be doing this today.”

I finish sliding her panties off, then lean down and bite the inside of her thigh a little too hard. She pulls her hands away from her face to glare down at me. “Stop. They’re sexy as fuck.”


“Hell yeah! Now you’ve got me picturing you dressing up in a Wonder Woman costume.”

Her eyebrow lifts, her voice taking on a husky, teasing note. “You into cosplay, Parker Lancaster?”

“Oh, god. Please tell me you fucking cosplay. The only thing better than Wonder Woman would be Zatanna or Black Canary.”

“Points for being a DC fan, but why them?”

With a shrug, I admit, “I have a thing for fishnets.”

“Boy, do you ever,” I hear Riley’s voice ring out through the garage.

Mia pops up so fast she bashes her head into mine. I reach down and grab the bottom of her skirt, “Lift your hips.”

She looks like she’s about to argue, but thinks wiser of it, and lifts her hips, so I can tug her skirt down. As soon as her skirt is down, she shoves me out of the way, and hisses, “You have a fucking girlfriend?”

Riley laughs, and I swear she has fucking super hearing because I still don’t see her. “Oh, no, honey. I’m wayyyy too much for Parker to handle.”

“What the fuck, Riley? Where the hell are you?”

“Right here, gorgeous,” she says, sashaying into the garage. Her heels click-clack on the concrete as she makes her way toward us. Her hair is cotton candy pink this week, and her entire outfit matches. “It sounded like you needed some time to get decent.”

Shaking my head, I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Why are you even here right now?”

“Am I not allowed to visit my best friend whenever I want now? I mean, if I knew you were fixin’ to get laid, I would have skipped the visit. You’re cranky as fuck, Park.”

Mia laughs behind me, and my gaze snaps in her direction. She just shrugs and continues laughing, unapologetically.

“Ugh. Riley, this is Mia. Mia, this is my pain in the ass best friend, Riley.”

“Lovely to meet you, doll,” Riley says, holding her hand out toward Mia. The way she has her hand angled, you’d think she expected Mia to kiss it instead of shaking it, and honestly, I wouldn’t put it past her to expect that.

“You too, Riley. Though, I kinda wish we were meeting when I had panties on,” Mia says, snatching back the panties I didn’t even realize I was still holding. She moves around the side of the Mustang, bending over at the waist to presumably put on said panties.

“Dammit, Riley. Why are you here again?”

“If you wanted privacy, you probably should have closed the door, love.”

“Fuck,” I grumble. “Mia, you can leave your keys, I’ll check out your car like I said,” I tell her before stomping off.

“Where are you going?” Mia calls after me.

“Sweets, he’s going to take care of that hard-on you gave him.”


“Oh, he lives in the apartment upstairs.”

“Ahhh. Well, that’s convenient.”

When I reach the door to the stairway that leads to my apartment, I pivot and look back at the girls. “You know I’m still right fucking here?”

“Of course we do. Now hurry up and leave, so I can get to know your new friend,” Riley says, blowing me a pink-stained kiss.

“I don’t know why we’re friends,” I yell out over my shoulder before slamming the door behind me. I hear both of them laughing as I climb the stairs.

Fuck, my balls ache.