Pit Stop by Joanne Ganci



Ilove Riley, but I’m having a hard time remembering why right now.

At least that’s the only hard issue I still have.

Her showing up to the garage when she did was basically a huge go fuck yourself. Which I did, and I honestly don’t give a fuck that both of them know it. In fact, Mia knowing exactly what I was doing turned me on. I wonder if she’ll go home and get herself off thinking about me. I would have preferred we get each other off, but once Riley shows up, the spotlight is always on her.

The door to my apartment opens just as I’m grabbing a beer out of my fridge. I grab another one for Riley, and turn back to ask if Mia wants one, but she’s not there. “Seriously, why am I friends with you?”

“Because you love me and couldn’t possibly live without me.”

I open both beers, tossing the caps in the trash can, before moving over to the couch. “Yeah, probably. But if you’re going to make a habit of bad timing, my balls might demand I end our friendship.”

Riley gratefully takes the offered drink. “You never bring girls home, how the fuck was I supposed to know that you’d be downstairs about to fuck one?”

“That’s fair. It was totally unplanned. She just showed up and turned my music off.”

She lifts a painted eyebrow, giving me a look. “So, you tried to fuck her?”

“No. She kept staring at my dick. I asked her out or offered to stay in. I’ll give you one guess which option she chose,” I tell her, waggling my brows.

“Hell yeah, get ya some, Parker! I mean, you would have if I didn’t show up.” She starts that raspy cackle of hers that should sound terrible, but fits her and has me laughing every time I hear it.

“You’re terrible. So… Mia left, I take it?”

“Oh yeah, your sexy little secretary had to bounce. She said to call her brother when you’re done looking at her car. Who’s her brother?”


“Like your brother’s girlfriend’s boyfriend, James?”

“Yup, that’s the one.”

“Well, damn.”

“Yup, pretty much.” Chugging down the rest of my beer, I place the empty bottle on the coffee table before kicking my feet up. I run my hands through my unruly hair, then interlock my fingers behind my head and stare up at the ceiling.

“That was probably not your best idea, Parker.”

“Yeah, well… it’s already done.” I shrug my shoulders. “Honestly, I’d do it again, given the opportunity.”

“Wow, you’re actually interested in her.”

Tilting my head to the side just enough to glare at her, “You say that like I just go around fucking chicks left and right. You know damn well I don’t do that. I usually only do one-night stands when I’m playing your wingman.”

“And I am grateful for your service, kind sir. I’m just saying, you wouldn’t pursue James’s sister if you didn’t like her. It’s been a while since you actually liked a girl.”

“That’s not true. I dated…” Shit, I can’t even remember her fucking name. I wrack my brain, trying to find it, but come up empty. The only things that come to mind are her huge tits and the way her voice grated on my nerves. “Okay, maybe you’re right.”

“I can only assume you were trying to remember Lacey. You couldn’t stand her, and that was like six months ago, Parker.”

“Was it really? Damn, I guess it has been a while. Whatever.”

She gets up, grabs my empty bottle off the table, and heads toward the kitchen. “You’ve been avoiding going out with me lately, too.”

“No, I haven’t.”

“You really fucking have, Park. We haven’t gone out in about a month.”

“That’s not my fault.”

“I’ve been going out. You just haven’t joined me. I understand Fridays, you’ve been going to dinner at your Mom’s—which I’m super happy you’re doing—but every Saturday you make up some excuse or another.”

“I’ve been busy. I’m sorry, Rye.”

“It’s fine. I’m just sayin’. I don’t think you’ve actually been busy, you just haven’t been into it, and that’s totally okay. You don’t have to lie to me, though. I won’t get offended.”

I can hear the hurt in her voice, and I’m on my feet instantly. Grabbing her hand, I wait until she looks up at me with her chocolate brown eyes. “I wasn’t intentionally lying. You’re right, but I didn’t know it until you pointed it out. You know me better than I know myself. You’re my best friend, Riley.” That gets a small smile out of her, and I pull her into my arms, avoiding crushing her hair. Been there, done that, have the scar to prove it. Riley punches really fucking hard and has a penchant for big gaudy rings.

“I was worried you were getting sick of me,” she mumbles into my chest.

I put my hands on her shoulders and hold her at arm’s length. “Don’t ever fucking think like that. You’re stuck with me, woman! I accept and love you for who you are. I could never get sick of you.”

Her eyes are glistening, and a few tears escape, trailing down her pretty face. “You’re gonna make me ruin my make-up, Parker Lancaster.”

My lips quirk up. “There’s my girl. We can’t have that. Why don’t you get a tissue, and I’ll grab us some more beers?”

“Yeah,” she agrees, her pink-stained lips splitting in a grin. “Why don’t you order a pizza while you’re at it, hot stuff?”

“You got it.” I smack her ass, and she squeals, going off to the bathroom to clean up and take the moment I know she needs to finish collecting herself. It doesn’t happen too often, but sometimes she gets stuck in this insecure loop in her head. She’s had a tough life, and old habits are hard to break. Since moving to Midland, her life has gotten so much better, and if I have any say in it, she’ll always have the best life. No one deserves it more than that woman.