Eliezer’s Ange by Eden Auclair


cassiopeia is twenty-one

she is a first-year masters in university

—two months later—

“I’m so tired.”Cassiopeia sighed, collapsing onto her cream settee in her loft. A pout tugged at the ends of her lips and she massaged her temples. Eliezer entered the living room from the hall after setting her suitcase in her bedroom and he gave her a much-tired smile. Her dove-gray eyes housed by her maroon spectacles were tired as they met Eliezer’s striking ice blues.

“I’m sorry.” He frowned. “I know this trip was draining.”

“But the Maldives was breathtaking, so the sights made up for it.” She looked over at him as he took a seat next to her. Her smile—she tried with all she had to give a cheeky one at that—ended up being weary much like her voice.

“I take it you like it there?” He asked, returning the tired smile and speaking in an equally tired voice.

“I’ll remember that.” He chuckled when she nodded happily—her tiredness suddenly disappearing for a split second as her eyes glowed brightly recalling the memories of the past two days. But it left just as fast as it came, the desolation settling into her features once again along with the look of desperation for sleep.

But how could she sleep when her mind was wide awake?

Silence hung in the air around them, both of them slowly drifting into their own worlds until he felt her head fall on his shoulder. Craning his head slightly, he glanced down at his ange’s sleeping figure and the paleness of her complexion. Christ, princesse, will you ever give yourself a break? He felt wide awake then. His sleepiness vanished in a split second and now he was slowly maneuvering his arms—his right to hooking under legs and the other around her back. Smiling to himself as he picked her up with ease, he carried her to her bedroom and laid her down gently, and pulled the coverlet over her body. The moment her body hit the soft mattress, her eyes snapped open and she stared at him with worry for a second before it dulled.

“I’m sorry.” She yawned, which he found utterly adorable.

“What for?” He asked softly, brushing away a strand of her hazelnut hair.

“Falling asleep on you,” she replied shyly.

“Baby, don’t you ever apologize for something like that. Do me a favor and get some rest for me,” he said, looking down at her. “I’ll pick you up at seven tonight.”

“Where are you going now?” Her voice was soft and airy as she spoke and she craned her head slightly, holding his gaze.

“Into the office. I’ve got some work to do darling.”

“Shoot!I’ve been so tired lately, I forgot I promised I’d come in with you today.” Cassiopeia began to get up but she didn’t get far before Eliezer pushed her back down.

“Absolutely not.” He scoffed.

“Eliezer, there’s so much to do.”

“And that’s why we have tomorrow and the next day and the day after,” he responded sarcastically.

“You hardly slept in the Maldives, you didn’t sleep on the flight home, and you were just falling asleep on my shoulder in the living room. The company gala is tonight, I need you to get some sleep. I can’t have my girlrunning on no sleep.”


“But the emails, phone calls, and meetings can wait until tomorrow, plus, I’ve already given you this day off since you informed me of this trip four months ago,” he said, arching a brow, daring her to challenge him. Instead, she huffed and pulled her mint green duvet over her head, covering herself. Eliezer chuckled, shaking his head as he gently pried the coverlet away from her face. His heart melted at her expression—eyes shut tightly, eyebrows closely knit together, and full lips pulled in a cute pout.

“Sleep well. Je suis impatient de voir ce soir. Bon Anniversaire, ange.

I can’t wait to see you tonight. Happy birthday.

He whispered in her ear after quietly watching her for a few moments and seeing that she was sleeping soundly.


Cassiopeia woke up a mere four hours later. Reaching over her nightstand blindly for her cell, the screen flickered on reading four minutes past two and she moaned in desperation for her sleep to return for just a few more moments. Giving up entirely after no avail, she huffed before rolling off her bed and hitting the ground with a loud thud.

Hmph!” She huffed again, blowing her messy hair out of her face and pushing herself off the ground. Stepping out of her en suite after a long, warm shower and now wrapped in her fluffy robe, she waddled over to her phone on its charging dock, putting her on her playlist to start getting ready.

Summer Love by Motel 7 began playing softly as she went to her closet. She picked up the black vinyl bag holding the dress Starlie had given her two weeks earlier. She felt a certain fire and warmth ignite her veins and she couldn’t contain her excitement to finally see the dress. Starlie had given it to her with the simple demand, ‘no peeking until the day of the gala!’ Laying it on her bed with care, she slowly unzipped it and her eyes fell upon a blood-red strapless gown.

“I guess we’re going rouge tonight,” she murmured to herself as her fingers delicately skimmed the soft dress.

Two hours blurred past her before she was finally done with her hair and makeup. Her hair took an eternity—the thick, luscious locks taking forever to hold the curls and nearly a whole bottle of mousse. Her makeup was done neatly with mineral powder, illuminate, thick winged eyeliner, and bold blood-red lip gloss.


“Evening bé-” Eliezer’s words halted abruptly and his jaw dropped once his eyes widened upon falling on her. His mind blanked and for once in his life, he found himself utterly speechless, of course, if you aren’t counting every other time she’s made him speechless since she entered his life. She blushed and looked down, holding her door open wider for him to step inside her loft. But he was frozen in his spot, drinking her in greedily and raking his eyes over her body shamelessly.

Snapping out of his trance moments later, he took one stride towards her and brought his arm around her waist. Even with her red Louboutins, her dress still pooled at her feet and she still had nothing against his towering height. But fuck, if she didn’t look sexy and divine and Eliezer felt himself harden in his dress pants.

“Cassiopeia...” he inhaled sharply, willing himself to calm the fuck down as he stared into her eyes with a fire blazing in his. “Are you trying to kill me tonight?” His grip on her waist tightened and she breathed in and out slowly, trying to control herself from moaning from just his touch.

“Sweetheart, you look absolutely ravishing,” he murmured. “I am truly enamored by your beauty, Cassiopeia Leilani,” he rasped out, leaning in close with his eyes on her lips.

“You’re very handsome yourself, Eliezer, striking as ever,” she whispered back boldly, involuntarily taking a step into him. But his eyes were fixated on her lips for their curves rewrote poetry while they moved and her silky voice fell from them. Her own eyes fell downward, raking over his body and Christ, striking he was. Dressed in a crisp black tux and wine red dress shirt, he had a single red rose pinned to the lapel of his jacket. Her words seared into his mind and a smirk tugged at his lips.

“Thank you, but before we leave, I have a small gift for you.” He pulled his hands from her body and pulled out a little Tiffany and Co suede drawstring pouch.

Her eyes widened. “Who is that for?”

“You.” Eliezer answered simply.

“What the hell is it?” Her jaw hung ajar and his shoulder shook with silent laughter.

“Your gift,” he replied nonchalantly.

“What for?” She uttered under her breath, eyeing the pouch with worried eyes.

“Here, open it.” He took her hand in his and placed the little bag in her palm.

Eliezer,” she whispered, staring at the signature pearl necklace and bracelet.

“Do you like it, ange?” He asked nervously—evident as he bit his bottom lip.

She shook her head, smiling softly. “I love it, so much.” She nearly cried out, lifting her head to meet his ocean pools of eyes. A wide smile broke out on his face and he felt untouchable and powerful—all because of her. This emotion, though however beautiful and poignant, Eliezer knew it was a slow burn. But he also knew he’d dance in the ashes all for her.

“Let me,” he said softly. Their fingertips brushed against each other as he gently took the necklace from her. Cassiopeia lifted her head up, meeting his intense gaze as he softly brushed back her perfectly messy curls and skillfully clasped the necklace together.

I love you and I cannot wait to make you mine baby,” he said softly in Persian, holding her gaze and smiling tenderly. A delicate pink stained her cheeks and she nestled into his palm that cupped her face.

Pearls,his mother had told him as a young boy, were of great rarity and worth, you give them to your forever, someone you’d love in all of love’s ethereal absolution. After, he took the bracelet from her, clasping it together on her porcelain-like wrist.

And Eliezer thought to himself, I’ve found my forever, infinity, and eternity, mère.

He took a step back from her, letting his eyes drink in her greedily once more. His eyes danced with an appreciation for the sight before him and her blush deepened as she boldly kept his eyes on his. Smiling dazzlingly, his eyes snapped up to hers and he held out his arm for her.

“Shall we, ange?”