Eliezer’s Ange by Eden Auclair

about the author

Eden Auclair is an author of contemporary and new adult romances that will make you cry. Her love for reading bloomed from her late grandfather and she has frequently lost sleep over the countless book boyfriends that stole her heart.

Eden lives in the sunshine where her home is the beach. When she isn’t writing, you can find her in a coffee shop drinking tea or on the floor of a library or bookshop getting lost in the pages of a book. She loves fairy lights, red roses, and would never turn down the idea of getting on a train with her essentials to run away to do something she loves.

But most importantly, she loves getting to know her readers and talking with them, so you can find her in her writing cave, Eden’s Sinners, for exclusive excerpts, giveaways, coffee (mostly tea because she hates coffee) talks, and so much more!

Eden’s Sinners

