Eliezer’s Ange by Eden Auclair


cassiopeia is twenty-two

she is a second-year masters in university

“Mr. Badeaux.” Cassiopeia’s soft murmur tumbled out of her mouth in one breath as she set his coffee on his desk in front of him. It had been a few weeks since their trip to Japan, a few weeks since they nearly gave in to sinful temptation and the tension between them had only heightened since then. His eyes snapped up, startled since she had entered his office so quietly. His eyes focused on her lithe body moving around his office skilfully, grabbing the necessary things needed for the day and cradling them in her arm along with her Macbook. Then she left, closing the door behind her without another word, without sparing a single glance his way. And he certainly felt his heartstrings tug. Mr. Badeaux? Since when did she call me by my last name?

Though Eliezer had been in the midst of a call, he couldn’t help the stir of arousal he felt as his eyes followed her hourglass body in his office. He couldn’t detach his eyes from his ange and the erotically delicious clothing she wore—a lace pencil skirt that was seemingly shorter and tighter than the skirts she usually wore. And her top, Christ, that baby pink top that clung to her skin, giving a view of her cleavage while accentuating the soft curves of her breast was enough to send Eliezer to hell. The back was stitched with tiny diamond cutouts, giving him and lingering eyes a peak of her sun-kissed skin and her red bralette.

And of course, she was wearing the Louboutins Follies Strass that he had gifted her with for her twenty-second birthday, which he was starting to regret. Cassiopeia treated them like they were something sacred. But to Eliezer, they were lethal, and seeing the way they brought attention to her delectably toned legs, he thought they should’ve been named fuck-me heels.

Wait… is today a special day? His brows scrunched together as he racked through his mind’s agenda, but he came up with nothing.

Cassiopeia tempted him like a siren, a little bit more with each passing day and Eliezer was unprepared for the fast and blind descent to her temptress ways. They had come close lately, dangerously close, to plummeting into the bottomless ocean of their consuming desires, but not without getting interrupted every single time. Though he promised himself he’d fulfill his angeand himself very soon.

The love they shared was hardly a secret, for every eye in Badeaux’s Glasshouse caught sight of the secret glances and secret touches between them. From the fingers brushing together, too his arm casually wrapping around her small waist or hers instinctively reaching out to rake her fingers through his hair, and her hiding her face in his chest when they teased her. Everyone talked about their once stone-cold CEO and their very dear, Miss Leilani, who seemed to be more in control and hold more power than Eliezer himself.

Cassiopeia had truly blossomed over the past three years since she began working for Eliezer. Essentially becoming the face of his company—much to the feigned jealousy, though underlying pride of Eliezer—she became rather all too knowing in the business world. Everyone in the glasshouse loved her and adored her whilst those in the business world—men and women—envied her. Her gift of slipping into façades was something she had perfected. Inside the glasshouse, she was tartly sweet, always making rounds, making sure her employees were happy and comfortable; and that is why, in return, employees everywhere in the glasshouse respected her—and teased her of course—because she made it feel like home. She came to neatly memorize every one of their names, keeping them in a special place in her heart and made them a little family. But when she was dealing with CEOs and business, she had a stone-cold exterior with an equally icy tone. She was clipped and she was blunt, wasting no time.

Eliezer couldn’t take his mind off of her. Once his call ended, he was left standing at the panoramic window with his hands shoved deep in his trousers’ pockets with his head thrown back as he groaned. His mind was running wild with pleasurable and erotic images of them being exquisitely sinful together. He didn’t even want her, he needed her, much more than he needed oxygen. And he had an ardent feeling that the next time he had her in his sight, he’d bend her over and show her what a real punishment was.


“Miss Leilani!” The four girls sitting at the reception desk of the glasshouse chimed in greeting as they caught sight of Cassiopeia approaching them with a small smile on her face. She has been making her usual daily rounds around the glasshouse.

“My God.” Cassiopeia sighed dramatically. “Haven’t I chastised you all enough about what to call me?” She put her hand on her hip and pouted.

“Cass.” A girl, Alessandra, smiled before the others echoed her with small smiles of their own.

“My girls!” She smiled brightly, running behind the desk to hug them. The girls giggled, returning the hug of their boss’ personal assistant who acted more like a mother, sister, and best friend than anything for she spread warmth wherever she went.

“So, how are my loves?” Cassiopeia asked, the smile still etched on her face as she took a seat on an empty stool.

“We’re good,” the girls murmured.

“The glasshouse has been rather quiet.” Ariel added quietly and gave Cassiopeia a look that had her throwing her head back in laughter.

“Absolutely not,” she said incredulously, still laughing.

“But Cass,” they all whined, “it’s too quiet.”

“I am not blaring music through the glasshouse again. I think the first time was enough, everyone probably wanted to kill me for disturbing them.” She smiled cheekily.

Riiiight.” Athena drawled, rolling her eyes and giggling. “Everyone totally wanted to kill you even though almost all of them rushed out of their offices and conference rooms, just to see what was happening. And once they did, they started singing and dancing!”

Astrid suddenly broke out in a full-blown laugh. “Such a scene to watch when Mr. Badeaux finally made his way down here and caught sight of what was happening. And that’s not even the best part...” The girls shared a knowing look as Cassiopeia fell silent and a bright pink stained the apples of her cheeks. “The way his eyes darkened and became glaring daggers once he glanced around and saw almost every man’s eyes on you. The way his nostrils flared when Mr. Moretti approached you and asked for a dance and then he stormed up to Moretti and-”

“Please stop talking,” Cassiopeia murmured amongst Astrid’s retelling. The girl stopped abruptly and they all suddenly laughed wholeheartedly at Cassiopeia’s expense.

“You’re all terrible!” Cassiopeia whined, glaring at them with accusatory eyes. They simply laughed more.


“Yes, Athena?” Cassiopeia sighed, knowing the girls were only just beginning their daily teasing.

“Has Mr. Badeaux already seen you today?”

Her eyebrows crinkled. “Yes? His office was the first place I went to when I came in this morning to give him his coffee and grab a few things. He was in the middle of a call though. I thought you guys knew this…”

“Yes, yes, yes, but, he let you walk out of his sight, dressed like that?” Athena smirked, her eyes glinting as if she knew something Cassiopeia didn’t.

“What’s wrong with it.” Her soft voice came out innocently baffled.

“Oh sweetheart.” Athena cooed, putting a hand on her shoulder. “I dunno, she hummed teasingly, “don’t you think it’s maybe just a little too revealing and scandalous.” She arched her brow and winked.

Oh my God,” Cassiopeia uttered. Her hands rushed up to cover her crimson face. But Astrid’s next words had her frozen mid-motion.

“Cass baby, don’t you think you’ve tempted him enough?” She smirked.

“Tempt- Astrid!” Cassiopeia nearly screamed, looking absolutely horrified.

“Mr. Badeaux practically worships the ground she walks on, but everyone could see the lust in his eyes, like a beast ready to devour their dinner. In time, he’ll snap and he’ll probably punish her for being such a temptress.” Alessandra stated proudly, whispering the last part, though her voice echoed throughout the empty hall.

Punish me?” Cassiopeia whispered, wide-eyed as she glanced in each of their directions whilst they winked.

“Bend you over his knee and-” Aurelia was cut off abruptly by Cassiopeia’s ear-splitting shriek. This time, her hands rushed up and covered her freshly flushed face and the girls only laughed tumultuously. Though Cassiopeia was flustered, she couldn’t stopthe dirty images running through her mind from Aurelia’s words—being bent over his knee, being bent over his desk, hearing his deep, rough voice murmur dirty wishes and promises in her ear, being metaphorically and thoroughly fucked by Eliezer Badeaux.

“...time,” she murmured behind her hands just as the girls calmed down.

“Hmm?” Astrid.

“The time! Look at that! I have to go visit the kitchen and then get back to my office,” the words stumbled past her lips as she just about shot up from her seat and rushed off.

“To see your other suitor, Mr. Devereux?” Ariel’s yell echoed through the halls and she merely blushed as she walked away.

“Ms. Leilani.” Cassiopeia heard a deep voice call her, a smirk evident in their tone, as she made her way to the kitchen of the glasshouse. She spun around to see her least favorite, the one and only, Jai Devereux, and slightly stumbled back from their close proximity.

“Mr. Devereux, hello,” she greeted formally, her tone clipped.

“How are you, princess?” His arm went around her waist to keep her from falling and she tensed.

“I’m okay. Aren’t you supposed to be in the kitchen?” She questioned much harsher than she intended, pulling away from his hold.

“I’m going out to grab a bite.” He cracked a grin, tightening his hold on her and causing her to clench her jaw. “Even though I’m a chef, I get tired of my own cooking sometimes.”

“I see,” she said flatly. She knew what was coming next.

“Would you like to join me, love?”

“Devereux, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll step away from my girl right now.” Eliezer’s thunderous voice came from behind her and she gasped.

“Badeaux, you-”

“Get your fucking hands off my girl before I break your face,” Eliezer growled. “You’re lucky you’re the most requested chef in this glasshouse because you would’ve been fired the moment you laid your eyes on her.” Cassiopeia’s face flushed at his words and she stared at both men, her wide eyes flickering between Jai and Eliezer.

“Devereux, I’m not asking again.” Eliezer stepped towards Cassiopeia and Jai, glowering over Jai with his nostrils flaring and his eyes glaring daggers.

“She should be entitled to the choice, shouldn’t she?” Jai’s tone was cynical as he let her go and focused his attention on Eliezer.

Oh my.” Cassiopeia uttered, swiveling on her heels and beginning to make her way to the kitchen. Too many thoughts plagued her mind—all revolving around Eliezer—and she needed to calm down; she knew just the person who could help. She couldn’t go to Starlie since she was on her own lunch break, probably grabbing a bite from the Greek-Mediterranean restaurant across the street in Portwalt Park, she couldn’t go to Niccolò since he was working at his father’s law firm and she certainly couldn’t go to Eliezer when all she felt like doing was jumping his bones. There was only one other person she trusted with her ‘Eliezer Talks.’

Kane Devereux—her favorite Devereux brother—a top-class chef who showered her with food every chance he got, despite them not hanging out as much as they’d like. Hopefully Arabian today, she thought to herself with a sigh. She sought solace in Kane for he was just as quiet as her and a genuine listener, always there for her to share her feelings and thoughts.

“Miss Leilani,” his voice growled. Her breath hitched in her throat and froze in her spot. She’d recognize that voice irrespective of where she was.

“Eliezer, hello.” She greeted breathlessly, slightly surprised to see him by the elevators in the private hall. He was just with Jai, wasn’t he, she wondered. But still, if there was anyone who knew his hectic schedule, it was Cassiopeia and she knew he definitely had a few important calls to tend to. Instead, he was here, with her, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her against him.

“My sweet girl...” His tone was cynically condescending as he stared at her with hooded eyes. He had images of the past hour running through his mind, for after she left her office, he left his too, following her simply to gaze at her and take in her beauty. He could not and would never get enough of her, the more he saw of her, the more he saw there was to love. He was so utterly and intoxicatingly in love with Cassiopeia Leilani. He watched her as she conversed with the receptionists and smirked hearing just what they talked about. He couldn’t hold back his silent chuckles as he watched his girl blush deep shades of red as the four girls teased her. And Eliezer just fell, deeper, deeper, and deeper, hearing her wild laughs and angelic voice echo throughout the nearly empty reception of the glasshouse. Until Jai fucking Devereux went to her and he decided he had enough of trailing in the shadows.

Cassiopeia quirked an eyebrow. “Eliezer, is everything okay?” He couldn’t seem to snap out of the daze he was in, wholly entranced by her beauty and her wintry gray irises. But he felt the need to ease her worry, which is why he found himself gently rubbing the worry lines creasing between her brows.

“No. What the hell are you wearing?” His voice was a sexy growl, dampening her panties. He had meant to address her choice of clothing since this morning. Glancing down at her outfit for a moment, she lifted her head up. Her eyes found his burning glare.

“What’s wrong with it?” Her bottom lip jutted out in a pout.

Oh... was this what the girls were talking about, she thought to herself and her eyes widened.

“Cassiopeia.” He growled in a low tone, pulling her flush against his body and using his free hand to brush her stray locks of hair behind her ear.

“Eliezer,” His name slipped past her lips quietly in an involuntary moan. He watched her with dark, heated eyes as her own eyes darkened and glazed over with lust. He watched as she moaned to the ceiling softly, eyebrows scrunched, and eyes fluttering when he began a slow and sensual grind against her.

“This is what is wrong with your outfit.” His voice was husky and raspy, sending shocks right to her already throbbing core. She whimpered, grasping his suit jacket in her hands and pulling him inhumanely close against her.

“Darling,” He breathed as she ground herself against him like a greedy housecat and moaned quietly.

“Eliezer, please.” She uttered breathlessly with her eyes still closed.

“What do you want?” His rough voice engulfed her. He pinned her against the wall and hoisted her leg on his hip.

“I-” She began to whimper before the dinging of the elevator doors made her falter. He stared at her with his eyes still full of lust and slowly let go of her. The doors slid open and he stepped back from her and watched as she straightened her skirt and top whilst her face held an utterly defeated expression.

No,” she whispered, sounding on the verge of tears as she shook her head.

Eliezer wore a subtle smirk, relishing in seeing her needy for him the way he was for her. “Soon.”

Eu quero você.”

I want you.

She wrapped her arm around his neck and pulled him down to whisper in his ear before pulling away. His eyebrows crinkled as he stared at her confused.

“Have you had lunch yet?” He questioned, though he knew the answer already.

“No.” She shook her head, pouting and stepping into the elevator.

“Grab a bite then darling, I believe you have an important call in an hour.” He winked, causing her to blush.

“Find me once you’ve eaten and finished your call with Házel. I’ll be waiting, mon cœur.” He kissed her forehead chastely before stepping back from her completely and watching her until the elevator doors closed.