Eliezer’s Ange by Eden Auclair


cassiopeia is nineteen

she is a junior in university

“Urgh!” Cassiopeia threwher hands up in frustration and glared at the myriad of glasses, tea flavors, and other ingredients on the island counter. For the past week, she had tried endlessly to recreate the drink Eliezer made for her that last day at the coffeehouse but failed, repeatedly.

She could easily call him, she did havehis number—he had written it on a napkin in the shop one morning, surprising her when he folded it in her palm. And ever since, she kept the little towelette safe inside her heart-shaped box labeled special things in her bedroom. But she was too much of a wreck to call him.

Lie, her heart lurched in her chest.

Cassiopeia knew in her heart that she wanted to be with Eliezer, especially when he had only brought her happiness when she found herself around him. He was her solace, her taste of heaven during her darkest times. But in the week since the coffee shop closed and he proposed, no, threatened her with a job, she was a mess between wanting to take his offer and work for him, anything to get closer to him and keep him, and staying quiet to spite him because she was hurt and angry that he thought he could threaten her.

I really want to kiss his lips though… she mused to herself, and then maybe smack him.

But all things aside from Eliezer, the past week in itself had also been just as chaotic as her head. She remembered once she drove home after leaving Eliezer in front of Carousels and Dinges, she called her parents, crying into the phone. She sobbed, wholly and utterly as she told them the shop had closed down; as she told them she’d have to take off a semester or two to help with the medical expenses drowning her family from living comfortably. Her parents were heartbroken that their daughter wanted to put university on pause and they knew they couldn’t fight her because once she made up her mind, there was no changing it.

She sighed tiredly, resting her elbows on the marble counter and her head in her hands. She had two classes today—one at two and the other at six. The chime of the doorbell pulled her out of her thoughts as she made her way to her front door with crinkled eyebrows and a scrunched nose. A small smile curled at his lips as she pulled the door open but fell just as quickly as it came.

“No,” she said blankly, rolling her eyes and shutting the door before leaning against it. Eliezer smirked. If that was how she acted around him now, he couldn’t wait to see how she’d act when she found out he paid her loft’s rent for the next month.

A faint knock-knock sounded seconds later and she bit her lip, turning around again.

What?” She snarled, still in her usual soft tone when she practically yanked the door open and he almost laughed… because he, well, he was an asshole like that and loved seeing her cheeks bloom red with anger.

“Eliezer,” she gasped softly despite her anger as he reached out and brushed his thumb over her soft lips and he chuckled faintly.

“Did you even check the peephole, sweetheart?” He asked with narrowed eyes and she slowly tucked her bottom lip between her teeth, shaking her head abashedly. Eliezer huffed.

“What do you want?” She willed her anger to seep back into her tone as she pulled away from his touch and glared.

“I just wanted to see you, Cassiopeia, and talk about the job-”

“That you threatened me with? I don’t think so.” She smiled that smile, the very one that had his cock stirring in his trousers—the tartly sweet smile of hers mixed with the perfect hint of innocence. Fuck, I am so beautifully fucked.

“Cass- Cassiopeia, please,” he rasped quietly when he realized she was closing the door again. “I’m sorry.” He put his palm on the door to stop her. “I finally had you and I didn’t know what to do, so I just became the demanding bastard that I usually am,” and keep hidden from you, “please, please forgive me, ange.

“Mhm, maybe,” Cassiopeia hummed, still in that teasing tone though she held the door open a bit wider and Eliezer managed a small grin. And then, they were left staring at each other.

“Eliezer, well, wh-

“How did you find me?” She finally sputtered amidst the silence.

His expression softened as he smiled sheepishly like a little boy about to be chastised. “I may have talked with Autry.” Cassiopeia’s eyes widened momentarily before flickering to the ceiling, avoiding his gaze and blushing crimson.

“Is that so?” He nodded.

“And she just… gave you my address?”

“Sort of… after she, ah…”

“After she…” A teasing lilt laced her voice. She could only imagine the groveling Autry made him do for her address.

“After shemademebegforit and prove that I was worthy of the lovely Cassiopeia.” He coughed. And made me promise to not break your heart.

“Oh,” Cassiopeia said softly, biting her lip to stifle her laughter. “Well that was very kind of her.” A small giggle escaped and his eyes narrowed as an amused smile curled his lips.

“Cassiopeia,” Eliezer called her softly, contemplating his next words. Her eyes cut to his and her brows raised in a questioning matter. “Let me see your phone, chérie.”

Though he expected to find her baffled, he was surprised to find a faint, amused smile on her face as she left him leaning against the door of her loft.